Apr 13, 2011

I Hate Mornings

The title makes me think of Garfield. I love that cat. And I agree with him; Mondays suck.

I tried to be uber quiet when I woke up this morning so everyone else could remain asleep. The house was silent and dark, and each slight movement reverberated through my entire room and echoed down the hall. The shadows cast by the light of my phone danced upon the walls but, obviously (and thankfully enough) they did not make sounds as they slid from surface to surface, though at times I almost expected them to. Yes, the house was indeed the quietest it had been for quite some time.
Cue me stumbling down the ladder of my bunk, dropping everything over my desk and almost slamming into the hallway door. Good God, I think the neighbours five houses down heard me get up.
I obviously do not have a stealthy bone in my body, despite the stories I've been told from my family in the wars and the fact that my Dad is able to get up, make himself breakfast and coffee and start exercising outside without any of us ever waking. And then there's me, who can't get out of bed without alerting the entirety of my suburb.
Go figure.
I've also managed to drop half a biscuit in my tea, so it tastes all chocolate-y and weird. But that's neither here nor there, really. It's just... annoying, yes, that's a very good word. I feel very annoyed.

I've been up for half an hour now. It's about 3:30. The last time I woke up this early was to catch a plane, so I'm feeling rather disorientated. I'm only awake to finish (read: start) an assignment, you see. It's my own bloody fault for leaving it until the last minute, right? Still, I'm annoyed at the existence of such an assignment. How dare it take away my free time? I could be sleeping! Hell, I could be watching anime. Right now.

F.M.L. orz

There is a positive though. I seem to think better in the mornings. I'm much more cynical and bitchy, but at least my writing tends to improve. Well, my vocabulary does. My grammatical ability tends to fall, but I can proof read later. Here's hoping I do get this assignment done.

It's inching closer and closer to 4am, so I should start soon. If I skip instrumental this morning, I'll have 4 hours to work. I can totally do this!

Also this is not procrastinating. I'm blogging to get my mind into a writing mood. Yes. That's what I'm doing. Mmhm.

Each time I go to have a drink I can taste the chocolate and feel the biscuit crumbs floating in my tea. FFFfffff-

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