Jul 18, 2011

Fandom Quiz Time

Because you can never have too many quizzes (if quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? Hehehe). I shall answer questions on Angel Beats!, Death Note, Inuyasha, Pokemon Adventures/Special, Harry Potter, Zelda and Hetalia. ^^

Fandom: Angel Beats!
Favorite Character: Angel/Kanade.
Least Favorite Character: Ah, Noda, probably.
Most Attractive Character: Iwasawa ♥
Character I Wanna Marry: Hinata~
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Hm. Otonashi. Which is a boring answer, really.
Favorite Pairing: Otonashi/Kanade
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: When Kanade is in hospital and Otonashi regains his memories while lying on her chest♥
Unpopular Opinion: I truly do believe that they didn't meet up again. The scene where it shows Otonashi meeting up with Angel was, in my opinion, something he imagined so he himself could be reincarnated. Sorta like how Hinata helped Yui imagine having a happy life so she could be reborn or whatever.

Fandom: Death Note
Favorite Character: L. Just to be generic.
Least Favorite Character: Near
Most Attractive Character: Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt. ♥
Character I Wanna Marry: Rofl. None of them? I love Matt but that's mostly fanon. L, I guess..?
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Mello. He'd get into some crazy stuff. Never a dull moment.
Favorite Pairing: I like pairing L/Light as a hate pairing, but I think Mello/Matt is the only one I actually ship.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: The one episode with Matt. =/
Unpopular Opinion: I see many redeeming features in Light. Sometimes I think I am the only one who does so.

Fandom: Inuyasha
Favorite Character: Inuyasha. How dull.
Least Favorite Character: Kikyo. Definitely.
Most Attractive Character: Sesshomaru.
Character I Wanna Marry: Hm... I guess I'd go with Inuyasha.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: ...Inuyasha again. Heh. Or Miroku.
Favorite Pairing: InuKag.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Dunno. The one where Kagome is chillin' with the wolves and is wearing the Robe of the Fire Rat, so when Inuyasha is caught in an explosion he's not protected and Kagome is so sure that he's been killed.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think I have an unpopular opinion on this.

Fandom: Pokemon Special.
Favorite Character: Silver
Least Favorite Character: Emerald. I hate him so much.
Most Attractive Character: Green (male) ♥
Character I Wanna Marry: Hm. Sapphire. I'd totally turn lesbian for her.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Red. He'd be very easy to befriend, as would Gold.
Favorite Pairing: Franticshipping (Ruby/Sapphire)
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Like, the entirety of the Ruby/Sapphire arc. I am such a shipper. I also loved the FireRed/LeafGreen arc.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't like Yellow. Everyone seems to, but I really, really don't. I've never liked pairing her with Red, either...

Fandom: Harry Potter Series
Favorite Character: I have way too many. Draco, Sirius, Snape and the twins are all awesome.
Least Favorite Character: Ginny.
Most Attractive Character: Hermione, in the movie. In the books I always envisioned the twins as being adorable.
Character I Wanna Marry: Eh... One of the twins. I don't know which, to be honest... I think I've always felt more affectionate towards George...
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Luna! Definitely.
Favorite Pairing: I don't know... either James/Sirius or Harry/Luna.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: My favourite book was The Half-Blood Prince, but my favourite movie was Prisoner of Azkaban.
Unpopular Opinion: I've never really had an issue with any of the changes the movies made. I can understand why most of the changes were made, so...

Fandom: Zelda series
Favorite Character: Midna.
Least Favorite Character: Princess Ruto. =_=
Most Attractive Character: Princess Zelda. Duh.
Character I Wanna Marry: I have absolutely no idea... Prince Komali, maybe. Who doesn't want a husband who can fly?
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Tetra. How epic would it be to travel with a pirate?
Favorite Pairing: Link/Dark Link. Yeah, so, Dark Link is barely in the games. I still find the whole concept of the great hero finding love with his shadow really intriguing.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Windwaker or Ocarina of Time would be my favourite games. Probably OoT. Manga wise, I liked the Four Swords manga.
Unpopular Opinion: I like cell-shaded Link. I also loved Twilight Princess. Yeah, they're easier than the other games, but the plots and characters are still very deep and fun to get into.

Fandom: Hetalia
Favorite Character: Romano~
Least Favorite Character: Uh... I don't even know... France..? I hardly hate him though.
Most Attractive Character: Spain. DAT ASS~ etc.
Character I Wanna Marry: Spain would be the best husband, hands down. He's so kind and happy and ♥. That said... I kinda love Romano. A lot. I think he can be suave when he wants to (oh, who am I kidding, he represents South Italy, of course he can be suave), but he has a temper and I think I'd need that extra challenge in a relationship to keep from getting bored.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Prussia. Think of all the crazy shit we'd get up to~
Favorite Pairing: Spamano. Not just because Spain and Romano are uber attractive. Of course not.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Guh... uh... I've always loved the strips from when England was raising young!America. I also adore Boss Spain and Chibi!Romano, but that's just for my love of Romano... The Valentines Day strips are cute and very amusing as well.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think this opinion is unpopular, but it's oddly uncommon anyway. I hate seeing England as being all weak and dependent on some stronger country. He was the fucking British Empire. What the hell guys.
Also, I love Mafia!Romano. There's an odd lack of fan stuffs for the mafia side of Italy, actually. This depresses me greatly.

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