Jun 30, 2010


Whenever I listen to the Yoshi's Story OST, I grin like an idiot.

My top 5 influences (and/or people I fangasm over)
- Thom Yorke
- Damon Albarn
- Jonny Greenwood
- Mr. E/Mark Oliver Everett
-Koji Kondo

Well I don't really fangasm over the last two. And the only massively attractive one here would be Damon Albarn (when that guy was younger, like... mmm <3 seriously...) although Thom Yorke can be very cute. Funny, all of those guys are music artists.
Can you tell I'm running out of titles? I don't know what to call these posts.
I am watching Let's Play vids. I love Let's Play. The bad videos suck and are boring, but the good ones are utterly hilarious.

Jun 27, 2010

Paper Mario Was Very Upsetting

Anyone remember the first Paper Mario game? There was this creature called a 'Whacka' that, when you hit with a hammer, you'd get the 'Whacka's Bump' which restored a HUGE amount of HP. So, you know, I knocked him on the head many times. After hitting him he'd become more and more disorientated. But, being a ten year old at the time, I didn't really care and kept hitting him. And then... he just... disappeared. It was only after the game then asked me "How do you sleep at night?" that I kind of went "...wait, what did I just do?"
I spent a good portion of gameplay trying to find another little Whacka. And then I cried. A lot. I mean, I'd freaking killed him.
...and then I remembered that he was the last of his species. I'd killed out the last of its kind. Oh, the guilt trip I was put on.
Seriously, that haunted me. =/ And to think, you actually have to kill him to get 100% completion. Poor Whacka. When I play through that game again, I will not kill him.

Jun 26, 2010

WTF Haters

This really doesn't have too much to do with me. But the people in fandoms (And especially those not in fandoms) are really starting to annoy me. The broad generalisations I've seen are utterly ridiculous.
For the record, not all fangirls are utterly insane. Not all yaoi fans are utter pervs. I consider myself a yaoi fan, however I don't find it to be a huge turn on, I don't prefer it to other pairings and I certainly won't be wearing my 'shipping goggles just so I can find a gay couple to obsess over. Just because I enjoy anime and manga, that doesn't make me a weeaboo or a lolicon. I'm a 'shipper, but I'm not going to press my 'ships onto anyone unless it's just in friendly debate for fun. I'm a girl who loves video games, but that doesn't mean I have to be a casual gamer. Believe it or not, girls can play and enjoy video games too. And yes, they can be good at them.
I'm sick of people making assumptions based on what I watch, read or play. And I hate it when people comment on things they have no knowledge of (this being specifically about people I know in R/L. This doesn't exclude those on the interwebs though).

Alright, whatever. I'm going to go back to TVTropes now. I need to stop using tropes in everyday conversation. It confuses people ^_^

Jun 24, 2010

So Alright is Not All Right?

Man, even the title looks wrong to me. I'm going to blame my generation (and possibly gen X as well) for this one.
I was writing fanfiction when I had a revelation. So you can have words like 'all together' that, when put together, mean something entirely different. Like 'altogether' is different to 'all together'. but 'alright' and 'all right' don't seem to have different definitions. I ended up Google-ing it (mum tried to help but in the end we both had to use the internet) and discovered that alright is not actually a word.
Personally I think it is a word. I use 'all right' if someone were asking if you were okay. i.e. "Are you all right?". However, I'd use 'alright' if it were just a reply, like a synonym to 'sure'.
i.e. "Want to go see a movie?"
"Yeah, alright."

In other contexts, I kind of vary between the two. But as a general rule, I use 'alright' more often. It looks more casual and perhaps natural than 'all right' does. I'm not sure why. I use it as a contraction, I guess. In the same way as I use 'don't' instead of 'do not'. 'Alright' doesn't appear to be as formal as 'all right' and therefore, I prefer using it in fanfiction and normal online conversation. Is this the wrong thing to do? Apparently so.
Ah well, English is an evolving language, so I suppose it's only a matter of time before 'alright' makes it into our major dictionaries.

Jun 21, 2010

Yo. Again.

Two posts in one day. I am bored.
Here are the things I wish I knew as a child and why.
- There's an entire fandom for Palletshipping. (I thought I was the only one...)
- Fandom in general, I suppose. Same reason as above.
- I wish I had learned guitar. I would've been so good by now xD
- I wish I'd had a bigger interest in music, full stop.
- I wish I knew of AFI and... why on earth do I wish that?
- I also wish I knew of Radiohead earlier. Radiohead changed the way I hear music entirely.
- There's other Nintendo fan boys and girls. Not just xBox fans (and, specifically as a child, the PS2 fans)
- There are people who enjoy games for the plot lines and strategy as well. Not just the FPS fans.
- Pokemon isn't just a childrens game.
- Being a teenager isn't as exciting as predicted.
- Actually, now that I think about it, I wish I hadn't discovered fandom. It's kind of maybe taken over my life.
- My primary school friends weren't going to be with me for my entire life. Clearly.
- No, not every teenager has a boyfriend.
- No, not every teenager goes to parties every weekend.

Things that have changed since I was a child.
- I no longer want to go to my formal next year (I want to stay home and play Pokemon. Or something.)
- I look like I have baby fat now. I never did before. Is it possible to gain baby fat?
- Ok, maybe it's just fat. Maybe I need to stop eating so much.
- The only friends you need are the ones who are willing to give you space when you need it, and will still stick by you afterwards.
- Frequent parties get boring. Fast.
- My bedroom is now my best friend.
- Something that hasn't changed: Legend of Zelda = <3
- Neopets isn't actually that fun. At least, in my opinion.

Alright, time to go catch me a Mareep with a modest nature. That reminds me, I wish I knew of EV's as a child. It would've made Pokemon training much easier.

My throat. It itches.

Been watching two awesome animes. Inuyasha (dubbed) and Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (subbed) and... I'm giving myself whiplash xD going between violent action to violent, blood filled horror is kind of disorientating. In a good way, of course.
Seriously... I've just seen like, everyone (not quite) attempt to claw out their own throats. And now mine is extremely itchy...
Only up to episode 8 of Higurashi. On Inuyasha I've downloaded 75 episodes. I think I've seen perhaps 150 of them though via youtube and other video sites.
This, my friends, is why I still prefer Youtube. Even if they have started putting ads on all the popular videos.
Bah. So anyway.

Top things that give me mega nostalgia:
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time music (some Windwaker tracks do this as well.)
- The music from the first two generations of Pokemon. It only works if I listen to the original chip-tone tracks. Even the GB player on HeartGold isn't enough for me, for some reason.
- If I play some of the first songs I learned on alto sax.
- Some old tracks I used to listen to with Mum and Dad when I was like, 5.
- Alright, just old music that I really like.
- The Bowser levels on Super Mario 64.
- For some reason, all manga does this for me. Even manga I have never read before. What. I didn't even read manga as a young child.
- Photos, of course.
- The first season of the Pokemon anime.
- Cardcaptor Sakura (subbed, don't watch the dub. Nooooooo.)
- My stuffed Kero doll ^_^
- Certain smells, especially vanilla. Even though I hate cinnamon, it also makes me feel nostalgic. I have no reason for this. Maybe Mum used to fill the house with certain smells or... something... man I don't know.

Hm. The weirdest things give me nostalgia. I assume we feel nostalgia because the past is something that's familiar and we feel more comfortable with it, right? Unless, you know, you had a really bad past... that'd suck... Yeah anyway.
So I don't get it really. There's no reason for nostalgia. Other than to make us feel happy I suppose. I don't like it in that it makes me wish I was younger. I don't like being older. I tried to play with my figurines and stuff the other day but realized I just don't have the imagination I used to. D=
It is so, so horrible.

I am going on holidays for a week. Yay. Sorta. Oh well. I'll still have internet though so that's cool.

Jun 18, 2010

Nintendo 3DS

This is a copy from what I posted on my Facebook, written while I was still fangasming over the E3 stuff. Enjoy =D

OK. So, Nintendo has been pushing the envelope with the DS. We've had the DS, the DS Lite, the DSi and the DSi XL. First they made it smaller, and then they made it larger again. Why? Probably just to drain our wallets. It seemed pretty gimmicky and we all realized awhile ago that Nintendo needed something new in the handheld department. Something to raise the bar up just that little bit higher.
Well, it's here. The newest addition to the Nintendo family, the 3DS. Don't be confused by the name. It sounds like a DS, and the actual product looks like a DS. But it's forgivable this time, because the new features will blow you away.

To start off, I'll talk about the physical aspects. When first presented at E3, it looked like a DS lite with an extra coat of paint and redesigned cameras. It goes without saying that the 3DS is only slightly different in appearance to the DS lite. They’re about the same size. I believe there is a 0.1 inch difference in width. The final design is unknown (obviously we've only seen a prototype) but I really like the sleek look of this system. It's the same square shape with the curved edges, much like the DSi but even more curvaceous. It appears to have gone back on the matte finish (thankfully so) and seems to have a texture much like the DS lite. The area surrounding the top screen is in black, unlike the rest of the 3DS which can be in either blue or red. Or, for those who are more conservative, you can choose to have the entire console in black. There is now a home button, which I can only assume acts in the same way as the power button on the DSi when pressed down for a mere second. There is also a power button, unlike the slide from the DS lite. The power light is no longer in the middle of the DS and is now down the very front, while the headphone port has moved toward the centre of the front panel. All in all, it's a very nice design, although the power button is in an awkward position. I can easily see my right hand slipping and having myself accidentally restart the game.

Another new feature would be the joystick or, as the official site calls it, the 'slidepad'. From what I've heard, it doesn't move as much as an actual joystick does, and would probably only be used for in-game camera adjustments. There are three cameras, one above the top screen and two on the outside. The two outside cameras are for taking 3D shots (And possibly videos), which is quite possibly done by taking the images using the two different perspectives and then combining them. While I question the photo quality, this is quite a novel idea. The 3DS also has motion and gyro sensors. At E3, Satoru Iwata claimed that you could watch special content and movies in clear 3D (naming off companies such as Disney, Dreamworks and Warner Brothers, who were apparently all for the idea). The movies would be shown in widescreen on the top (3.53 inch screen, 800x240 pixel resolution), while the touch screen's use during movies is currently unknown. Both screens are LCD and the touch screen is slightly smaller, at 3.02 inches. It is able to play the old DS games (using the same game slot as the newer 3DS games as they use the same sized card) although I know that's not what we really care about at this point.

The biggest incentive to buy this handheld is the 3D aspect. Unlike the 3D televisions we're currently being told to buy, the 3DS does not require special 3D glasses. That's right; you're supposed to see the 3D graphics with your own eyes. Does that sound impossible? Yes. Is it impossible? Well, not quite.
It's not the 3D that we may have been misled to believe. No, the characters are not going to jump out of the screen. From what I've heard, the characters will just stand out more. They look like you can actually touch them. The 3D effect adds more depth, perhaps, but probably won't be too involved with the gameplay. Regardless, it's a very nice added touch and if you really dislike having the extra dimension, you can turn it off. Nintendo has stayed true to its name and made sure that it is accessible to all players. In fact, there isn't just an on/off button for the 3D graphics. There's a slider, so you can find any degree between 2D and 3D that you find comfortable. Only want a little touch of the 3rd dimension? Just slide the slider up a tiny bit. While this is more of a safety net for Nintendo in case of backlash against the 3D feature, it does give the user something else to customize. And this is never a bad thing.

While I can't say anything about the sound quality or actual gameplay as of yet (not much has really been revealed) the graphics are amazing for a handheld device. The beta screenshots are superb. I definitely see the appeal of watching movies on it (let's just hope that Nintendo executes this add-on well) and the graphics so far look very, very good. Nintendo is not known for its graphics. We all know that. But the 3DS's graphics definitely surpass the Gamecube’s and almost rival the Wii’s. Some of the games are even better than the Wii's graphics. This might not seem like much, but as I said, you have to remember that this is a handheld device. This has been spawned from the DSi which, even from a distance, looks pixelated and block-y. Yet this newer system is surprisingly smooth and clear. Hell, this is a lot better than the PSP. My only problem with it so far is that you have to be viewing the screen head on to see the image properly, and if you're even slightly too far to the side the screen will not be clear. My guess is that if you turned off the 3D effect, you would be able to see it from side angles better, but once again I can't be sure. Regardless, the general consensus online is that the 3D effect is amazing.

Onto the current games list. So far, the 3DS has had a huge response from third-party developers. Some third-party games that are confirmed to be released on the 3DS include 'Resident Evil Revelations', 'The Sims 3', 'Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy', a new Sonic game, another Final Fantasy title and another Kingdom Hearts game (the last three without final names yet). From the released screenshots, 'The Sims 3' graphics are much like what 'The Sims 2' managed on PC. They are still nice, but they aren't the greatest. However, that was the worst of the bunch, with Kingdom Hearts looking absolutely fantastic compared to its previous DS title. Of course, these don't compare to the official Nintendo games that are soon to be released. As always, a new Mario game will be created for the 3DS, as well as Mario Kart and Animal Crossing. Nintendogs now features cats as well, Paper Mario is back once again, and there will be remakes of StarFox 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (!!!).

Animal Crossing appears to have had a makeover with the main characters. You can now customize more than just shirts, giving the girls dresses, skirts or pants. The characters are no longer as stumpy and have quite a bit of height added to them. They are very Mii like in appearance. The graphics are notably better than the Wii Animal Crossing and are much more in depth. The shading is done extraordinarily well and the water looks brilliant.
Paper Mario is very clean. There are a few badly rendered curves, but once again the shading is very, very good. Mario Kart, on the other hand, is a bit of a letdown. It still looks very good, don't get me wrong, but I was expecting more. The camera angle is also very awkward, so that may have impacted on my judgment of the graphics.
The original Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a very, very in depth game, and Nintendo has clearly put time into trying to recreate the original setting. It's clearly not a port from the Nintendo 64 version. The graphics are much clearer. StarFox 64 has had the most improvement, with very nice colouring and scenes that will be perfect with the added 3D.
The biggest example here would have to be Kid Icarus Uprising. The graphics don't seem to be as polished as the others, but as the first 3DS title to have a trailer I am still very impressed. The glow on Pit's wings is perfect. There's not much else for me to say about it.

Overall, the system has had much support from many third party developers, despite the fact that the console itself isn’t even complete. With exclusive content from Disney, Warner Brothers and Dreamworks, the 3DS is not just a gaming system but a tool for viewing movies. Game-wise, Konami, Ubisoft and Capcom are just three of the third-party companies bringing out new games on the 3DS (Metal Gear Solid, Assassin’s Creed and Resident Evil, respectively) while Nintendo also brings out it’s old favourites. Not to mention the sequels to NES and SNES games that are being made, allowing Nintendo to keep the ‘something for everyone’ stance that they’ve adopted. Like always, they’re attempting to bridge the gap between casual and hardcore gamers. Whether that goal has been reached is debatable (hell, we haven’t seen any actual gameplay yet. We only have titles) but so far the online fanbase is very pleased. Generally, the 3DS is not disappointing. I’m very interested to see where this new system leads, and I have a feeling that this is the dawn of a very good era for Nintendo.

Jun 16, 2010



I don't know what I was expecting for the newest Zelda game. But it certainly wasn't this. It's like... Twilight Princess and Windwaker had a baby. I'm not sure if realistic graphics and cell shading go together all that well.
...but Zelda has never failed to deliver before. So I guess I'll just have to have faith that the gameplay and plot line are as epic as ever.
Oh well. From some other videos I've seen, the controls are looking pretty dang sweet.

On Melancholy Hill

New Gorillaz single. Yay. The video did bring me to say "wait, what?" by the end of it.
So the song 'On Melancholy Hill' is pretty happy sounding. Synthesized I believe, pretty cruise-y... the video opened up with a girl (Noodle) shooting at airplanes.
Oh well. I kind of liked the whole thing, of having violent clips to a happier song. They did it with El Manana, to a lesser extent (also with Noodle. Man, that girl has had a rough life.) so that didn't worry me. But then it started getting harder and harder to follow the video.
So this person... thing had a manatee on a... er, island thing made of washed up plastic... so heaps of musicians tried to save it. Did I get that right? Because that's how I saw it. Except then the creepy guy pulled the manatee back into the ocean. Eh? Ok. I'll go with it. (I'm kind of hoping it's the black skinned demon Murdoc supposedly summoned once, but I doubt it. I thought the demon was younger.)
Oh well. Giant Russel (expanded from the toxins in the ocean, btw) then saved real Noodle. Robo-Noodle, as I have affectionately dubbed her, is alive. And spitting up little octopuses. And generally freaking 2D out.
I am definitely biased, but I want 2D to have more stuff to do. All he seems to be doing is sitting in the background looking significantly freaked out and helpless. Not that I expected him to be anything other than helpless, but it'd be nice for him to actually do something, you know?

...Gruen Transfer is on now. YES. Going to go watch television. Peace.

Jun 10, 2010

Wait, what?

Wasn't Noodle an android to begin with?
So how did Murdoc get DNA to create her clone? Unless she had DNA as an android (I mean, she bruises, apparently. I understand they were made to be as human as possible, but...)
Plus the story said that they were created to kill and be killed instead of normal people getting killed in wars and... stuff. So why would they bother with fine details, such as DNA?

I need to stop posting so many entries. I'm too tired for this. 'Night guys.

Plastic Beach

I'm playing through the 'Plastic Beach' flash on the Gorillaz website. My thoughts so far:
- 2D's voice is a lot lower than it used to be. That's seriously the first thing that made me go "what?"
- Murdoc is definitely more of an ass. He's a freaking monster right now. Hm.
- I really like Dave, even if he's cheating Murdoc. Oh well. It's not like Murdoc has my respect right now.
- Actually, I'm lying. That book he's got? Totally cool. That secret lair? Also totally cool. If it weren't for the whole gassing/kidnapping 2D thing, and the robot Noodle thing, maybe I'd like him more this phase than I did the last.
- I also thought that top looked rather hot on him. Ugh. That's horrible.
- 2D's eyes are white again. I thought Rise of the Ogre claimed he had two eight-ball fractures? Hopefully it's just a colouring error. Either that, or they've stuffed continuity.
- Not that they hadn't stuffed it already. What was the whole Noodle thing about after phase two? First she was dead after El Manana, next she was totally fine. Then she had been taken to hell... but nope, she was saved by Murdoc. Then everyone was saying she was dead again (Not that that was released officially anywhere) and then her stuff started appearing in Kong. Now... she's on a boat. And has a gun. And a rather sinister frown. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU NOODLE? (That had nothing to do with the flash. My bad)
- I can't load the games. They seem to load indefinitely. The instructions for the lift game didn't load either, so I had to google them.
- It keeps freezing for me. Like, the actual characters will keep moving, but I can't click anywhere or move the screen.
- Overall very glitchy.
- Still cool though. Less freaky than Kong. I don't know if that's a good thing, or...
- Bah, I want to give 2D his adapter back now. I mean, he's already been through so much. As I posted on Fanfiction.net, maybe that adapter was the only thing that helped him to hold onto his sanity? (Not that he was very sane to begin with...)
- 2D... sigh. It's good to see your skinny little frame again. Even if you don't seem to be doing so well at the moment.
- Robo-Noodle is creepy. In a good way though.
- The voice over is pretty good. Except for the character I'm supposed to be playing. He speaks... I don't know. He seems to be laughing at everything.
- Good to see they're still referencing 2D's fascination with zombies.
- Not so cool to have him watch what seem to be porn films. Oh well.
- When I scroll around Plastic Beach (when you go down the left stairs while outside) two areas have these faded white circles over them. I can't click on them or anything so... are they important? I hope I'm not missing something here.
- I assume I must wait for more things to be released. I seem to have reached a stand still in plot advancement.

2D appears to be manning-up, as such. His voice is deeper, he actually claimed to hate Murdoc and his language is a bit more... snappier. Like he's finally standing up for himself. Too bad he's deathly afraid of whales and reverted back to stuttering when I asked for an adapter. I kind of miss the flustered, nervous 2D though. I suppose isolation and kidnappings would change a person though.
Hey, I did see a pill in the corner of the screen. He's still on his meds. I don't know why I noticed that.

So the next single is 'On Melancholy Hill' right? Being the rabid 'shipper I am (with the help of 'shipping goggles) I have decided this is a hint toward 2D/Noodle. Well, I'm undecided on it. I am just making hopeful assumptions. Melancholy Hill, like most Gorillaz songs, feature 2D's vocals. And the lyrics are... interesting. "Just waiting for the day you'll come back to me" I believe it was (I don't remember. Too lazy to look it up.) Seeing as this single's preview doubled as Noodle's ident and showed her possibly returning... I just put two and two together. 2D is waiting for her. She's coming home.
"You can't have what you want, but you can have me" just sounds like a back up plan type thing though. Not so sure about that line.
Anyway, I suppose time will tell, won't it?

I did notice a lull in Murdoc/2D fanfics recently. Possibly because 2D openly said that he hates Murdoc. That's bound to make some people pause and think. I do expect most of those 'shippers to bounce back anyway (as if that's ever stopped 'shippers before. Crack pairings (all Gorillaz pairings are this, really) and never-met 'ships are proof that you can't stop the fangirls/boys.)

Anyway. Right now I am soft resetting for a shiny Charmander on Pokemon HeartGold. Three days and still nothing, but I'm not going to give up. Actually, I probably will after this weekend... Oh well.

Noodle has Returned

Just saw the 'On Melancholy Hill' trailer, which also somewhat doubles as Noodle's ident.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o70CVWTK4s (too lazy to embed it even though it only takes one extra click, really.)
Wow. Just wow. Noodle has clearly changed. Bah she has a gun. I'm kind of hoping for a Robo-Noodle vs Noodle showdown. I've always been special like that though.
She looks angry. Perhaps she knows about the entire Plastic Beach situation? Because she really, really looks annoyed.

On another note, I recently saw Amanda Palmer's covers of three Radiohead songs. Now, I love Radiohead (exceedingly so). I also love Amanda P. But... these covers? No. Just no. Fake Plastic Trees is alright, but the other two most certainly aren't.
Bah. She needs to stick to writing original tracks, because she is considerably better at that.
Oh well.

I'm going to go watch some Gorillaz music videos. Peace.

Jun 7, 2010

Handwriting is totally inherited

Currently Listening to: Plastic Beach - Gorillaz
So I was looking at my dad's handwriting and my sisters, while comparing them to mine.
I swear, I inherited dad's handwriting. My sister did too.
We all have this... slightly legible scrawl. They aren't exactly the same, but they are all similar. Maybe it has something to do with fine motor skills. Surely that would be inherited, right?

The song 'White Flag' from the new Gorillaz album is epic. So is 'Rhinestone Eyes'

Also, I had a drama assignment today. We skipped lines but I think we covered it up nicely. Yeahh.
Short post is short because I am trying to install Sims 1 again. I installed them in the wrong order (Unleashed before Vacation) so now I have to start all over.


Jun 6, 2010

I have never felt so bad for a cartoon character

I'm reading up on the whole story line for the newest Gorillaz album, Plastic Beach. Just trying to catch up, you know? And, as many others have realized, Murdoc is a total monster. Apart from using (what I assume to be) anesthetic to kidnap 2D, he also creates a clone of Noodle with her DNA when he realizes she ain't coming back. (I still reckon she will, but it appears that Murdoc has created the robot to replace her, so...)
He also chloroformed 2D when he tried to get help. The whole situation is unnerving. You only hear the audio. You can hear 2D's muffled cries and then Murdoc says, in a sickly sweet, calming voice, that he should breathe in, it's alright... and then 2D goes silent.
I'm a bit of a 2D/Noodle shipper, only because those two are my favourite characters though. (Also because I can not see Murdoc and 2D together. Nobody is that masochistic. Not even 2D.) So I'm probably a bit biased, but... like... what.
That's not a punctuational error. I'm not asking a question. My response is just 'what.' as I have no words. It is like a rhetorical 'what?' or something. I don't know.

Russel has also been replaced with a drum machine. Russ seems like the sweetest, most kind hearted man I'll ever lay eyes on. And he's been replaced much like Noodle (just not quite as morbidly). Murdoc, seriously, are you high? (Answer: Probably drunk, actually.)
2D has had the roughest life. My heart dropped when I realized how much Murdoc has hurt him. I feel so bad for the poor guy. He's been in two car accidents, had two 8-ball fractures, been both physically and emotionally abused, been kidnapped and now he's been drugged. Quite possibly many times. All because of Murdoc.
Murdoc also slept with Paula, who was dating 2D at the time.
Oh boy.
Also: I want Noodle back. The new one is frightening, creepy and totally awesome, but I kind of really miss the original.

Bah. I am waiting with bated breath to see what happens next. As much as I hate it, Damon and Jamie certainly know how to real in their old fans. I guess.

Jun 5, 2010


Found my missing Sims 1 Makin' Magic disk.
Under my driving learner book. That my sister accidentally put a chair on and sat on it. We heard the crack, I told her to move. We didn't expect anything to have been under the book. I assumed it were the chair that cracked (that chair is broken anyway)
...RIP Makin' Magic. You can join my LoZ: OoT Masterquest disk up in CD heaven. Also broken by my sister (although that one wasn't an accident)

... =/
Today has been horrible. Bah.

Jun 1, 2010

Pokemon Black & White Legendary's


I had to finish my English assignment today in Biology because I didn't get to finish it at home. Yeah.
Wednesdays are the best days of the week. I have Symphonic band in the morning, double music, double spare and sport. I hate sport, but apart from that tomorrow will be sweet as.
In RAVE (religion and values education. Lol rave) we don't do much and QCS is pretty much a general knowledge session.
Other than that, everything else is like... horrible.

Anyway. Saw the new legendary Pokemon.
Aren't there like... 3o legendary's? Huh. They are so obscure and... you know... legendary. There's only heaps of them. What.
Back on topic, I kinda don't like them. I didn't like the new starter Pokemon either, but I kinda do now... so maybe the legendary ones will grow on me. Reshiram isn't so bad. Apart from the tuft of fur... that's placed rather... uhm, awkwardly. Yeah. That's weird. Otherwise it's kind of cool.
Zekrom looks too robotic. Or maybe, as everyone else seems to have said, like a Digimon.
Really, they look pretty similar. Not just too each other, I've now realized, but to a lot of other Pokemon too. Compare Zekrom's legs to Palkia's. Hm. And maybe Reshiram's hair.. thing... compare that to Arceus.
=/ running low on ideas, Gamefreak?
Speaking of starters... Mijumaru is hella cute. And lonely D= So many people are saying that it looks like a sad clown... or just weird... wotter, is what many are calling it.
Personally, I like it. There is nothing wrong with my wotter >:\ Truthfully, I only wanted to pick it because everyone else dislikes it. I actually like it for real now. It's grown on me ^_^ Of course, the final evolutions might cause me to change my mind, but... I just like this guy.

It's exam block next week. There's two days where I have nothing due so... I am totally staying home. Bludge plz.