Mar 18, 2011

Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down on Friday♪

This song will be the death of me.

Originally I was going to make another boy-related post, namely about the generically-unattractive guys I'm into (Thom Yorke being the main one I love. I personally find him absolutely beautiful, but many would disagree with me there) but I have been reading other blogs and want to dedicate this post to some of my best friends. YAY

I was sitting is HPE/sport today. We had gym but, being lazy, we all hid in the back room with the free-weights. The whole idea was you would pretend to be using them, when really we were talking (and even when we were using them, we mostly used weights under 5kg). I managed to snag the exercise ball, so I did even less than everyone else. So it was me, MissInvisible, Tentuto Tuo, Phantomess, Clearly Unfocused and one of my non-blogging friends (who was sick and not really part of the conversation, however he still counts in this). We sung along to I'm Yours by Jason Mraz and spoke about all sorts of random stuff that, while totally irrelevant to, like, everything, was still strangely interesting to talk about. And, during one of my silent moments, I realised that these are my true friends. Not those that I occasionally talk to when there's no one else, not those who share some things with me but then go back to someone else, and not the people I go to for advice (who I do trust, of course). Not even the guy I'm fully into (though not from lack of trying, trust me). Maybe one day I will include him in this. I hope.

Surprisingly, the people in this group don't know everything about me. I've kept things from them (nothing huge, don't panic guys) and I'll often chill with other people. But these are the ones that make me smile. They're the ones that are there when things are tough. They're the ones I can sing badly in front of and not feel judged. They're the ones that are there through thick and thin. I'm sure I could talk to them about anything.
I'm here for them and I know they're there for me. Last year I often went between their group and another. They weren't the only people in my life, but they've stuck by me regardless. That's why I know they're the closest and bestest (that is totally a real word) friends I could have. Despite my indecision in choosing a group, they didn't give up on me. I guess this post is here to explain that I'll never give up on them. Not now, not ever.

There are two other people not in the group that I consider to be close friends. One of which is like the comic relief of our entire school. He's random and weird but I love him because of that, rather than in spite of it. And I'm hella comfortable with him. He's touched me in rather suss ways (accidentally, mind you) and I've never batted an eyelid. We've had many serious conversations in the past, though, and I know I can depend on him.
The other one I haven't actually gone to school with since primary school. Lainey has always hung around. I don't know why. I'd have given up on me long ago. But since grade four she's been in my life, give or take a year at the start of high school xD She's the one I can tell everything to, and I guess I pretty much have told her everything. She still hasn't sent me to a mental hospital, so she's pretty cool. Everything that has been said in this post could relate back to her, so I guess there's no reason to repeat it. At the risk of sounding really, really cheesy, I love her a lot. Pretty sure she's going to be sticking around for awhile longer, and I know for certain that I will never be leaving her for anyone else. Ever. homo ^^


  1. :3 That was such a good lesson. We totes were working out. I mean, I felt the buuuurn! xP
    I really did love just chillin, singing, and ftalking about the most random of things. That is what I love about our group (espcially the, I suppose, more inner circle of friends that were there). You can just do or say anything (and oh, we really do do and say ANYTHING), but you know at the end of the day, everyone is going to be there for you, and you'll be there for them too.
    And, of COURSE we stuck by you in your different-group-ness. We've always loved our C <3 And it's true. We'll never give up on you.
    Lucky that, because you're a hopeless case ;P Jksjks. ;D ;D

  2. Today's lesson was the best!!! Strangely, I also had a moment of 'wow, these guys are so awesome, I love them' kind of thing...
    I will always be here for youuuu!!! So long as you do the same for me bitch! Jokes... :D
    I loves you Claireeeee <3 That pretty much sums up my comment... Just feel the love :D

  3. LOL I'm surprised you never sent me to a mental hospital.


    dw you'll probably be stuck with me until I die alone in a house full of cats, unless you have me committed before then :3

  4. I was sitting here eating pizza like a pig and then my laptop is like "4 NEW COMMENTS" and I was like "WHOA!"
    Oh, I am a hopeless case. We all know that =P
    Lol bitch, why would I be there for you? ;P I kid, I kid. <3
    Lainey, how can you die alone if I'm stuck with you? I'll totes visit you and your cats. xD

  5. So long as I can teach my cats to do cool shit, like chase down burglars

  6. Awww Claire. :)
    I shall always be here for you no matter what, and I know you'd do the same. I should turn the lights on, the computer screen's really hurting my eyes. *Goes to turn the light on.*
    Back. :D
    You've accepted me in my true form (you might be thinking 'dinosaur?') but no, I am not a dinosaur. ;P Unfortunately. And I couldn't ask for more. You're a great friend and I'm glad we've become heaps closer. :)
    No homo? D: That's quite disappointing...:/ I would've totally digged you. (I know, that doesn't make sense. :P)
    Anywho, love you Clarg. :)

  7. Dude, that's cool as long as the cats don't chase me down. O_O not that I'm a burglar or anything.

    Hehe, I'd accept you whether you were a dinosaur or not Tuo =P
    I can't believe we didn't talk all that much until this year D=
    Bro, you know I'm into you, and I'd totes turn gay for you ;) You're one of the girls anyway, so that still works. =P
