May 20, 2011

100 Things I Can't Do

1. Crack my knuckles. At least, not very well.
2. Drink milk
3. Eat too much sugar
4. Eat too much of anything. My stomach can be rather irritable
5. Smell flowers
6. Spray too much aerosol. Deodorants suck
7. Actually, I fail with my sense of smell in general. Yay hayfever
8. Stay on topic
9. Admit I'm completely wrong
10. Dance
11. Drink alcohol
12. Sing in tune
13. Sing an entire octave
14. Play guitar chords
15. Play any multiplayer game. I tend to kill my teammates. I am a solo gamer.
16. Continue a conversation without going off on a tangent
17. Continue an overly serious conversation for long
18. Continue an overly jovial conversation for too long.
19. Continue any conversation for too long. I like to mix things up quite often
20. Get organised
21. Be anything but spontaneous.
22. Figure out how to stop blogger from crashing my Firefox (I am using IE. Oh, woe is me...)
23. Get over the number '4'. Blame my Japanese studies for that.
24. Get over the number '23'. Blame my ex-boyfriend for that.
25. Get over the number '42'. Blame my father for that.
26. Get over the number '69'. Blame my friends for that.
27. Do the splits
28. Happily eat chocolate icecream.
29. Take corny, romantic situations seriously
30. Take any romance seriously. My love life is doomed~
31. Sit still. I must fidget.
32. Spell. I love my spellchecker
33. Paint
34. Draw
35. Do anything arty.
36. Remain focused when working on assignments
37. Remain focused when working on anything at all
38. Hell, I can't even remain focused when playing games O_O
39. Wake up on time
40. Go to bed on time
41. Sleep. Not easily, anyway.
42. Drink too much water. It's too sloshy and watery (duh) and ugh. It just makes me feel ill
43. Recite multiplication tables. I never actually learnt them...
44. Have cold showers
45. Wear makeup comfortably.
46. Wear makeup well.
47. Eat with chopsticks. Not yet, anyway.
48. Drive without having at least one panic attack per driving lesson
49. Facebook for hours. I used to be able to. Oh well.
50. Stand the smell of dogs. It's the only thing I hate about them.
51. Keep my own secrets (even though I am able to keep everyone elses...)
52. Fly an aeroplane :3
53. Or an airplane. Yeah they are totally different (not)
54. Roll my r's
55. Pronounce my r's properly
56. Pronounce my l's properly.
57. Actually, my tongue is pretty useless.
58. Watch normal television without feeling kinda bored.
59. Keep up my obsessions. I move from obsession-to-obsession very quickly.
60. Stop shipping everyone and everything.
61. Grow plants of any kind
62. Save cash
63. Figure out whether I'm ending these fact things with fullstops or not.
64. Remain interested in one thing for an extended period, whether that be work or free time.
65. Wear dresses comfortably
66. Wear heels comfortably
67. Speak in front of an audience
68. Run for an extended period of time
69. Eh, I can't really run at all, to be honest.
70. Write neatly. I physically can't. I have a stack of handwriting guides in my room and they never helped.
71. Stop overthinking. I overthink everything
72. Stop feeling guilty over irrelevant things. This tends to link back to the last point.
73. Remember when to use apostrophe s.
74. I can't really open up too much. I like to downplay everything that happens instead.
75. Finish the difficult ending of Cave Story
76. Afford a 3DS. That's not really a big deal, I guess...
77. Sleep on my back.
78. Sleep while listening to music
79. Play board games (I must have the most awful luck)
80. Memorise a list. At least, I can't do this very well.
81. Remember anything from Maths after each term. I need to relearn everything for each test.
82. Make these lists. I have to stop and think for ages before making a new point.
83. Stay in one tense. I'll go from present to past and back again in the one paragraph.
84. Be very imaginative. I like to repeat myself instead.
85. I can remember quotes, but I can never remember who said them
86. Maintain friendships on Animal Crossing =(
87. Continue a story. The amount of fanfics I have started and never finished is astonishing.
88. Stay in canon. I have my own headcanon when it comes to fandoms and I much prefer it.
89. See in the rain. I just end up blinking too much.
90. Rap. Lol.
91. Anything on my own. I don't have the confidence. I need my posse around me when in public.
92. Whistle
93. Defend myself. I think I have some strength behind my muscles, but when I panic I just kinda flail my arms a lot.
94. Read slowly. Don't ask me to read in class. You'll regret it.
95. Get my thoughts straight before speaking. I stutter and screw up very often.
96. Debate. I just end up yelling.
97. Dive.
98. Ignore anyone. I fail at it.
99. Eat spicy foods. Even mildly spicy
100. Stop chewing everything :3