Mar 21, 2011

Blogging for the Third Time Today

So I have this horrible issue. See, I never start conversations on MSN. Like, ever. That's not a lie. Just a massive exaggeration.
Regardless of how exaggerated that really is, the point still stands. I don't start conversations (usually).
This shouldn't be a problem, but if no one starts a conversation within the first few hours that I'm online, I start feeling so, so lonely. MY LYFE IS SO DEPRESSING.

And then I start blogging out of boredom. (Yes Lainey, I know you're talking to me so I have no reason to be lonely. Shut up)

Just thought I'd share, because it is the stupidest thing ever (and I do like sharing stupid things). I believe the reasoning behind this is that I don't know what to say. Just being all "hey sup" feels awkward to me O_O So I let someone else go through that awkwardness first. Win.

Aaaanyway, gonna go watch Hetalia Axis Powers now. It's probably the only show where you get to ship countries together. ItalyxGermany ftw.
Edit: The BST between America and Britain is so obvious. :3

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you blogged for the third time today as I really wanted to read a blog post :D Hetalia!
