Mar 21, 2011

~Keep This Scene Inside Your Head~

So the Biology test was... I don't know. In some ways, it was a lot easier than expected. A lot easier. I feel less likely to fail, at least.... though some of the questions were more than a little confusing, but hey, it's over, so there's little I can do now. Guess I'll just study for Maths... actually, no, how about I go do some cool shit like watch TV instead. Mind my French.

Ah, that's something that's bothered me for awhile. Why do we say pardon my French when someone swears? Wouldn't I have to exclaim sacrebleu before that saying could be used? (A quick Google search has told me that sacrebleu is very rarely used in France now, by the way).
Swearing in English ≠ speaking in French, guys. So WTF?
Anyway, someone asked the same question on Yahoo answers. One of the responses was "Who cares, the French hate everybody." which is lovely and totally not racist at all, but it didn't answer the question.
The general consensus is that the saying exists because the English and the French didn't really get on in the past (no one has elaborated on that, and I'm too lazy to search) and because the French are generally seen as rude. Well then.
The more you know.
That's another stupid saying. The more you know? Goddamn the English language sucks. We have the strangest idioms and phrases.

...Alright, whatever. I was going to say something vaguely insulting about my Biology teacher, but I can't think of anything now. Damn. I totally wanted to insult someone. Guess I can't now. What a pity.
I was going to write about anime or something here originally, but I've gone off on such a tangent that I really don't think I could bring my thoughts full circle.

Lainey is talking about 'secret societies' which my brain interpreted as 'cults' and I am helping her name two. Good fun. One of the names reminded me of lynchings and now I have beheadings on my mind. That's what I wanted. Totally.

Oh yeah, the title of this post is from a Placebo song. "Pierrot the Clown". It's hella good. Here, have some lyrics 'cause I'm epic like that. Is this the same Pierrot the Clown from the artworks?
I know about the art because I'm so ~cultured~
Actually I knew that from a practice QCS test. That's not quite as cool.
Omg myself, shut up.

Leave me bleeding on the bed
See you right back here tomorrow, for the next round
Keep this scene inside your head
As the bruises turn to yellow
The swelling goes down

And if you're ever around
In the city or the suburbs of this town
Be sure to come around
I'll be wallowing in sorrow, wearing a frown
Like Pierrot the Clown




    lool my mention with cults makes me sound crazy. Just so everyone knows I am not starting a cult. :3

  2. You're not starting a cult? Well, you should be.
