Apr 9, 2011

Drinking Tea and Listening to the Sex Pistols

That's totally a normal combination. Other than the whole being-out-of-Europe thing, I doubt the Sex Pistols and tea have very much in common. Maybe the band members drank tea, I don't know. I don't really care to find out.
I am also listening to Ramones and The Clash. There are a few other 'new' bands that I've recently downloaded, but those three appear to be the ones I'm listening to the most. Thank you, Lainey, for educating me on punk. Not that I was totally clueless (I've only loved the fashion for like, forever) but, you know...
Once again I have left every single assignment until the last minute. Oh well. Time to go read fanfiction or something.

There are four ants on the ceiling and I'm worried that there are more, but I don't really want to go check. The spiders leave for winter and every other little creature moves in. Brilliant.

If my internet cuts out one more time I will strangle someone.

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