Mar 22, 2011

This Is Why I Try Not To Think While Tired

Thanks to Hetalia, I have been thinking in a British accent all night.
I'm also thinking with a male voice, which is more than a little bit weird.

The English assignment that is due tomorrow (tomorrow technically being in 15 minutes, though I do have the morning to work on it as well) is... kind of not finished. I have 600 words, so that's not too bad, I suppose. I need 800 to reach the minimum requirements though. 200 more words, then.

^See, I can do basic maths. Who says I'm not mathematically minded? Ha.

I haven't stayed up this late in a long time. That's pretty cool.

Oh my God I'm even typing in a male voice with a British accent. What the hell brain.

It's pretty okay, though, as I rather like most of the British accents (speaking of which, I'm not quite sure which accent I'm thinking in, just that it's definitely British of some sort). I mean, I could be thinking with an American accent, which... well, actually, that wouldn't suck so much, but it's the only relatively annoying one I can think of.

Hm, what about... Scottish? I can't imagine thinking in Scottish. That'd just be absurd.

I do hope tomorrow is filled with many bludge lessons, as I'm going to be extremely tired. Even so, I can't bring myself to go to bed. I'm too awake for that, and besides, I need to finish the English assignment. I was planning on waking up early to finish it, but... what if I slept in?

It's hard to think right now. I'll think of something, and then think "hey, am I thinking with a British accent?" and then I'll think "oh, I just did it again. Oh wait, I'm still doing it" etc etc.

Is it weird that I'm not weirded out by my thoughts being in an obviously male voice? It's the voice of a rather effeminate male, but it's still definitely male.

This is bizarre. Okay, it's not really. I just wanted to use the word bizarre.

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