May 21, 2011

The Weirdest Thing I Have Ever Seen

I decided to watch this anime movie tonight. It is called 'Perfect Blue' and is apparently quite similar to Black Swan. Not that I'd know, seeing as I haven't watched Black Swan, but anyway.

I'll attempt to give a synopsis. But man, it's not going to make much sense.

Mima is a pop artist. She ends up being encouraged to become an actress as there's little money in her band. This causes some controversy amongst her fans, especially with one particular stalker. You can tell by the way the camera kept zooming in on him, which was totally not foreshadowing. Nope. Definitely not. Mima's manager, Rumi, is also pretty upset by this, especially when it's revealed that Mima is going to be in this sexually-fueled murder mystery show where she gets to act out a rape scene. Mima goes ahead with it, Rumi and crazed-stalker guy (whose name is actually Me-Mania, but we'll stick with 'crazed-stalker') are annoyed and the world goes on.
Even before she acts out the rape, she ends up with angry 'traitor' faxes and finds out someone has been documenting her life online. Rumi helps her set up a computer and Mima reads the blog entries by whoever her stalker is. These entries end up being so similar to Mima's life that she becomes paranoid. Understandably.

She ends up pretty traumatised after the faux rape-scene and, I think she starts to struggle with distinguishing between imagination and reality. I'm not really sure. This is where the story line gets confusing. There are a series of murders within the industry that Mima is a part of. She starts hallucinating about herself. No, really. She talks to herself and starts to believe that this imaginary Mima is the true one. She also starts to doubt her own innocence with the murders. She seems to remember killing them... but then it appears that she dreamt that... and other times she'll get confused between the on-set murders she 'commits' as an actress and the real murders that she may or may not be a part of. At one point, a doctor explains that she is suffering from multiple personality disorder and that she has taken on the persona of her dead sister, Mima, to help deal with the trauma of her death and her own rape. (At this I was like what, that happened for real?)
Of course, it then tricks things up and makes it look like that could have been filmed for her TV show.... or was it?
No, no, I think it was. Anyway.

Her crazed-stalker attempts to rape her. For real this time. She fights him off and knocks him unconscious but, when she tries to show Rumi his body, it's gone. Later it's shown that he was killed through some other incident. Later, while in her room, she stares out the window and thinks "this isn't my room". Hallucinated Mima comes in and says "no. This is Mima's room"
But wait, in the reflection of the mirror, Mima looks strangely like Rumi wearing a Mima costume...

Later, after an epic fight and some more weirdness (including falling off a balcony, getting stabbed, fighting Rumi off, having her fall onto some glass and start bleeding massively before walking onto the road and almost getting hit by a truck) the scene cuts out and leads to a hospital. Rumi is given some flowers. Mima talks to a doctor, Rumi looks in the mirror and see's Mima. Mima heads to the car, looks in the rear-vision mirror and says 'No, I'm real' and the credits role.

I cut a lot out of that, but I think I shared enough of the confusion there.

What I've gathered is that Mima had doubts and the line between reality and her acting became blurred, but I don't think she was insane. The hallucinations were Rumi the entire time. Rumi is the one with a disorder.
Mima definitely had doubts though. There was a good half hour of epic scenes, only for her to wake up and have another epic scene, only for her to wake up again and then go through her day with more epicness, and then wake up again...
It felt like watching Inception all over again.
I think Rumi was the chessmaster behind all this. OK, I don't think it. I know it. Moving on.

This film is very confusing. Also, there is chest nudity. YAY BOOBS. (Does this make Rumi the chestmaster? *rimshot*)

Really though, I had to read wikipedia to get that much of the story line. I was very lost at the end. I needed to blog about this to get my thoughts straight. I think I get the plot now.

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