May 8, 2011

Yay Countries and Nationalities and Stuff

Me: I want to get that DNA check where they tell you what nationalities you are. Like, 20% European and stuff.
Dad: We’d be more than 20%
Me: That’s not the point. I bet there’s like, no Asian background in me… That sucks.
Dad: A lot of people are surprised by what they find out. Anyway, I’m willing to bet there would be some Asian in us, actually. Based on where Hungary is I’d say there’s a good chance there was some interbreeding between our family and-
Me: Shhh you’re talking too much. Heh, alright, how much Samoan would there be in us?
Dad: *Laughs* Oh, oh, I hope there’s plenty. 20% would do. So then I could park in wheelie places and be all “I can’t help it, I’m Samoan”
Me: Oh God, you’re just teasing Mum. That is hilarious.
Dad: I can’t help it. It’s too easy.

We aren’t trying to be mean to those of Samoan backgrounds. We're making fun of the broad generalisations my mother makes (I hope this is not in bad taste, being Mothers Day. I adore my Mum, truly. She does have some bad traits though. Like all of us, I guess). My Mum can be kind of… racist. She claims she isn’t, but she totally is. And if you see someone in a wheelie parking spot, her first reaction is to say “I bet the driver is Samoan”.

She has a tendency to say these things really, really loudly. It’s… embarrassing. At the ANZAC day parade she and my aunts were talking about how they shouldn’t have the Vietnamese marching to commemorate the Vietnam War. It’s so difficult not to snap at her. At all of them.

It angers me to no end. How… ignorant can you be?

They all seem to be annoyed at my love of Japan. I have had many hints dropped about how Asian languages are so weird and difficult or You should learn a European language so you can travel there. It’s a beautiful continent or, the greatest one of all, French is such a beautiful language, you know. We'd be so proud if you learned how to speak it.

I wonder if they’ve forgotten how I really, really don’t like the French language...

I don’t think I’ll ever understand them. Or vice versa. But that’s okay.

I love Japan. I love the sound of the language and I love their culture. A lot of it is very cutesy and child-like. Not everything, of course (there’s going to be variation everywhere you go) but Japan is a lot more child-like than anywhere else in the world. And you know, there’s anime. Win. Apparently anime was created when cartoonists in Japan were mimicking American cartoons. Like Bambi. They thought “oh, the Western countries like large eyes” and that’s how it all started. The more you know~ Their modern-day culture is like Western culture, but warped. It's so trippy. x3 I love it. Their older culture is really interesting as well, though. I like Shinto and their temples, and I love their folk tales. A lot of the tales are quite beautiful, actually. Not as beautiful as the Sakura trees. <3

What else do I love… I love Italy. For the food and the generally laid-back attitude. I’m ready for my pizza, pasta and siesta’s now, please. :3 Not to mention the art and language. Screw French, the language of love is definitely Italian. Japanese and Italian are the only two languages that make me want to melt, you know. Gah, I adore them both.

Spain isn’t my thing. It’s more of a favourite with Phantomess and Clearly Unfocused. However, I will admit that Spain has the most amazing festivals. La Tomatina FTW. Oh, and Spanish guitar. Spain is also where the siesta originated from. Whoop whoop :3 I should read up on Spain a bit more...

Awesomeness was created in Prussia (this isn’t just a Hetalia reference, btw. Even before the show, I’ve always loved it). I don’t care that it doesn’t exist anymore, Prussia will always be epic. Have you seen their flag? It’s freaking cool. The Teutonic Knights were surprisingly awesome as well.

Canada. ‘Nuff said.

I just like Greece for the history and art. And food. And laid-back-ness. And the Greek Gods. I love how human their Gods are. I think it’s brilliant. Okay, so maybe I love everything to do with Greece. Moving on.

I’ve always adored England. I was in love with it before my obsession with Japan, even. I love the flag of the UK as well… Anyway. England just is awesome. Epic at soccer/football/whatever, the head of the Punk movement and master of all epic accents. Also, it’s not just Punk; English music has always been a favourite of mine.

Perhaps this is because of my own background… but I do love Germany. I like the language. It doesn’t all sound angry. Sometimes you sound furious, sometimes it’s slightly annoyed, sometimes you just sound indifferent. See? It varies! Eheheh, jokes aside, I really do like it. I like German music. Especially hard rock. They do epic rock music. And who doesn’t like lederhosen? Oh wow, okay, so maybe my love of Germany really is just a big in-joke to me because of my heritage. Either way, it’s a fond joke. I really do love the place. :3
No one makes wurst better than Germany. I hate sausages usually. Except German ones. Oh, and they make the best gingerbread~

I guess I should add Australia to this. Let’s face it, without the whole ‘multicultural’ thing my country has going, I probably wouldn’t have cared about other countries so much. I do love our food. Hot meat pies are lovely, and I can eat my vegemite with a spoon. Lamingtons are also pretty nice. And our animals are epic.
The Koala: cuddly on the surface, pretty dangerous underneath it all.
The Platypus: weirdness personified
The Kangaroo: Boing boing boing boing *kick*
The Wombat: Zzzzzz
Kookaburra: They laugh a lot. I used to take it personally as a kid, like they were laughing at me specifically.
The Emu: These things are terrifying oh my God asdfghjkl

Australia is one of the few (only?) places in the world where we eat the animals on the Coat of Arms. Not that I know many people that have eaten kangaroo or emu, but still. They have been eaten before, obviously. And the motto on the CoA is just “AUSTRALIA”. No over the top saying, no latin or anything. Just “AUSTRALIA”.

We’re just that epic.

1 comment:

  1. I love your description of Aussie animals. Boing boing boing made me laugh. AUSSIE PRIDE!
    And.. OM NOM NOM SPAIN. I quite like every country you mentioned and yes, I do love laderhosen :)
