Jun 10, 2010

Noodle has Returned

Just saw the 'On Melancholy Hill' trailer, which also somewhat doubles as Noodle's ident.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o70CVWTK4s (too lazy to embed it even though it only takes one extra click, really.)
Wow. Just wow. Noodle has clearly changed. Bah she has a gun. I'm kind of hoping for a Robo-Noodle vs Noodle showdown. I've always been special like that though.
She looks angry. Perhaps she knows about the entire Plastic Beach situation? Because she really, really looks annoyed.

On another note, I recently saw Amanda Palmer's covers of three Radiohead songs. Now, I love Radiohead (exceedingly so). I also love Amanda P. But... these covers? No. Just no. Fake Plastic Trees is alright, but the other two most certainly aren't.
Bah. She needs to stick to writing original tracks, because she is considerably better at that.
Oh well.

I'm going to go watch some Gorillaz music videos. Peace.

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