May 26, 2011

Reading Through Old Posts

I was reading through my old blog posts. On the 22nd of August, I mentioned buying a new hat.
I still wear that hat every day, guys. Best hat ever.

I also read through a few Gorillaz posts. I haven't blogged about that band for ages. I have kind of lost track of the story line again. A quick check shows Russel and Noodle getting to Plastic Island, Russel throwing that stupid whale that's freaking 2D out so much and 2D has now made his own little album with no more than an iPad.
...Storyline wise, that's not much, really. C'mon, guys, update some more. I'm desperate here =/ (not that I'm complaining about the album. New music is always good)

Also; Hetaoni. It's been awhile since the last update. Granted, the creator is temporarily on hiatus, but... that doesn't stop me from checking the Hetalia LJ every morning, just in case 17 part 2 comes out. You can't leave us on such a cliffhanger O_O

I still believe that Holy Roman Empire will turn out to be Germany, in the end. The fact that Italy is still conscious (how else would he meet up with HRE, eh? Don't tell me they're dead and have met up again in some sort of afterlife. Come on, why would that mansion be in the afterlife? That's not cool) kinda hints at Italy still being alive... though if his heart has stopped... that doesn't really make sense... O_O I can't believe he's dead, though. No way.

England is an idiot, but maybe... if he lost his eyesight to make up for his lack of magic power, perhaps, after gaining some powers back, he'll also regain his eyesight?

Spain and Romano can't be left in the other timeline. That's... really sucky and unfair for them. Noooo Romano~ if anyone needs to get out alive, it must be him. Because I'm biased like that.

Also, Russia, what the hell are you doing I don't even- Canada the spy will figure you out. Just you want and see.

This series made me a Franada shipper. I never even liked that ship before.'s word of the day is clinquant.

clinquant \KLING-kunt\, adjective:

1. Glittering with gold or silver; tinseled.

1. Tinsel; imitation gold leaf.

Yeah, their word of the day sounds like "cling-cunt". Brilliant. ♥

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