Jun 15, 2011

Ways to Start an Assignment

This is how I'm getting myself to start my assignment. Whoop whoop.

- I have started by purposefully going on MSN and telling people about how much I am procrastinating. They tend to be all "DO YOUR ASSIGNMENT BITCH" and prompt me so many times that I end up working.

- Close all tabs except what is needed. And maybe have some downloads going in the background. I mean, that's not /too/ distracting

- No music.

- I have the desktop on, and that makes plenty of noise, but usually I'm working on the laptop alone which leaves the room in silence. When this happens, I end up finding a site that plays white noise or a site that plays the sound of rain. Either helps me concentrate.

- As a way of convincing myself that I'm still sorta having free time, I end up playing with a bunch of my little Shimeji things on screen. Right now I have Romano crawling around because I'm kinda maybe in love with him~

- Vanilla green tea. It doesn't taste amazing or anything, but it smells really nice and seems to help me concentrate. Plus it makes me feel warm and, you know, it's cold right now.

- The Shimeji really are excellent. You can mess around with them while thinking and, when you're typing, you don't need to focus on them at all. They're just sorta half-there, if that makes any sense.

- Stuffed toys for cuddling when not typing.

- The shortcut for GTA needs to be visible on my desktop so I can remember that, once I'm finished, I can happily go run over a bunch of random civilians if that makes me feel better.

- Sims 2 is good as well, in case I feel like building instead of destroying.

- My Pokewalker is looking at me. It's like "yeah you can walk 10,000 steps a day but you can't even write 2000 words. You fail" and it makes me feel bad.

- Closing Blogger. The final step before working on an assignment.

Wish me luck, people. =3

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