Mar 31, 2011

Quizzes Yay

I know I've already got two of these in the 'About Me' page, but whatever.
Totes stole this from Phantomess

Name as it appears on your birth certificate? I'll give you a hint. It's not Gojo.
Nicknames? Well, Gojo is what I call myself... One of my close friends calls me 'Cl' but other than that, I don't really have a nickname.
Siblings? I do has a younger sister
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? Seventeen.
Date that you regularly blow them out? 20th of January
Pets? 3 goldfish and 2 budgies. The birds don't like me much, though. We have two bush turkeys that live in the backyard, among other things, but they aren't really 'pets'.
Height? Um... the last height I put into the Wii Fit was 162cm. Dunno if that's correct or not.
Eye color? Brown. What shade they are depends entirely on the lighting, it seems.
Hair color? Also brown. Tends to change between dark and light brown rather frequently. In another 5 years it'll be different to what it is now.
Piercings? Just ears. I'm wanting a nose piercing at the end of this year =)
Tattoos? Haha, no.
How much do you love your job? I kind of want a job. Don't have one, though.
Birthplace? Australia
Hometown? Australia
Current residence? Believe it or not, Australia.
College attended, degree? Currently in high school.
What kind of car do you drive? 2-door Mitsubishi Lancer. It's not technically mine, but everyone calls it my car anyway.

Croutons or bacon bits? Depends.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke, definitely
Sprite or 7UP? Sprite
Coffee or ice cream? Icecream, though I dislike both.
Coffee, tea, or decaf? Neither
Milk chocolate or dark? Um, neither. I prefer milk to dark though.
Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn? Buttered and salted ^^
Red or white wine? Er, neither
Gold or silver? Silver
Two or four doors? Um... two.
Bridges or tunnels? Tunnels
Beach, city, or country? City.
Summer or winter? Winter ftw
Storms: Cool or scary? Cool.
Roller coaster: Scary or exciting? Exciting
Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn? Erm, the former, because I don't really know who the latter is. Is that sad?
Beatles or Stones? Beatles <3 Paul McCartney is amazing
Blanket or stuffed animal? Both. Lol.
One pillow or two? Two. Currently there's four on my bed, but you know.
Adidas, Nike, or Reebok? Er, volleys. Yeah. xD
Mac, PC, or Unix? PC. I've used Unix many times though.

Salad dressing? None.
Salad? Er... a good one? I dunno.
Pizza topping? Meat. Lots of meat
Foods? Seafood~
Sandwich filling? Vegemite.
Dessert? Er, none? =3
Type of ice cream? Any sorbet is good
Restaurant? Japanese or Italian.
Fast food place? Hm... Subway...
Drink, non-alcoholic? Coca Cola
Drink, alcoholic? None.
Color of socks? Eh, my usual socks (other than school ones) are all blacks and grays, mostly
Shampoo or conditioner? Um, both?
Place to be kissed? Does it really matter where?
Holiday? Japan, Italy, the UK... those three places would be best.
Color? Green was always my favourite colour as a kid. These days... most of my stuff is black, so... I guess that's my favourite colour then... How depressing.
Car? I... don't really have a preference. They're all the same to me.
Day of the week? Eh. Thursday and Friday.
Band/Artist? Radiohead.
Book? I don't really have a favourite. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is always epic. I'm currently into Catch 22 which is the funniest thing I've ever read. And perhaps the weirdest.
Magazine? Eh.
Movie? None, I find movies to be kinda... dull... Well, I'll always have a soft spot for The Lion King.
TV show? Hm. Inuyasha, perhaps? The Big Bang Theory would be my favourite non-anime. Everything after that... yeah, it's all anime... sometimes cartoons.
TV character? Well, currently Arthur Kirkland/England from Hetalia. I do adore Matt from Death Note as well, though... And who can go past the tenth Doctor in Doctor Who? What about Sheldon from TBBT? Mmm, I love them all.
Disney character? Er... Simba? Yeah, let's go with that. (Wasn't Simba ripped off of Kimba, anyway? So perhaps Simba shouldn't be considered a Disney character... Now I'm thinking too much into this)
Warner Bros. character? Taz ^^
Sesame Street character? Grover!
Word or phrase? Right now I keep saying bollocks. Eheheh. I don't know if I have a favourite word or phrase.
Flower? None.
Sport to watch? Haha none.
Board game? Eh...
Website? Dunno. TVTropes, probably. I often lurk around Livejournal, though.
Least favorite thing? Thing.. um... tch, I don't know.
Least favorite subject? In school? Maths is pretty boring. I'm finding Drama to be dull as well.

My Newfound Love For Drama CD's

Well, drama CD's and image songs, really. I never bothered with them in the past, no matter how much I liked an anime. My current obsession with Hetalia has kind of driven me to this, though. There aren't nearly enough episodes or webcomics to satiate my thirst for this series, unfortunately, and while some of the fanfiction is great, it's just not the same.
So I decided to go look up any official media I could. Turns out there's quite a few extras for Hetalia, which is good. Extra stuff is always good. Most of the image songs are just fun to listen to, though they can give you some epic alternate interpretations of the characters. Germany's song Einsamkeit is depressing and very different from Germany's actual personality, and China's image song... well, I never liked China. But his song Aiyaa, Yonsennen is so, so sad. I hadn't looked up the lyrics when I first heard it... all I knew was that the vocals were extremely emotional and that the melody itself almost brought me to tears. The second half of the track is heart-wrenching.
And then you look up the lyrics.
Oh God, the lyrics. It doesn't go into depth about Japan's betrayal. It just explains the love and adoration China still has for Japan, despite the hurt that he left behind. And the spoken paragraph at the end is so heartbreaking, regardless of whether you've read the English translation or not. As I said, this is a song about a character I don't even like, yet I was driven to tears. Maybe I'm just overly emotional, but trust me when I say that it's been a long time since I last felt that way over a song.

...anyway, that wasn't the point I was trying to make. Back on topic!
I kind of maybe downloaded the drama CD's because I can't get enough of Arthur's/England's voice. In the dub he has an overly attractive British accent (naturally) which automatically endears him to me (Have I ever mentioned how much I love British slang? Because I really, really love British slang). However, after listening to his image songs, I realised that the original Japanese voice actor was just as amazing if not more so. I mean, I don't think he has an accent or anything cool like that (and if he did, I'm certainly unable to detect it), but the VA doesn't need one. He's just... amazing. Noriaki Sugiyama voices him, and seriously, he's epic. I can't believe I'd never noticed before. I mean, he voiced Rivalz in Code Geass, and I certainly didn't notice then...
Anyway, I downloaded the drama CD's so I could fangirl over his voice. And I was not disappointed. Being a drama CD, you need to put a lot of emotion into your acting to get the point across, seeing as there's no images to go with it. Noriaki does an amazing job. A seriously amazing job. His voice is like... there are no words to describe how easily he can portray a character's emotions. I'm in love with his voice~

Wait, wait, bollocks, that wasn't supposed to be the point of this post, either. Ahem.

I'm very into drama CD's, and not just because of the hot VA's that may or may not be voicing them. A drama CD is exactly what it sounds like; a CD (well, a track. On a CD. You get the idea) that features a ~dramatic~ scene depicted entirely with vocals alone. There's no image, obviously. There are sound effects though. It's like the shows that used to air on radio's before the television was created. They aren't usually a part of the main plot (though they can be), instead they're mostly just side stories for those who are bothered to look them up. And, at least in the case of Hetalia, they can be better than the show itself. As I said earlier, you need to overdo everything to get your point across, and that's where the VA's truly shine. That's kinda why I love them at the moment. It's all very raw sounding and has the ability to draw you in even without a visual aid. Hell, not having the visual aid makes it better as you're able to let your imagination run wild.

I'm rather enjoying them, actually. I wish western television companies would create things like this.

Random: I find it very amusing that listening to England's drama thing took up as much time as three episodes of the anime would have. x)

More random: England is now my favourite character. Like, ever. Screw all my previous loves (yes, including Hinata from Angel Beats! and Inuyasha from Inuyasha (obviously) and... yes, even Matt, bloody Matt from Death Note), this guy is where it's at.

Mar 28, 2011

So. Damn. Tired.

I have been telling myself I'll go to bed for the last three hours. But I just can't. Fanfiction and the internet in general is consuming any semblance of rationality, and staying awake until tomorrow (well, today) suddenly seems like a really good idea.
I'll regret this later. For the moment, though, I just can't bring myself to care.

Discovering my new OTP (it's been awhile, so it's nice to get into the 'shipping side of things once again) so late at night was not in my best interests. Oh well. I'll go to bed in a few hours time (hopefully before five so I don't have to explain myself to Dad when he wakes up).

See you all in the morning. Or quite possibly the afternoon. I don't think I'll rise until after midday tomorrow, that's for sure.

Ah, the holidays. How I missed you.

Mar 24, 2011

Yet Another Hetalia Post

Phantomess just wrote about CLANNAD which reminded me to write about Angel Beats! but... well, I've been obsessing over Hetalia Axis Powers for quite a bit and am in the mood to write about that instead.
Well, not just Axis Powers. I'm sure, once I get my hands on it, the dub version of Hetalia World Series will be just as good, if not better. The show improves dramatically over the first season and continues to get better throughout the second, so I've no doubts that the third and fourth seasons will be amazing.
The sub seems to be epic as well, actually. I'm more into the dub, which is amazing. I've always been a sub fanatic; Inuyasha and Hetalia are the only exceptions to this, thus far.

The comics are very entertaining (I haven't read the manga though, but I will one day), but it's not quite the same. I'm so used to the voices in the dub (funnily enough, I'm also used to the sub voices. I like both, I guess) that it seems strange reading what they say rather than hearing it. Even so, the comics were the originals (and they handle some parts better, such as when America declared independence against Britain/England. It was very emotional in the anime, but I still prefer the comic version. Not to mention that it was dragged out forever in the anime, and in a rather stupid way...) and they have their own quirks that just weren't used in the anime.

If you asked me to give you a plot synopsis, I wouldn't be able to. It's like a series of shorts based on world events. It starts off being based around World War II, mostly (from the perspective of the Axis, though the Allies get a lot of screeentime as well) but it branches off into all sorts of other things later on. And it's all over the place. There's too much to talk about really. And that's without bringing up the shipping.

It's full of HoYay (due to the cast being mostly male, though not entirely) between many bishonen characters, which naturally causes many fangirls to flock towards it.
And most of the dialogue can be interpreted in many different ways... so every character could be seen as the launcher of a thousand ships.

The characters are countries. That sounds weird. They're anthropomorphic countries, sort of. Really, really cute countries. The show has the potential to be really offensive at times, but it's nothing like, say, South Park. The jokes are played for laughs and aren't meant to be insulting.
I'll write up another post later about my favourite characters. Here's my list, in no particular order... except from most favourite to least favourite, of course.
- Japan (not just because I love the country. He's a brilliant character. You can't blame me for liking him though, as he's supposed to represent my favourite place/culture, so...)
- Switzerland
- Britain
- Germany
- Russia
- Italy
- Liechtenstein
- Sealand (hehehe)

That's not very many characters, considering how many there are in the show. It's based off of countries around the world, of course there's going to be plenty of characters...

Random fact: The word Hetalia is a portmanteau of hetare and Italia (Itaria), which means 'hopeless Italy' in Japanese. I didn't steal that from TVTropes. Of course not.

Blogspot Has Been Partially Blocked At School

I can still access the dashboard and I can make posts, but I can no longer read any blogs nor can I check my comments. Phantomess is profoundly outraged by this, and I most certainly agree with her.
We've been using Blogspot for... I don't know, a few weeks.
I've been using TVTropes for almost an entire year. It hasn't been blocked even though I am often avoiding school work by reading about my favourite shows during class... I'm not complaining, obviously, I just think it's odd that Blogspot was blocked first.

I'm listening to the Hetalia Axis Powers OST. Germany's theme is playing. It's very war-esque and doesn't really match with shool.
Oh nevermind, Japan's theme is on now. It suits a little better than Germany's theme does. Very relaxing, which is always good when you're doing very little (much like I am now).

I'm going to go do random reasearch on Japan because that's what all cool kids do during class.

Mar 23, 2011

I Think I've Said This Before, But...

Some people don't know how to be good friends.
I like to think the people I'm close to won't talk about me behind my back. I also like to think that I'll be accepted by them, no matter what.

That's not always the case, obviously. But, despite how cynical I can be, I'm a bit of an idealist when it comes to relationships. I don't think a person will intentionally hurt another. Not without good reason.

But people can be cruel, of course, and it's naive to think otherwise.

Thankfully, while I have been on the receiving end of much drama, most of it isn't enough to affect me. I'm able to laugh at myself, and I don't let hurtful words get to me. That said, I react pretty strongly when someone else is insulted, especially if they were slighted because they're associated with me. That hurts, more than any insult directed at me could.
It's pretty low to bring up my friends, just because I'm close to them (in this case due to what is apparently some form of jealousy, though I'm not quite sure why any of us have deserved these insults). But then again, this entire situation was pretty low to begin with. We've both stooped to ridiculous levels to get ahead of the other, so this post is about as hypocritical as they come. So I don't have any right to bitch here.

But, I digress. I've gone off on a tangent again. This tends to happen when I rant, and I lose sight of what my original point was. Oh well.

The group of people I had considered to be my friends has grown a lot smaller over the last few months, hence why a lot of these posts have been about friendship. Bare with me guys, I'll blog about something more interesting soon. =P

Totes Working

I am sitting in class, bored out of my mind. We are supposed to be working, but who wants to do that during the last week? Anything we do now will not count to our grades anyway. So I'm watching Hetalia Axis Powers while pretending to work. I haven't been caught yet ^^
I'm extremely bored.
There's something about being forced to work that drains any energy I may have had. If I choose to do something, I'll be very productive. If I'm forced to work, I become a very, very bad (good?) procrastinator.

There's no spell check on here. Here's hoping my spelling is alright, then.

Alright, I'm going to be somewhat productive. I've loaded up TextFugu and am going to study Japanese. I mean, it's not school work, but it's still work, right?

Mar 22, 2011

This Is Why I Try Not To Think While Tired

Thanks to Hetalia, I have been thinking in a British accent all night.
I'm also thinking with a male voice, which is more than a little bit weird.

The English assignment that is due tomorrow (tomorrow technically being in 15 minutes, though I do have the morning to work on it as well) is... kind of not finished. I have 600 words, so that's not too bad, I suppose. I need 800 to reach the minimum requirements though. 200 more words, then.

^See, I can do basic maths. Who says I'm not mathematically minded? Ha.

I haven't stayed up this late in a long time. That's pretty cool.

Oh my God I'm even typing in a male voice with a British accent. What the hell brain.

It's pretty okay, though, as I rather like most of the British accents (speaking of which, I'm not quite sure which accent I'm thinking in, just that it's definitely British of some sort). I mean, I could be thinking with an American accent, which... well, actually, that wouldn't suck so much, but it's the only relatively annoying one I can think of.

Hm, what about... Scottish? I can't imagine thinking in Scottish. That'd just be absurd.

I do hope tomorrow is filled with many bludge lessons, as I'm going to be extremely tired. Even so, I can't bring myself to go to bed. I'm too awake for that, and besides, I need to finish the English assignment. I was planning on waking up early to finish it, but... what if I slept in?

It's hard to think right now. I'll think of something, and then think "hey, am I thinking with a British accent?" and then I'll think "oh, I just did it again. Oh wait, I'm still doing it" etc etc.

Is it weird that I'm not weirded out by my thoughts being in an obviously male voice? It's the voice of a rather effeminate male, but it's still definitely male.

This is bizarre. Okay, it's not really. I just wanted to use the word bizarre.

I Think I Just Failed Maths

Maths A, even. Which is sort of like 'Idiots Math'. Well, no, not quite, but you get the picture.
It sucks because as we worked through the test, I recognised the questions. I knew them, but I just couldn't recall how to solve them. A lot of it was simple logic, but I couldn't figure it out. Maths has always been my weakest subject. My brain just doesn't work that way.

I'm glad it's over now, though. I get to do my English assignment (I'd rather not, but I don't really have a choice) and my Drama assignment (even worse. I hate the written tasks in Drama because they never make much sense) and then I finally get to chillbang (not literally bang) for the rest of the afternoon. Hell, the rest of the bloody week, even. Brilliant!
Except Extension English of course. That subject always manages to ruin my week. Well, it's not that bad, seeing as I never actually do anything, but it still sucks having to stay late after school.

Hetalia Axis Powers is surprisingly sad. I'm amazed at how heartbreaking some of it is D= Like poor Italy who just can't catch a break, and Germany who totally has a thing for Italy but would never admit it (not to mention that, back when he was the Holy Roman Empire [spoiler alert, rofl] he actually did confess his love for baby Italy. Not that he remembers that now) and then there's China who raised Japan only for Japan to completely backstab him. And wtf is going on between Britain and America?
The scene in the movie, where Germany is like, dying, and he uses his final breath to tell Italy to smile... It's tragic!
It's usually such a hilarious, lighthearted show, but there are times where it really tugs at the heartstrings.

Mar 21, 2011

Blogging for the Third Time Today

So I have this horrible issue. See, I never start conversations on MSN. Like, ever. That's not a lie. Just a massive exaggeration.
Regardless of how exaggerated that really is, the point still stands. I don't start conversations (usually).
This shouldn't be a problem, but if no one starts a conversation within the first few hours that I'm online, I start feeling so, so lonely. MY LYFE IS SO DEPRESSING.

And then I start blogging out of boredom. (Yes Lainey, I know you're talking to me so I have no reason to be lonely. Shut up)

Just thought I'd share, because it is the stupidest thing ever (and I do like sharing stupid things). I believe the reasoning behind this is that I don't know what to say. Just being all "hey sup" feels awkward to me O_O So I let someone else go through that awkwardness first. Win.

Aaaanyway, gonna go watch Hetalia Axis Powers now. It's probably the only show where you get to ship countries together. ItalyxGermany ftw.
Edit: The BST between America and Britain is so obvious. :3

~Keep This Scene Inside Your Head~

So the Biology test was... I don't know. In some ways, it was a lot easier than expected. A lot easier. I feel less likely to fail, at least.... though some of the questions were more than a little confusing, but hey, it's over, so there's little I can do now. Guess I'll just study for Maths... actually, no, how about I go do some cool shit like watch TV instead. Mind my French.

Ah, that's something that's bothered me for awhile. Why do we say pardon my French when someone swears? Wouldn't I have to exclaim sacrebleu before that saying could be used? (A quick Google search has told me that sacrebleu is very rarely used in France now, by the way).
Swearing in English ≠ speaking in French, guys. So WTF?
Anyway, someone asked the same question on Yahoo answers. One of the responses was "Who cares, the French hate everybody." which is lovely and totally not racist at all, but it didn't answer the question.
The general consensus is that the saying exists because the English and the French didn't really get on in the past (no one has elaborated on that, and I'm too lazy to search) and because the French are generally seen as rude. Well then.
The more you know.
That's another stupid saying. The more you know? Goddamn the English language sucks. We have the strangest idioms and phrases.

...Alright, whatever. I was going to say something vaguely insulting about my Biology teacher, but I can't think of anything now. Damn. I totally wanted to insult someone. Guess I can't now. What a pity.
I was going to write about anime or something here originally, but I've gone off on such a tangent that I really don't think I could bring my thoughts full circle.

Lainey is talking about 'secret societies' which my brain interpreted as 'cults' and I am helping her name two. Good fun. One of the names reminded me of lynchings and now I have beheadings on my mind. That's what I wanted. Totally.

Oh yeah, the title of this post is from a Placebo song. "Pierrot the Clown". It's hella good. Here, have some lyrics 'cause I'm epic like that. Is this the same Pierrot the Clown from the artworks?
I know about the art because I'm so ~cultured~
Actually I knew that from a practice QCS test. That's not quite as cool.
Omg myself, shut up.

Leave me bleeding on the bed
See you right back here tomorrow, for the next round
Keep this scene inside your head
As the bruises turn to yellow
The swelling goes down

And if you're ever around
In the city or the suburbs of this town
Be sure to come around
I'll be wallowing in sorrow, wearing a frown
Like Pierrot the Clown

Kill Me Now.

Oh wait, don't kill me, I haven't finished Pokemon Black yet.

I should be doing some last minute study for the Biology test today. But I'm not. That'd involve, you know, effort and stuff. I don't have the motivation to study. I'd rather just go to bed.
Speaking of bed (wow, what a way to start a sentence) I was watching Code Geass at 5 am this morning. It's hard to comfortably watch a handheld while lying down. Anyway, I'm not sure what to think of this show. It's somewhere between good and so-over-the-top-it's-just-plain-narm. Maybe it's both. Any facial expression other than 'neutral' usually looks unintentionally funny... or hilarious, in Lelouch's case. Except Euphie. I haven't giggled at her yet.
And look, the Japanese pronunciation of English words worked in Angel Beats!. It made the show more endearing. In Code Geass? Not so much.

...Ah, before I forget, I must make a post about Angel Beats! tonight. Or tomorrow. Maybe on Wednesday. Whatever. I will make a post. It's one of my favourite anime's so why not? It's only just behind Inuyasha, and Inuyasha is right up there on my list.

I should finish Inuyasha at some point. And Elfen Lied. And Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. And Lain. Alright, maybe not Lain. That show was weird.

Mar 20, 2011

Vocaloid's ftw

Because the only thing better than pop music is completely manufactured pop music.
Everything about the vocalist, including her voice, was created by a computer. ily Japan

My Top Five Fashion Styles (Warning: Image heavy post.)

I'm not big on fashion. In fact, I do believe I'm the worst person to go to if you're after fashion advice. Generally, I wear extremely casual clothing regardless of where I'm going.
However, if I
did have some cash, these are the styles I'd totally invest in. I'd get some weird looks, but that's fine. People look at me oddly anyway =)
Countdown time!

5. Brechtian Punk Cabaret (ie: some sort of fusion between punk, dark cabaret, vaudeville and something I'm not able to put my finger on)
No, I'm not necessarily talking scantily clad,
Chicago styled cabaret (though corsets are very attractive). I do love top hats, long gloves, over-the-top black lace and stockings, though. I tend to prefer the male attire more than anything. I love my tailcoats.
It's kinda hard to describe the style I'd wear. Think
The Dresden Dolls or the outfits Panic! At The Disco wore during the live concerts from their first album.
Actually, just think
The Dresden Dolls. Amanda Palmer is the one who coined the term 'Brechtian punk cabaret' which sounds a lot cooler than any name I could think of.

4. There was something for place 4, but I forgot. I think it was something to do with boots and belts and industrial-ish based clothing, but I cannot think of what it was now. Oh well.

3. Lolita

Not to be confused with the book which is about some paedophillic relationship.
Lolita fashion originates from Japan and is mostly based off of clothing from the Victorian era. 'The Lolita look consists primarily of a knee length skirt or dress, headdress, blouse, petticoat, knee high socks or stockings and rocking horse or high heel/platform shoes, though other kinds of shoes are also incorporated' (totes stole that from Wikipedia). There are subgroups of Lolita.
Sweet Lolita, which is more childlike and is often in pastel colours (like in the image on the right). Strangely enough, you'll also find a lot of food items printed on the skirts, like cakes and fruits. Then there's Punk Lolita, which is (obviously) a mix of Lolita and punk. You'll get a lot of plaids, ties, chains and crazy (read: awesome) hairstyles. Classic Lolita is supposed to be in the middle of the sweet and gothic styles, and is usually more sophisticated. Or something. I don't know, it sounds boring to me.
Gothic Lolita is Lolita clothing that (gasp) is also mixed with some gothic styles. Dark colours, defined eyes and religious symbols are commonly used. It seems to be influenced by some Visual Kei styles, which is pretty epic. If you have time, click here to view this DeviantArt page. There are some amazing photos there

2. Steampunk
I love me some steampunk. This also links back to the Victorian era somewhat. From when, you know, steam power was prevalent. In both steampunk art and fashion, you'll find gears being used a lot. For those of you who love your musicals, think of the Wicked set. It screamed of steampunk. I suck at describing. It's just... lots of metal, leather, gears, and goggles, for some reason. Goggles are a strangely important part of this, even if you can't possibly see out of them due to the lenses being covered by the various gears used.
Ah, the video for The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco fits into this style quite well.

1. Visual Kei
(Uhm, this image is more punk than anything, but... she's hot. So like... whatever.)
So, this is my favourite clothing style. Kei translates to 'style', so it's literally called 'visual style'. This one also comes from Japan and is mostly associated with J-Rock. Basically, it's like scene, but much better. Elaborate everything. Elaborate hair styles, elaborate clothing, elaborate make up, just... over-the-top. Primarily black with fluro highlights and with lots of seemingly random influences. You'll get elements of punk and goth especially. Oh, and it's often not symmetrical. At all.
The people wearing visual kei tend to be rather... erm, androgynous. It's not unusual to see someone in said attire and be rather confused about their gender... there's nothing wrong with that, though.

Here, have a video of my favourite visual kei rock band. It's not their best song, but this video should give you an idea of what visual kei looks like. Sort of.

Mar 19, 2011


I now have Pokemon Black. I decided to document everything that has happened thus far, like a diary. =3
I totally ship myself with Cheren, though I think he and Bianca have a thing. =(


I have two best friends, apparently. Cheren and Bianca. They are like polar opposites; She is over the top, impolite and surprisingly simple. He is more resigned, uses larger words and actually knows stuff. I like him quite a lot. Bianca..? Yeah, not so much. I could do without her.

Today, we get to pick our first Pokémon. WE SO EXCITED

Professor Juniper had kindly delivered the Pokemon to my house, and Bianca announced that I get first pick for that reason alone.

~Gotta make my mind up, which ‘mon should I take?~

It wasn’t hard to pick, actually. I’ve known for awhile that the water started would be my choice. I almost always do pick water, and this time around has been no exception. My choice is Oshawott, the saddest, most adorable otter you will ever see. He’s not the most popular character, but I think he suits me perfectly. I have already fallen in love with him.

Bianca picked next. Cheren was, at first, rather annoyed, but he let it slide as she left his favourite for last, anyway. The more Cheren speaks, the more I like him. Everything Bianca says annoys me. Bianca asked me to a Pokémon battle almost immediately after she picked Tepig. Cheren told her that it’s a bad idea, seeing as we’d be battling in my bedroom, but she brushed him off and told us that it’ll be fine, because “these little ones are weak”.

What a bitch. My baby is not weak. Just inexperienced. Her lack of faith in her Pokémon is depressing. As expected, Oshawott absolutely owned her Tepig. I think that’s because, unlike her, I believe in my Pokémon. Ha.

Once we’d returned our Pokémon to their Poké Balls, I finally looked around my room. Oh my God, it was completely ruined. Cheren got angry at her… sort of. I’m not sure if he was defending me or just being upset because he wants to fight with her. BST, much? I soon decided that he didn’t truly care about my room and was just giving Bianca some attention, because he offered to fight me next. I could hardly say no; my room was already completely trashed, anyway.

Cheren’s Snivy is much faster, but Oshawott came out on top once again and is officially on Lv. 6. Not bad, not bad.

Cheren left so he could apologise to my mum for destroying my room, and Bianca followed afterwards. I definitely prefer Cheren. In fact, I rather like him. It’s sad that there seems to be some BST between him and Bianca. I’d totes date him.

A quick look around showed that my Wii was perfectly alright. Hell, it wasn’t even scratched. There were foot prints on the walls, though I’m not sure how they got there. My PC was also alright and the TV proved to be okay as well. Gotta love indestructible electronics.

I walked downstairs after this. Cheren was talking to my mum.

Cheren: I’m very sorry about all the trouble, ma’am

Me: omg he said ma’am. Southern accent, perhaps? Omg I love southern accents.

Bianca: Um… We can help clean up

Me: Bitch, whatever

Mum offered to clean my room for me (I like my mother already!) and I grabbed my cross-transceiver from her. I’m… not sure what that is yet, but I guess I’ll find out [EDIT: duh, it's a phone. I fail at lyfe guize]. I checked the trash can before I left, but there was nothing in it. Damn.

I checked the sign outside. I live in ‘Nuvema Town’. Cool, cool. It’s Autumn, so the flora are in subdued shades of green and brown. Autumn and winter are, of course, my favourite seasons, so I’m glad I get to start in one of them.

I went to Bianca’s house to find her Dad screaming “No, no, a thousand times no!” O_O

Bianca noticed I was there and told me “it’s fine, I’ll meet you outside the lab, OK?” and left. Oh dear. Her Dad then told me that she knows nothing about the world, so she couldn’t possibly go on a journey.

What is this? Ten year olds have been going on Pokémon journeys for years. I’m pretty sure Bianca is much older than ten as well. Huh. Well, Bianca’s mother was understanding at least. Not that I care about Bianca or anything.

Their trash can was also empty, so I left and travelled to Cheren’s house.

Cheren’s Dad is awesome. Just sayin’. He was kind and friendly, so I assume I’ve been to their place quite often. Their house was neat, and Cheren’s bedroom was full of books. Like some sort of mini-library. He actually has what looks like a reading corner. I love this kid.

Their trash cans were empty as well. No freebies here.

Once we met Professor Juniper, she asked if I’d liked to nickname my Pokémon. Normally I would, but I need to get used to their actual names, so I decided not to.

Bianca didn’t know what a Pokédex was, so we had to sit through a boring explanation. Damn. After that she said we should complete the Pokédex. Awesome. That’s totally different from all the other Pokemon titles.

Before leaving, I checked the trash can. Nothing. What is wrong with these people?

My mother was waiting for us outside.

Mum: She asked you to complete the Pokédex? Wow! I can’t believe it. Well, actually I can, I already knew she was going to ask.

I really do like my mother.

We did this dorky thing, right. Bianca said “we should take our first steps into the world together!” so we all stood in a line as we left Nuvema Town. I got to stand in the middle because I am special. We took our first steps at the same time ^^

The Professor showed us how to catch Pokémon. When she finished, she turned toward us. Across the screen leaves were soaring through a gust of wind, perhaps symbolising our own travels that were soon to come. We were given some Poké Balls as a gift and were then told to leave for Accumula Town. Cheren told me that Pokémon would jump out in tall grass, to be careful, and that he would meet me in Accumula Town. Ha Bianca, you ain’t getting’ none of this, he’s mine I tell you. I don’t see him saying bye to you.

She said she was looking forward to shopping for Poké Balls. Yay. Shopping. She annoys me so much. She challenged us to see who could catch the most Pokémon.

And then they left together. I guess that’s why he didn’t say bye to her. They were leaving me behind. Damn. It hurts, but I guess they do seem to like each other. I’ll live. Oshawott and I don’t need those bitches. This would be our journey and no boy would stop us from being the greatest team. I AM STRONG. I AM WOMAN. ETC.

Mar 18, 2011

Party and Party and YEAH!

So, in celebration of Rebecca Black's NEWEST HIT SINGLE, I have decided to post my favourite images relating to both the song and the video clip. ~Fun fun fun fun~
Many of these pics are here courtesy of Lainey. Whoop whoop.

Aaand we're done here.

Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down on Friday♪

This song will be the death of me.

Originally I was going to make another boy-related post, namely about the generically-unattractive guys I'm into (Thom Yorke being the main one I love. I personally find him absolutely beautiful, but many would disagree with me there) but I have been reading other blogs and want to dedicate this post to some of my best friends. YAY

I was sitting is HPE/sport today. We had gym but, being lazy, we all hid in the back room with the free-weights. The whole idea was you would pretend to be using them, when really we were talking (and even when we were using them, we mostly used weights under 5kg). I managed to snag the exercise ball, so I did even less than everyone else. So it was me, MissInvisible, Tentuto Tuo, Phantomess, Clearly Unfocused and one of my non-blogging friends (who was sick and not really part of the conversation, however he still counts in this). We sung along to I'm Yours by Jason Mraz and spoke about all sorts of random stuff that, while totally irrelevant to, like, everything, was still strangely interesting to talk about. And, during one of my silent moments, I realised that these are my true friends. Not those that I occasionally talk to when there's no one else, not those who share some things with me but then go back to someone else, and not the people I go to for advice (who I do trust, of course). Not even the guy I'm fully into (though not from lack of trying, trust me). Maybe one day I will include him in this. I hope.

Surprisingly, the people in this group don't know everything about me. I've kept things from them (nothing huge, don't panic guys) and I'll often chill with other people. But these are the ones that make me smile. They're the ones that are there when things are tough. They're the ones I can sing badly in front of and not feel judged. They're the ones that are there through thick and thin. I'm sure I could talk to them about anything.
I'm here for them and I know they're there for me. Last year I often went between their group and another. They weren't the only people in my life, but they've stuck by me regardless. That's why I know they're the closest and bestest (that is totally a real word) friends I could have. Despite my indecision in choosing a group, they didn't give up on me. I guess this post is here to explain that I'll never give up on them. Not now, not ever.

There are two other people not in the group that I consider to be close friends. One of which is like the comic relief of our entire school. He's random and weird but I love him because of that, rather than in spite of it. And I'm hella comfortable with him. He's touched me in rather suss ways (accidentally, mind you) and I've never batted an eyelid. We've had many serious conversations in the past, though, and I know I can depend on him.
The other one I haven't actually gone to school with since primary school. Lainey has always hung around. I don't know why. I'd have given up on me long ago. But since grade four she's been in my life, give or take a year at the start of high school xD She's the one I can tell everything to, and I guess I pretty much have told her everything. She still hasn't sent me to a mental hospital, so she's pretty cool. Everything that has been said in this post could relate back to her, so I guess there's no reason to repeat it. At the risk of sounding really, really cheesy, I love her a lot. Pretty sure she's going to be sticking around for awhile longer, and I know for certain that I will never be leaving her for anyone else. Ever. homo ^^

Mar 17, 2011

Mar 16, 2011

Thoughts of a Boy-Obsessed Mind doesn't have the same ring as the vacant mind title, does it?

As can be seen from previous posts, I like making lists. I big like making lists. 総目録が大すきです。
Google translate says that means '
I like large general catalog'. I love you, Google translate.

So anyway, I have decided to make another list. I was reading some of my friends blogs and thought "hey, let's make a list on the type of guys I like!"
I wouldn't rule a guy out because he doesn't make the criteria (it's not like I choose who I like now, is it?) but this is just, you know, general stuff I tend to notice.
I should totally test guys before I date them. I'll make a questionnaire for them with important stuff like do you have a good sense of humour? Are you likely to do something idiotic? What are your opinions on drugs and alcohol? Do you know what lolcats are?
I'd totally make them write an essay on why they'd be a good boyfriend, and then I'd assemble some judges who will rate the essay and, using some complex system, will decide whether this boy is worth my time or not. ツ

Ahem. Anyway. Here are my dot points.

- I don't like muscles. At all. They creep me out.
- Height isn't a big thing, though I do like guys who are taller than me
- I love me some red hair. Black hair is also stunning and attractive.
- I do like skinniness. Not anorexic skinny, just thin-enough-that-it-looks-like-they-could-snap. Yes, there is a difference.
- Strangely enough, I'm still into slight chubbiness as well. I guess size isn't that important (double entendre not completely intended).
- Piercings... eh... no thanks. Same for tattoos.
- I like my scene boys, but most of them turn out to be jerks so...
- I don't like body hair =/
- I don't like broad shoulders.
- I've always loved pale skin. I have three friends that are really pale, and I am so jealous.
- I love eyes. Big, round eyes. Especially in blue or green. (Random fact: my favourite sims all have red hair and mostly green eyes.)
- Just to completely go against those last two dot points, I do lust over quite a few Japanese men. This is probably just a side effect of my current obsession with Japanese culture.
- Especially Japanese men in Visual Kei clothing.

This is ナイトメア[Naitomea], also known as Nightmare. The short guy in the middle? That, my friends, is Yomi. I would tap that so hard.

- Just to be generic, I like a boy with a sense of humour.
- I also like brains. No, I'm not a zombie (though sometimes I do appear to have a vacant mind. Title drop!). I like someone with a good head on their shoulders. No, no, I don't have some sort of head fetish. I like... um... intelligence. There we go.
- Alright, screw this, I need a paragraph here.
I do like my nerd boys. This is independent from the intelligence line, by the way. I like my fandom nerds. And video game nerds. If you have a conversation with me, chances are I'll at some point bring up TVTropes, anime,, Nintendo, or possibly some sort of band. You're going to be a bit of a nerd if you can talk to me about the first four.
If I ever find a boyfriend who'll cosplay with me... my life will be complete.
Back to dot points.
- My humour is kind of... sexual. Guys, you need to know when I'm joking around, k?
- This will seem really bad, but I don't like being treated like a chick. If you playfully shove me I'll assume you see me as being on your level, rather than below you. Thus, I'll be more likely to befriend you.
- I like arguments. Be opinionated, but not forceful. Don't tell me I'm wrong, give me reasoning as to why you're correct and I'm not.
- Don't be offended easily.
- Seriously, back to the nerd thing. If I tell you that the Zelda games are linked by a split-universe theory that stems from when Zelda sent Link back to the past during Ocarina of Time. There are two continuities; the child link one, and the adult link one. For the child timeline to work, you have to assume that Link alerted the King of Hyrule to Ganondorf's intentions before leaving for Termina, allowing them to banish him to the Sacred Realm, thus creating the Twilight Realm etc etc, you'd better be able to keep up with me and either agree with me, or give me some damn good arguments as to why I'm wrong. And maybe come up with some extra theories with me. If I find a man who will theorise VG plots and timelines with me, I will love him forever.

Honestly, though, a lot of that can be discarded. If I find a guy who is funny, not easily offended and isn't going to look down on me in any way, I'll be happy. But, then again, the heart works in mysterious ways. I could fall for someone who is overly-muscular, dislikes videogames, is rather serious and doesn't like arguments. Who knows?

That'd be kind of unfortunate, though... Here, have an image for no apparent reason.

Sad banana is sad =(

Mar 14, 2011


I now has another follower, who goes to my school =3
I'm hoping only a small group end up knowing about this (I like the idea of blogging to strangers rather than baring my heart to people I actually know) but I'm happy with the people who have read this blog so far. They shall not judge me, nor will they condemn me, for they are my friends through and through etc etc [insert epic speech here].

I am channeling all of my energy (and annoyance at life... and boredom... and hunger... I ate an entire pack of chips by myself today. I am ashamed) into two things. Japanese study and The Sims. I have finally started a Legacy challenge. Multiple legacies, in fact, all in the one area. They'll probably breed (lol, it's like they're my animals or something. This is a Sim in its natural habitat. Watch as it attempts what is known as a Sim mating call to try and grab a female's attention) with each other until the family lines are all mixed up and I will need to bring in new Sims just so there's no incest, but that's all good.
It'll be weird, doing a proper legacy... Usually I give up once my Sims are halfway through their adult life. Maybe I just don't want to see them die of old age. Their lives are a perfect mirror of our own. They have their own drams of course, but their lives are so much simpler and happier. I'm in love with them. I'm in love with their stories.
It's also good for lazy fanfic writers like myself. I get to make up plot lines for them all without needing to write. Win/win situation. Kaching!
[That right there is a reference to a Sims 2 cheat, actually. Get it? I'm funny. Yeah.]

I have Cross Country tomorrow. AKA I get to walk around the school for no apparent reason. I am totes excited. Not.
I'll charge my MP3 player so we can walk in style. STYLE, I TELL YOU.

I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now. I mix of overly-happy and... kinda downcast, oddly enough. Like I want to be annoyed but I just can't. It's a good feeling to have, I suppose. Shows that I have every reason to be happy at this current point in time.

I want to move. One day, I will move to Japan. Not permanently (and not for awhile, with my lack of money, the state of the country, and my poor Japanese language skills) but... I'll live there, at least for a year or two. I'll maybe study there, or perhaps I'll go once I'm able to get a job in either translations, interpretation, or both. I will spend weekends trying out new cuisine. I will learn to eat with chopsticks. Hell, I could even try fugu and see if I get poisoned or not. I'll buy manga and anime, and maybe do cosplay with the other uni students/my workmates. We'll dress up; lolita and visual kei clothing at minimum. I'll watch Japanese television and actually understand it. Well, of course I will... I'll be able to translate it.
I shouldn't hold on to this dream so much. But I do. It's something I would love to do... My dream in life is not to find true love, or find a purpose, or anything like that. My dream in life is to immerse myself in their culture.
Maybe Lainey will join me. We'll become Japanese-Aussies. We'll be smart, beautiful, multicultural and happy. We'll get boys and go on double dates at the sushi-train (I prefer calling it kuru kuru sushi as is sounds so, so much cooler. I love this language).
Yes, that sounds good. That sounds brilliant.
That sounds too good to be true. Still. A girl can dream, right? Right. ツ

Mar 13, 2011

It's Been Awhile

What a sucky title
So this will be a brief (me, brief? Hahaha, funny joke) overview of the last few months.

- School sucks. Work overload. Well, it's probably not that bad, but I procrastinate. A lot.
- I can't get the newest Pokemon game =(
- New Radiohead album is kind of... disappointing.
- I'm feeling happier now than I have in awhile.
- I am sick of my home life.
- The world is ending (so many natural disasters!)
- I think I'm falling in love. Again. Or not. Let me elaborate on this in a little bit.

OK, the Radiohead album? Not enjoying it. Honestly... There are a few songs I'm loving (Little by Little is gorgeous) but... other than that, I can't get into it. Also, I keep finding references from the lyrics in the book I'm studying in Extension English. We're studying Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, and I think there are many quotes being used in Radiohead songs. 'Little by little, by hook or by crook', anyone?

I really am feeling happier at the moment. Still detached, but not as badly as last year. My friends are epic, don't get me wrong. It's me being an insecure person that's the problem.

Home... what can I say that doesn't sound like normal teenager angst? I love my family. I always will. But Mum's bipolar-ness is really getting to me, and she's able to walk all over my Dad. He'll bitch about her to me every night, yet won't stand up to her? Ball-less, I tell you. Ball-less! Heh.

Now, the last dot point. It's not true. Not fully. Love is a strong word. I thought I was in love with my ex, and it took over two years to fully get over him, but I'm now doubting that was true love. So what the hell is true love?
This post was not supposed to be me debating what love is. I need to stop going off on my own little tangents. Back on topic!

The current guy I'm into... Yeah well... the entire situation kinda sucks for me. It's frustrating, addicting, heart-wrenching, exciting and overall everything you'd expect a teenage crush to be, really.
I'm not sure if I want to hold him close or punch him in the face. Both sound good. ^_^

But I love our friendship, and whatever else is going on underneath that, so I guess I can't complain. Whatever happens will happen. I've just got to let things work themselves out. I'll be whatever he wants me to be, as long as I get to stick with him... at least for a while. That's the crux of it, really...