Apr 13, 2011

It Took A Lot To Not Name This Entry After Rebecca Black

I was going to write something along the lines of 'party and party and YEAH' or 'fun fun fun fun' as the title, but I shall refrain from doing that. Besides, I've already used both of those in previous posts.
(Also, I will admit to not knowing what words to capitalise and what words to leave entirely in lower case when writing titles. Whoops. Guess I'll just capitalise the entire thing and hope nobody notices).

It took two hours, but I managed to write 900 words on a book I skimmed over, analysing it with a literary theory that I don't fully understand. I am so proud of myself.
Who the hell decided I should go with formalism? Oh wait, that was me. Well then. That was a stupid idea, wasn't it?
Now to go finish my Drama assignment. Aw dang. That's going to suck.

This house is great with bugs and creepy crawlies. Gradually, a family of baby spiders spread out across the ceiling. I was typing away happily (or not so happily) when I just so happened to look up. They were both above and in front of me. It was quite creepy, but I couldn't be bothered moving so I just sort of... kept chilling with them. They seemed friendly enough, and only one was walking around. Perhaps the others were sleeping? Dad just came in and sprayed them for me so I have taken refuge in the other, less awesome lounge room. =3

The tiredness is slowly kicking in. My eyes feel kinda heavy but my brain seems to be alert still. I think today will be hell at school, but I'll live. Probably. Unless I get hit by a bus on the short trip from the car to the pavement outside the school. That seems rather unlikely, though stranger things have happened.

I survived my 3am working session and have worked more efficiently than I usually do. I still don't know why I work so much better in the morning. My attentiveness just kind of fades away into nothing by the afternoon. Which is rather unfortunate. I'm a bit of an insomniac so I always have trouble falling asleep. As such, I'll purposefully stay up late so I am tired when I go to bed and fall asleep immediately rather than end up tossing and turning all night. That, coupled with early mornings, can not be good.
I am my own worst enemy, it would seem.

The roosters just started making noise next door. Oh my God shut up fml.

Edit: I totally didn't spend the last 15 minutes downloading skins and meshes for Sims 2 based on Hetalia characters. Definitely not.

K, maybe I did. Whatever. My Death Note Sims are boring me. Light won't kill anyone and my one source of drama (ie: Mello sleeping with everyone) is no longer dramatic. Seems the rest of the Wammy kids' are perfectly okay with being cheated on. o_O Strange children.

Edit 2: I just found Sims 2 boxer shorts coloured in the different nations flags. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite as beautiful as this *flails* I don't even wear boxers and I desperately want a pair with the union jack on them<3

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