Apr 3, 2011


I have just returned from Supanova, which is the best our country has to offer when it comes to all things fandom-y. Honestly, we're not much when it comes to the otakus and general fanboys and girls. It's not that our country is excessively judgmental or anything (I see plenty of Lolita's around the CBD getting by with no hassle) but... I don't know... I always thought Australia just didn't have that kind of culture.
Well, I'm definitely wrong about that. The turnout at Supanova is always pretty epic. I wonder why we don't have more of these events...

Ah, anyway. It was nothing like what I expected, but it was also more than I expected (I know, that makes no sense). The stalls weren't as great as I wanted them to be (I still spent a good $200, but I was hoping to spend more, you know? There goes my 3DS money) but the crowds were amazing. It seems my fellow nerds are all very kind (I received so many apologies because someone accidentally nudged me) and despite the turnout, I didn't feel claustrophobic at all. Of course, that's not what I really care about... I care about the cosplay. I certainly was not disappointed there. There were the standards, such as storm troopers and Naruto cosplayers, but there were others there as well (with extremely well crafted and elaborate outfits, let me tell you). I found someone do an amazing job of being Chibitalia from Hetalia, btw, which made me grin like a fool. God, I love that show. There was also some guy dressed up as Sailor Moon. Yes, a man in a short skirt and tiara with facial hair even. But he was really kind and posed for some epic pics with my sister. If only I had his confidence xD

Seriously though, the atmosphere was amazing. People were doing sword fights, there were CoD cosplayers with nerf guns shooting each other and people wearing 'glomp me' signs and actually getting hugged (and in some cases, tackled) by strangers and overall it was very jovial and fun. We were all acting like big children, really.
At one point I said "I have never felt more at home. These are my people," and my dad sniggered at me, but oh well. I know he secretly loved it, too. =P

Also, the cosplay show was full of my humour. The tech guy was hilarious, making "my, what a big sword you have" puns and making obscure references that only us geeks would get (I haven't heard someone (other than my close friends) make reference to seme and uke roles in a long time. Well, not including those I talk to online, of course).

It was brilliant.

Anyway, I've spent a good portion of the day wondering what I'm going to wear at next years show. I did a bit of people-watching today, so I have a better idea on what to wear... not that there's a dress code or anything. Basically, don't do things by half. I think I can deal with that.

My favourite choices are all male, sadly, though there's quite a few chicks to choose from as well. I'm thinking either Arthur/England or Gilbert/Prussia from Hetalia, Matt from Death Note, Rena or Hanyuu from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni or maybe Angel from Angel Beats!.
My top choices are the three guys... if I have too much trouble with chest binding (that's going to be fun...) then I'll choose one of the girls. Hopefully that's not going to be a problem though.
Where the hell do you get bindings anyway? That's going to be an awkward question to ask mum... "Hey, help me get chest bindings."

Yeah, really not looking forward to that. =/

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this sounds AMAZING!
    LOL @ binding chests. Actually, no, ouch. That sounds painful. I cracked up at the male Sailor Moon thing though. What a dude.
    Cosplaying looks like so much fun. I totes wanna do iiiiiiiit.
