Apr 25, 2011

Confused but Relaxed. Yay~

Like, the day after I posted that rant, I was involved in some conversation with him. I wasn't exactly spoken to directly, but hey, I'm not going to complain.
I still doubt he read the blog post, but oh well. The rant hasn't been made redundant though. I'm still... eh, not annoyed, that's not the right word. I'm not exactly the happiest kid around though. Then again, the comments posted on my rant were epic and heartwarming. How can I be upset with all these guys with me?

Ah, well, anyway. I've spent the five-day-weekend doing very little. Eating chocolate (I haven't had a proper meal for three days. Yay Easter) and chilling. Dad tried to fix up our internet issues but has only succeeded in making them worse. My laptop can't even find the wireless network (though Dad's can, and the rest of the networks in the area show up fine for me) and the wired desktop has... er, issues. I don't even know how to explain it. It's like, every now and then half of my web pages won't load. Like yesterday, I could go on Google and browse Wikipedia, but every other site I went on wouldn't load. At all. Very weird indeed. So I've been playing The Sims on the laptop and listening to Hetalia music. As you do.
It's a good way to waste time. This weekend has been highly unproductive. It's brilliant.

The Hetalia cast's cover of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" is adorable. Having the song sung in different languages (probably very fractured versions of the languages, but it's still cool) is strangely nice to listen to. It's... er, multicultural and awesome. Sugiyama-san's English is actually quite good though, so perhaps the other languages turned out alright as well? I can't tell. Regardless, it's an adorable track ^^

1 comment:

  1. Aww Claire. I'll always be here for you! :D
    Don't worry about it, whatever happens you can always talk to me. :)
    As the 2000 Israeli Eurovision song states "Ohhhhhh BE HAPPY!" It's truly a horrible song, don't look it up unless you want your ears to bleed.
    And don't worry, my weekend has been highly unproductive as well, I'm only starting to maybe do work now but even then I'm downloading Greek and Slovene music. :3
    Always here for you. :)
    Love, Tuooooooooooooo. :D xx
