Jun 16, 2010

On Melancholy Hill

New Gorillaz single. Yay. The video did bring me to say "wait, what?" by the end of it.
So the song 'On Melancholy Hill' is pretty happy sounding. Synthesized I believe, pretty cruise-y... the video opened up with a girl (Noodle) shooting at airplanes.
Oh well. I kind of liked the whole thing, of having violent clips to a happier song. They did it with El Manana, to a lesser extent (also with Noodle. Man, that girl has had a rough life.) so that didn't worry me. But then it started getting harder and harder to follow the video.
So this person... thing had a manatee on a... er, island thing made of washed up plastic... so heaps of musicians tried to save it. Did I get that right? Because that's how I saw it. Except then the creepy guy pulled the manatee back into the ocean. Eh? Ok. I'll go with it. (I'm kind of hoping it's the black skinned demon Murdoc supposedly summoned once, but I doubt it. I thought the demon was younger.)
Oh well. Giant Russel (expanded from the toxins in the ocean, btw) then saved real Noodle. Robo-Noodle, as I have affectionately dubbed her, is alive. And spitting up little octopuses. And generally freaking 2D out.
I am definitely biased, but I want 2D to have more stuff to do. All he seems to be doing is sitting in the background looking significantly freaked out and helpless. Not that I expected him to be anything other than helpless, but it'd be nice for him to actually do something, you know?

...Gruen Transfer is on now. YES. Going to go watch television. Peace.

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