May 10, 2011

Rant #342

I love rants. By the time I've finished I am no longer angry :3 I'm currently ranting with my Hetalia Shimeji's roaming around my desktop, actually. Nothing better than getting mad while watching little chibi Japan's and Romano's climbing around my screen, Y/Y?

Here's an example of mah Shimeji's. Italy is on the ground, Japan is the one falling from the sky~

K, I always rant about my family. I'ma just say one thing; Mother Dearest, calling one of my friends an 'ignorant bitch' is not a nice way to start a conversation. It doesn't win you any points with me. In fact, it makes me rather angry and I would like for you to stop complaining about people you don't even know. Sincerely, your daughter.

Alright. Next point is at my own head. If I am told to learn, say, three words in Japanese, I'm perfectly fine. If I get a list, my brain goes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and promptly shuts down. This is really unproductive of you, self, and I wish you'd stop this stupid panicking thing you do. Kthx.

My Japan Shimeji is wearing a kimono, and when he crawls along the top of the screen, the kimono slips and shows way too much of his legs. I am so glad it doesn't slip any further.
This is quite awkward. I'm going to put him away and bring Denmark out.

K, Denmark is here in a cool hat. Much better.

D'aww he's sitting next to Romano.

Romano still looks grumpy like the little bitch he is. I absolutely adore him and his cute little angry face though.

Erm, yes, anyway. Moving right along.

Next point is aimed at teachers. I'm in more than one class. As such, I am expected (Denmark just did a flying leap to catch up with Romano who is halfway up my page. Guys that was the coolest thing ever) to do assignments and homework for all of my subjects. Not just yours. Also, I do instrumental of my own free will. Don't get all upset because I miss a lesson due to being sick. That is hardly my fault. Stop stressing out, it's not my problem that you have only a few good players so every little fault we make angers you to no end. Get over yourself. I have plenty to do. If you don't stop pushing me, I'll happily leave. I'm not following music after school. There is no reason for me to continue playing in your bands. So make this year worth my while and stop stressing me out.

Next point: People annoy me.

K, that ain't the story guize. You lot should've known that already x3

If you have a problem with me, or if I've done something... or, hell, if I haven't done something, then tell me.
I don't much like being ignored. Or well, more to the point, spoken to one moment and then totally ignored the next. I think I'm being toyed with.

Dang. My Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time OST cover(s) by Zelda Reorchestrated just finished. Dang. Guess I'll go listen to 近藤浩治's original OST's now. LoZ: Majora's Mask sounds good.

The other thing is, erm, anger management, perhaps? I don't like confrontations at the best of times. I think I hate proper arguments because of my mother, actually (I really do love her. I just hate certain things she does...). That's not the point. I just want to say that, you know, there's no need to get riled up over insignificant things. And there's no need to stoop so low as to throw overly-personal insults at each other (Romano just sat down next to Denmark of his own accord!!! Hahaha, despite your angry-face, you need friends too, don't you chibi-Romano~). The way I see it, everyone has their own demons to face right now. Everyone. So none of us need the added stress of being put down during a petty argument.

Lolol this soundtrack is the greatest thing ever. It's so twisted. Like your face. Take that. Bitch. Mmhm.


  1. Sup G,

    u mad?

    On a serious note: teachers in year 12 can be a serious pain in the arse, it's just how they roll. If someone is ignoring you, you should impersonate a chicken. If they continue ignoring you then there is clearly something wrong with them.

  2. Ugh, they really are. I never had a problem with them all until this year.

    Haha, I am totes doing that chicken thing tomorrow. xD

  3. Firstly, I love your rants. Wonderful. Also, you didn't do the chicken thing! :P

  4. Thank you :3
    Yes, well, I wasn't really ignored today (for once) and... I, um... I fail at chicken impersonations... ^^
