Mar 23, 2011

I Think I've Said This Before, But...

Some people don't know how to be good friends.
I like to think the people I'm close to won't talk about me behind my back. I also like to think that I'll be accepted by them, no matter what.

That's not always the case, obviously. But, despite how cynical I can be, I'm a bit of an idealist when it comes to relationships. I don't think a person will intentionally hurt another. Not without good reason.

But people can be cruel, of course, and it's naive to think otherwise.

Thankfully, while I have been on the receiving end of much drama, most of it isn't enough to affect me. I'm able to laugh at myself, and I don't let hurtful words get to me. That said, I react pretty strongly when someone else is insulted, especially if they were slighted because they're associated with me. That hurts, more than any insult directed at me could.
It's pretty low to bring up my friends, just because I'm close to them (in this case due to what is apparently some form of jealousy, though I'm not quite sure why any of us have deserved these insults). But then again, this entire situation was pretty low to begin with. We've both stooped to ridiculous levels to get ahead of the other, so this post is about as hypocritical as they come. So I don't have any right to bitch here.

But, I digress. I've gone off on a tangent again. This tends to happen when I rant, and I lose sight of what my original point was. Oh well.

The group of people I had considered to be my friends has grown a lot smaller over the last few months, hence why a lot of these posts have been about friendship. Bare with me guys, I'll blog about something more interesting soon. =P


  1. As I say, I'm here for ya bro. :)
    Chin up, stay strong, enjoy the good things in life while they last. :)
    Your friends will always be here for you, unless one of them decides to move to Sweden... which would like never happen since he wouldn't want to leave you behind. :P

  2. I hereby apologise for telling everyone that you fell in love with a pool flotation device.

    jk, here for you dude.

  3. Hehe, I forgive you. I am not ashamed. I love my fail whale (zomg, remember the whales?)

    Thanks guys =)
