Jun 13, 2011

Pickles Have Many Names

I have spent the day reading Catch 22 so I can start and finish an assignment on it. The draft for this assignment was technically due last Thursday, however I had not finished the book. Truth be told, I didn't even plan on finishing the book. Hence why I am rushing to finish it now as the actual assignment is due in 3 days.

Unfortunately, I fail at keeping at one task for an extended period of time. As a result, I've ended up doing various things along with reading my book, such as discuss uni options, read fanfiction, follow Tim Schou on Twitter, follow a bunch of Hetalia roleplayers online, listen to the Eurovision contestants from this year, listen to Plastic Tree, look up a translation of the lyrics of two Plastic Tree songs, analyse these lyrics, sing along with the original Japanese lyrics, look up other Visual Kei bands, browse Facebook, eat chocolate, feta cheese, jelly crystals, cookies, lamingtons, bread and noodles, read messages about Belgium from a close friend, fight with Songbird for not playing my music, fight with Adobe Flash Player for crashing on multiple videos, watch videos of cats jump into boxes, fight with my sister and listen to a website that plays recordings of thunderstorms on a loop.

I've been very productive.

All of this reading and procrastinating has given me a hunger for pickles, actually. We have a jar, however there are only five pickles in the jar, so I only had one. Which sucks because I am really craving more.

Actually, the jar calls them 'Dill Cucumbers' and has something in Polish underneath that. Wikipedia calls them pickled cucumbers along with the above names plus variations of these names. They also call them 'gherkins'.

The thing with pickles/pickled cucumbers/dill cucumbers/gherkins is that they are a little bit sour and very salty. And I love salt. So you can understand my sudden craving. I adore salt. Today has been a very sugar filled day and I am sick of it. I want my salt, kthx.

I have 100 pages to go of Catch 22. Gosh dang it to heck.

I suspected that Plastic Tree were big on cutesy, kinda romantic, kinda sad lyrics. And I was right. Which is amazing because, as I've said before, my grasp on the Japanese language is rather small and failworthy. I looked up the lyrics to スピカ/Spica and アンドロメタモルフオーゼ/andro metamorphose. They are very good songs. Very emotional songs. I already knew the gist of Spica which is why I looked up the translation, but I didn't know much about Andro Metamorphose. I just looked up the lyrics because I liked the music.

Here are my favourite parts of each song

スピカ/Spica. Spica is the brightest star in Virgo, and the 15th brightest star in our sky.

まだ 星の光が 忘れそうになった思いを繋げるなら
覚えた星の名前が 隠れてしまった未来を照らすのなら
きっと となり同士 ふたりぼっち 白いスピカ

Which translates to:
If the light of the stars still connects me to a love I’d forgotten
If the name of the star I’ve just remembered illuminates a future that was hidden
We’ll surely be side by side, just the two of us, a white Spica

アンドロメタモルフォーゼ/Andro Metamorphose is probably the most difficult title to remember. I don't know why. Anyway.

名を呼んで 名を告げて
未来まで一緒にさ 行けたならよかったな

Call my name, tell me my name
Make me visible
The half-eaten moon glares down at me coldly
I wish we could have made it to the future together
There are so many things I want to do for you, but can't

Yeah, so, they have very good lyrics.

Heh, when I scroll back up and read the first two paragraphs of this post, I feel like wincing. When I read something, I tend to adopt the voice used in that text (or at least, attempt to adopt it) and end up writing in a similar way. I think I was trying to write in a voice similar to that used in Catch 22, but it got a little muddled when I looked up pickles/pickled cucumbers/dill cucumbers/gherkins on Wikipedia, and I ended up with... well, whatever I wrote in the beginning of this post. Cool.


  1. Hehehehehe. Messages about Belgium from a close friend. :D
    I think I planned to start my English extension assignment at 10am this morning, I only just started like an hour ago... Should probably get to that instead of reading blogs. Oh well! Actually, I need a shower... Time to get hot and wet! ;D Good luck with everything! :)

  2. I wonder which friend I was referring to? =D
    LOL. I'm not started ExtEng until spare tomorrow ;)
