Apr 20, 2011

Dropping From A to B (And A Direct Rant)

I've always been an A student. My entire life. In primary/elementary school I was the nerd (then again, I went to a pretty bad public school. You were smart for knowing multiplication in grade 7). Seriously, I was the dorky, smart kid in my year group, pretty much. By grade 6 it became rather evident that my maths abilities were lacking, but I was still getting some of the higher marks.
Now I'm in grade 12. The hardest, most important year of my school life (excluding uni, but you know) and yet I cannot bring myself to care. I mean, the whole not-caring thing never affected me that much. I stopped trying in year 8. It just never showed through my marks until recently. Last year my English grades ended up settling on A- and in both Music and Drama my grades have dropped to a B... possibly lower in Drama. Well, definitely lower. But that's fine.

Really, I don't need an OP. There are plenty of opportunities for those lazy ass kids like me out there. It'd be nice to have some motivation to work though, because while it isn't the be-all-and-end-all of my life, a good OP will help me greatly. Obviously. Well, obviously for us Aussies. I don't know how school works in other countries, nor do I really care.

Eh, but I digress. I'm finding it so difficult to focus. It's funny, because I don't think I'm stupid. Just... unmotivated. I have no interest in Brechtian Theatre, so my Drama assignment is... you know, on hiatus. Now, if you check out my Japanese study, once I start I will continue learning for hours. Give me something I have an interest in and I'll take it on board with great fervour. Give me something I dislike, and I'll kinda forget about it. For a long, long time.
I'm planning on doing my Drama assignment in the morning, even though it's due tomorrow. Maybe I'll set my alarm for three am? I should be able to get it done then...

Anyway, I'd say I'm stressed out but I'm truly not. There are times when it'll just hit me that Oh my God I am doing so, so badly but give me an hour and I'll go back to being relatively indifferent. I'm more likely to ride things out and hope for the best than actually get off my behind and do something productive.
Stress isn't a big issue for me. Never really has been.
Still, I'm quite annoyed at a bunch of things at the moment... and while I still think 'stress' is the wrong word, I'll have you know that these things have been playing on my mind a lot. And yeah, it's getting me down. My grades being one of those things (I don't deserve an A, but I still feel horribly disappointed when I discover how badly I'm doing) as well as my lack of motivation. Other stuff being family issues (though things are pretty calm currently), money issues (no one wants to employ me), uni issues (how I'm going to know Japanese well enough for uni next year, I do not know) and friendship issues.

Warning: Rant. (TL;DR: I like you but if you don't act like a friend soon I'm going to give up)
Just so you know, if I say I want to be your friend. I like you a lot at some point, it means that I really bloody like you and I'd like to keep our friendship the way it is, mmkay? I thought that should be bleeding obvious. Being ignored is never fun, especially when you have no idea what you've done wrong. Right now, I feel like I must have been an annoyance, or perhaps just, I dunno, totally unliked... Which sucks, because the situation was reversed only a few months ago and I went out of my way to fix things. To explain that I cared, that all our friends cared, and that this person is (was?) important to us.

Goddamn, seems I wrote that sappy, lame, truthful paragraph to you back then for no reason, because you seem pretty happy to just pretend I no longer exist now.
And you know, it hurts. Quite a bit. But that's alright. I'll get through. Ride things out, wait for everything to look up. It's how I deal with everything else, right? It's how I've dealt with our friendship in the past, and it's always worked before.
I'll wait for you to act like a proper friend. If you don't, then I won't bother to confront you in person, nor will I attempt to keep in contact with you once we're out of school. I never expected you to stay in contact with me anyway. If you do start talking to me again, I'll act the same way I always have. I love your attention, I love our conversations. But I'm not going to exert any effort trying to keep you around. It's too difficult, it's not fair and I've never been one to fight for a lost cause.
I'm fine with writing this, because I know you won't read it. You don't care enough to check my blogs and you won't ask me what's wrong. God forbid you actually show some emotion for once.

...I hope you prove me wrong. I doubt you will.


  1. LOVE that rant. You go, girl! I am totes angry on your behalf, gr.

  2. Rant that thang!
    Man, I have no idea what's up with him >:|
    I too am totes angry on your behalf.

  3. Thanks guys. I appreciate it :)
    Man-period, maybe?
    Gosh I don't know. I'm glad I have ranted to get this out of my system, though.

  4. Love your rant, I can relate to it so much. I know what you're going through but hopefully it'll work out for you as well as it worked out for me :)

  5. Awww bromigo. =[
    I loves that rant too. :D
    The guy is, I don't know... he's been different lately. It's not your fault. :(
    I too am totes angry on your behalf.
