Mar 24, 2011

Yet Another Hetalia Post

Phantomess just wrote about CLANNAD which reminded me to write about Angel Beats! but... well, I've been obsessing over Hetalia Axis Powers for quite a bit and am in the mood to write about that instead.
Well, not just Axis Powers. I'm sure, once I get my hands on it, the dub version of Hetalia World Series will be just as good, if not better. The show improves dramatically over the first season and continues to get better throughout the second, so I've no doubts that the third and fourth seasons will be amazing.
The sub seems to be epic as well, actually. I'm more into the dub, which is amazing. I've always been a sub fanatic; Inuyasha and Hetalia are the only exceptions to this, thus far.

The comics are very entertaining (I haven't read the manga though, but I will one day), but it's not quite the same. I'm so used to the voices in the dub (funnily enough, I'm also used to the sub voices. I like both, I guess) that it seems strange reading what they say rather than hearing it. Even so, the comics were the originals (and they handle some parts better, such as when America declared independence against Britain/England. It was very emotional in the anime, but I still prefer the comic version. Not to mention that it was dragged out forever in the anime, and in a rather stupid way...) and they have their own quirks that just weren't used in the anime.

If you asked me to give you a plot synopsis, I wouldn't be able to. It's like a series of shorts based on world events. It starts off being based around World War II, mostly (from the perspective of the Axis, though the Allies get a lot of screeentime as well) but it branches off into all sorts of other things later on. And it's all over the place. There's too much to talk about really. And that's without bringing up the shipping.

It's full of HoYay (due to the cast being mostly male, though not entirely) between many bishonen characters, which naturally causes many fangirls to flock towards it.
And most of the dialogue can be interpreted in many different ways... so every character could be seen as the launcher of a thousand ships.

The characters are countries. That sounds weird. They're anthropomorphic countries, sort of. Really, really cute countries. The show has the potential to be really offensive at times, but it's nothing like, say, South Park. The jokes are played for laughs and aren't meant to be insulting.
I'll write up another post later about my favourite characters. Here's my list, in no particular order... except from most favourite to least favourite, of course.
- Japan (not just because I love the country. He's a brilliant character. You can't blame me for liking him though, as he's supposed to represent my favourite place/culture, so...)
- Switzerland
- Britain
- Germany
- Russia
- Italy
- Liechtenstein
- Sealand (hehehe)

That's not very many characters, considering how many there are in the show. It's based off of countries around the world, of course there's going to be plenty of characters...

Random fact: The word Hetalia is a portmanteau of hetare and Italia (Itaria), which means 'hopeless Italy' in Japanese. I didn't steal that from TVTropes. Of course not.

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