Jun 10, 2010

Plastic Beach

I'm playing through the 'Plastic Beach' flash on the Gorillaz website. My thoughts so far:
- 2D's voice is a lot lower than it used to be. That's seriously the first thing that made me go "what?"
- Murdoc is definitely more of an ass. He's a freaking monster right now. Hm.
- I really like Dave, even if he's cheating Murdoc. Oh well. It's not like Murdoc has my respect right now.
- Actually, I'm lying. That book he's got? Totally cool. That secret lair? Also totally cool. If it weren't for the whole gassing/kidnapping 2D thing, and the robot Noodle thing, maybe I'd like him more this phase than I did the last.
- I also thought that top looked rather hot on him. Ugh. That's horrible.
- 2D's eyes are white again. I thought Rise of the Ogre claimed he had two eight-ball fractures? Hopefully it's just a colouring error. Either that, or they've stuffed continuity.
- Not that they hadn't stuffed it already. What was the whole Noodle thing about after phase two? First she was dead after El Manana, next she was totally fine. Then she had been taken to hell... but nope, she was saved by Murdoc. Then everyone was saying she was dead again (Not that that was released officially anywhere) and then her stuff started appearing in Kong. Now... she's on a boat. And has a gun. And a rather sinister frown. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU NOODLE? (That had nothing to do with the flash. My bad)
- I can't load the games. They seem to load indefinitely. The instructions for the lift game didn't load either, so I had to google them.
- It keeps freezing for me. Like, the actual characters will keep moving, but I can't click anywhere or move the screen.
- Overall very glitchy.
- Still cool though. Less freaky than Kong. I don't know if that's a good thing, or...
- Bah, I want to give 2D his adapter back now. I mean, he's already been through so much. As I posted on Fanfiction.net, maybe that adapter was the only thing that helped him to hold onto his sanity? (Not that he was very sane to begin with...)
- 2D... sigh. It's good to see your skinny little frame again. Even if you don't seem to be doing so well at the moment.
- Robo-Noodle is creepy. In a good way though.
- The voice over is pretty good. Except for the character I'm supposed to be playing. He speaks... I don't know. He seems to be laughing at everything.
- Good to see they're still referencing 2D's fascination with zombies.
- Not so cool to have him watch what seem to be porn films. Oh well.
- When I scroll around Plastic Beach (when you go down the left stairs while outside) two areas have these faded white circles over them. I can't click on them or anything so... are they important? I hope I'm not missing something here.
- I assume I must wait for more things to be released. I seem to have reached a stand still in plot advancement.

2D appears to be manning-up, as such. His voice is deeper, he actually claimed to hate Murdoc and his language is a bit more... snappier. Like he's finally standing up for himself. Too bad he's deathly afraid of whales and reverted back to stuttering when I asked for an adapter. I kind of miss the flustered, nervous 2D though. I suppose isolation and kidnappings would change a person though.
Hey, I did see a pill in the corner of the screen. He's still on his meds. I don't know why I noticed that.

So the next single is 'On Melancholy Hill' right? Being the rabid 'shipper I am (with the help of 'shipping goggles) I have decided this is a hint toward 2D/Noodle. Well, I'm undecided on it. I am just making hopeful assumptions. Melancholy Hill, like most Gorillaz songs, feature 2D's vocals. And the lyrics are... interesting. "Just waiting for the day you'll come back to me" I believe it was (I don't remember. Too lazy to look it up.) Seeing as this single's preview doubled as Noodle's ident and showed her possibly returning... I just put two and two together. 2D is waiting for her. She's coming home.
"You can't have what you want, but you can have me" just sounds like a back up plan type thing though. Not so sure about that line.
Anyway, I suppose time will tell, won't it?

I did notice a lull in Murdoc/2D fanfics recently. Possibly because 2D openly said that he hates Murdoc. That's bound to make some people pause and think. I do expect most of those 'shippers to bounce back anyway (as if that's ever stopped 'shippers before. Crack pairings (all Gorillaz pairings are this, really) and never-met 'ships are proof that you can't stop the fangirls/boys.)

Anyway. Right now I am soft resetting for a shiny Charmander on Pokemon HeartGold. Three days and still nothing, but I'm not going to give up. Actually, I probably will after this weekend... Oh well.

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