Jun 26, 2010

WTF Haters

This really doesn't have too much to do with me. But the people in fandoms (And especially those not in fandoms) are really starting to annoy me. The broad generalisations I've seen are utterly ridiculous.
For the record, not all fangirls are utterly insane. Not all yaoi fans are utter pervs. I consider myself a yaoi fan, however I don't find it to be a huge turn on, I don't prefer it to other pairings and I certainly won't be wearing my 'shipping goggles just so I can find a gay couple to obsess over. Just because I enjoy anime and manga, that doesn't make me a weeaboo or a lolicon. I'm a 'shipper, but I'm not going to press my 'ships onto anyone unless it's just in friendly debate for fun. I'm a girl who loves video games, but that doesn't mean I have to be a casual gamer. Believe it or not, girls can play and enjoy video games too. And yes, they can be good at them.
I'm sick of people making assumptions based on what I watch, read or play. And I hate it when people comment on things they have no knowledge of (this being specifically about people I know in R/L. This doesn't exclude those on the interwebs though).

Alright, whatever. I'm going to go back to TVTropes now. I need to stop using tropes in everyday conversation. It confuses people ^_^

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