May 19, 2011

100 Things I Can Do

(Naturally, this will be followed up with 100 things I can't do)

1. Bend my back past 90 degrees and hold it there ^^
2. Watch nothing but anime all day and still feel accomplished
3. Eat an icecream cone without the use of my teeth (it's too cold. I break the cone with my tongue)
4. Digest supposedly non-edible substances (ie: plastic, paper, fabric, wood etc)
5. Yes, I mean digest. I have not ever found plastic or paper in my waste. Not that I've checked very thoroughly
6. Eat salt straight from the bottle. Lots of it.
7. Eat vegemite with a spoon
8. Relate any and all world news to Hetalia characters.
9. Build a split-level home on the Sims.
10. Build a (damn good) island home on the Sims.
11. Almost drive a car. Yeah.
12. Type the alphabet in under 3 seconds, according to Facebook.
13. Recite random quotes from T.S.Elliot, Winston Churchill and Douglas Adams.
14. Drink 12 cups of tea before midday and not need the bathroom until 4pm.
15. Sleep for 15 hours straight regardless of the sleep I've had before
16. Be awake for around 45 hours without falling asleep (I haven't tried to beat that yet...)
17. Drink an energy drink and not act any more energised
18. Start a 1000 word English assignment at 5am the day it's due and still get an A-
19. Start a Biology assignment 3 days before it's due and only get an A-
20. Start a Maths assignment a week before it's due and only get a B. =(
21. Recite Japanese Hiragana perfectly (not that that'll get me anywhere in Japan)
22. Get permission from teachers to hit other students (I still have permission to hit two students at this point in time)
23. Flirt with girls and not feel awkward
24. Flirt with a few guys and not feel awkward
25. There's one guy I can outright feel-up and not feel awkward
26. Feeling-up... amongst other things. Best guy-friend ever right thur
27. Wear jumpers in summer. I mean, real summer. Australian summer.
28. Memorise lyrics after hearing a song 5 times or so (depending on the song of course)
29. Take over a week to memorise the same length of school work.
30. Wear my sunglasses at night and kind-of sorta see
31. Eat nothing one day and three full meals the next, and not feel any better or worse off because of it.
32. If I try hard enough, I can bend over backwards and reach the floor.
33. If I don't try hard enough, I'll overbalance.
34. Still recall the names and episode numbers of my favourite Code Lyoko episodes.
35. Still recall the first fanfic I read and exact plot details
36. Give you a bunch of random Simpsons facts, despite not watching the show in years.
37. Tell you every song on every Radiohead album in order of tracklisting and when each album was released.
38. I could probably tell you the b-sides as well, actually.
39. Add Thom Yorke's solo album to that.
40. Play through Zelda: OoT from memory
41. Tell you every song from said game from memory.
42. Tell you about how tough I am and then lose a fight spectacularly.
43. Have the water in the shower so hot that I end up with light burns.
44. This happens almost every night in winter, actually.
45. Legit burns. Like, my skin ends up raw, red and overheated for the next couple of hours
46. Crack eight of my toes.
47. Crack what sounds like every bone in my left wrist.
48. Repeatedly.
49. Crack the bones between my hip and my thigh just by shifting my weight.
50. Continue defending myself long after realising how wrong I am.
51. Hit a guy and not worry too much about their physical health due to my actions
52. Chew around my nails until they bleed and not actually notice until I taste blood.
53. Tell people the above fact is an accomplishment to be proud of.
54. Wake up at 6am and not drink any fluids until 5pm
55. Suffer from massive headaches due to the above.
56. Walk for a few hours at a pace and not feel tired (on a flat surface)
57. Walk for 20 minutes at a pace if it's hilly.
58. Trick myself into believing that blogging is productive.
59. Bluff my way through tests if I 'forgot' to study
60. Lie, if it's something small.
61. Lie, if it's something really, really important.
62. Giggle uncontrollably if I try to lie about something in the middle of facts 60 & 61.
63. Like multiple guys at once.
64. Move on from one guy to the next over the course of a few days.
65. Or, if I'm really unlucky, end up liking the same guy for years.
66. Cross my eyes
67. Burp the alphabet. I think. I haven't tried for awhile because I always feel sick afterward.
68. Fake being sick
69. Find something sexual about everything, regardless of context. Hehe, 69.
70. Relate every statement back to 'ya mum' or 'your face'
71. Contradict both myself and the other person in an argument
72. Confuse the hell out of someone in an argument
73. Convince someone that the weather is a relevant factor in an argument.
74. I don't know if that last one is true, but I reckon I could do it.
75. Convince people I'm lesbian accidentally. I'm not, by the way.
76. Laugh in serious situations, especially if laughing would be considered offensive.
77. Not open something with my hands, but manage to pry it open with my teeth/jaw
78. Have total disregard for being on time
79. Have no concept of time in general
80. Brave any and every rollercoaster
81. Brave any and every rollercoaster just after eating (and not throw up)
82. Discuss bugs/sex/violence/gore at the dinner table and continue eating.
83. Sit in rather awkward ways for no apparent reason (it's comfortable for me, at least)
84. Curl up in similar awkward positions if it helps me retain body heat in winter
85. Sometimes I'll try to get into awkward positions for fun.
86. Sometimes I'll try to get into small spaces for fun.
87. Sometimes I'll try to climb into hard-to-reach places for fun.
88. Speak to my own limbs and not feel crazy.
89. Convince myself that the above point is okay because I do not imagine my limbs speaking back to me
90. Fall asleep without a teddy bear (though it's very lonely)
91. Watch sad movies and just feel bored
92. Watch happy movies and end up really saddened by the ending.
93. Invent stories for random members of the public.
94. Pretend each member of the public is a part of an organisation out to get me.
95. Interview myself for no apparent reason
96. Walk around the house speaking to someone despite no one actually being there.
97. Do this without needing to imagine an imaginary friend
98. Have total apathy for school and not end up failing ^^
99. Sleep on a broken bed, but struggle to sleep on a comfortable one
100. Write a list of 100 things I can do instead of sleeping like a normal person.

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