Jun 24, 2011

The Sadness That is a Holiday.

Most people are excited to go on holiday. Me? Not so much. Well, okay, that's a lie. I love holidays. I just hate leaving the house on the holidays. Especially when the holiday destination(s) won't have internet.

I'm being forced to go on a cruise. I know what you're thinking. Oh no, you have to go on a free holiday (I'm not paying. That's what parents are for) and you get to relax and do nothing. What horror!

Yeah. Well. Shut it. It's not quite like that. Despite being 17, I'm being forced to go to the kids club. Which means I get to hang with a bunch of 12 year olds (pretty sure the younger ones get their own room) in a room full of xBoxes and colouring in books. I don't even like xBox. Now if there were PS3's or Wii's in the room, I might stop complaining.

Nah, really, that's not so bad, I guess. I'll have my laptop. I'll have my MP3 player. I'll have stuff to do. I'd just rather do it at home. Or in the cabin on the ship, if need be. Not with a bunch of pre-teens looking over my shoulder.

I'm also going to be forced to participate in, well, everything. Which includes things like Pirate Night where you dress up like a pirate. Playing dress up can be fun, but my parents are picking out costumes. Well, more to the point, Mum is. And I can't really participate. I'm under 18, so I can't go to the bars or anything. That's where all the drunk, foolish behaviour will be. I'll be, as I said, stuck with the pre-teens. Lovely.

Pretty sure my family is there to eat and do nothing else. There are some epic restaurants on board, sure, but I refuse to have three course meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Goddamn it, I can barely have one three course meal let alone three.

Maybe they're trying to fatten me up? It's Hansel and Gretel except with my sister and I.

I don't want to be eaten.

On the plus side, I now know how lame my wardrobe is. I have a suitcase full of jeans and one dress. Yeah, just jeans. And my T-shirts all proclaim either the name of a band or a logo/character from a Nintendo game. Well, I have a lonely The Big Bang Theory shirt, but that's the only odd one out, really.

Anyway, pre-teens and cruise boats aside, I've had some pretty good holidays thus far. I've met up with some friends twice. Once at the shopping centre, once at the beach. I can't believe I've never gone to the beach with friends before. We spent more time on public transport than we did in the sand, but who cares? It was very, very fun. Definitely a highlight of the year, I'd say. And we didn't even do much. We built a dodgy sandman/elephant/castle/thing and ate icecream. But whatever. I found it to be pretty dang epic. Even when our bus was late and we missed out train, we still found the entire thing to be entertaining.

I don't know how many people have struggled to play uno on the train without losing the cards over every bump, but I can now say that I have. And I am proud of it.

Oooh, something else worth mentioning. I am now watching the anime Soul Eater. I didn't expect to like it, but trust me when I say it is epic. The artwork is very Tim Burton-ish. I do love Tim Burton. The sun looks a bit like the moon from LoZ: Majora's Mask, actually. Anyway. I've only seen 13 episodes thus far (which is like, the entire series of Angel Beats!. Gotta love short anime) and I haven't been disappointed. The basic idea is that there are humans, and humans who can shapeshift into weapons. These 'weapons' find people to wield them (called meisters) and, as a pair (or, in one case, a threesome. Not in a suss way) gather the souls of witches and 'evil' humans. It's pretty good. For such a large cast, the characterisation is surprisingly good. It's a good series if you like dark humour and the contrast of kiddy-ish animation with slightly more adult concepts. I'll write more about it when I return from the cruise and have seen more than just 13 episodes.

Can you tell who the weapons are? It's a bit odd having humans as weapons, if you ask me. In a clockwise direction, starting with the guy in the yellow jacket, you have Soul Eater, Black Star, Tsubaki, Patti, Death the Kid, Liz and Blair (the cat). In the centre is Maka.

I'm actually enjoying the dub, funnily enough. K, so, maybe I started watching because of Todd Haberkorn. Whatever. I love that guy. I'll blog about him when I return as well.
On the cruise I shall restart the series with the sub and make comparisons. This might be another dub that I prefer, meaning that it can be put into the same category as Inuyasha. That's means it's a damn fine dub. Then again, recently I've discovered that I adore Funimation's dubs, so I may have to expand that section of my favourites.

This image is kind of maybe awesome.

Plan to alleviate boredom on the cruise:
- Watch Fruits Basket
Watch Soul Eater
- Learn more Japanese (Specifically, learn the 'ii' adjectives, learn 4-stroke kanji and put together longer sentences)
- Write blogs while cruisin' it up
- Finish reading Wuthering Heights

Really, that should take quite awhile. Fruits Basket might not, but Soul Eater is 50 episodes long. Le Gasp! I'm watching something longer than 30 episodes! This is amazing.

Or not. I watched the entirety of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z multiple times as a kid. But whatever.

I keep procrastinating with my Japanese study. Ho hum. Guess I should focus on that more, since I want to be a Japanese -> English interpreter/translator one day. Ii-Adjectives are a bitch to conjugate though. Why can't the be as easy as masu-adjectives?

Also, just for the hell of it, here's a screenshot of my desktop with my awesome Luigi's Mansion 2 wallpaper. I may as well show off my desktop occasionally, right? Why not?

Yeah, it's a bit cluttered, but whatever. I'll clean it up eventually. Hey! That's something else I can do on the cruise. xD

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