Jun 9, 2011

101 goals in 1001 days

So I totally copied ClearlyUnfocused and made an account here on Day Zero. The whole idea is to make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I currently have 62 things and 998 days left to do them. I'll eventually have 101 things to do. Probably.
I have until 2014.
Here's my list:

1. Learn Japanese
2. Learn basic Italian
3. Watch the sun rise with people I care about
4. Get my P-Plates
5. Get out of the country
6. Write long, truthful messages to all of my friends
7. Get the confidence to send these messages to my friends
8. Cosplay
9. Learn how to play the ocarina
10. Listen to a ナイトメアalbum and understand it
11. Watch Star Wars
12. Learn to play piano
13. Graduate
14. Get into uni
15. Completely finish building my current town on The Sims2
16. Reach at least 70,000 plays on last.fm
17. Have at least 2000 tweets on Twitter
18. Have at least 500 blog posts on Blogger
19. Wear a dress with confidence
20. Train my HeartGold team to level 100
21. Complete Pokemon Black
22. Get 100% completion on LoZ OoT 3D
23. Eat Vegan for a weekend
24. Pierce something other then my ears
25. Go to a midnight screening of a movie
26. Walk or bike on Earth Day
27. Cook an entire meal from scratch
28. Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet over the course of a day
29. Spend an afternoon reading in the park
30. Star gaze for an extended period of time
31. Have a meaningful conversation under the stars
32. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
33. Kiss in the rain
34. Don't complain about anything for a week
35. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
36. Get a job
37. Make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011
38. Clean out my closet
39. Learn a poem by heart
40. Have dinner by candlelight
41. Identify 100 things that make me happy
42. Put change in someone's expired parking meter
43. Watch the entirety of Inuyasha
44. Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me
45. Learn to fold 25 different papercrafts
46. Participate in Operation Beautiful (http://operationbeautiful.com)
47. Get 100% completion on a video game
48. Donate blood
49. Learn the ukulele
50. Write in a journal every day for a month
51. Eat an apple a day for one month
52. Write a letter when I graduate high school to read when I finish uni
53. Identify 101 things which make me happy, or smile, and photograph them
54. Watch 10 foreign language films
55. Camp at a music festival
56. Start a video blog
57. Write my own autobiography/personal history
58. Write a list of 20 places I want to visit and why
59. Write on 20 creative writing prompts. http://creativewritingprompts.com/
60. Read 3 books from the banned books list (http://www.banned-books.com/)
61. Read a book in Japanese
62. Fold 1000 origami paper cranes


  1. Stealing a couple of those ideas from you :)

  2. Ah I'd totally do #48 but my blood is pretty useless.

    Cool list bro. :3
