Jul 8, 2011

89 Truths


1. Last beverage: Tea. With bits of Tim Tam floating in it, rofl.
2. Last phone call: Dad, I think. Before that? I don't actually remember.
3. Last text message: Clearly Unfocused
4. Last song you listened to: I currently have 405 (Acoustic) by Death Cab for Cutie on repeat. <3
5. Last time you cried: Hm... dunno, actually.


6. Dated someone: Obviously.
7. Been cheated on: I don't think so. I hope not.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Yes. I don't regret it now though. I'm pretty neutral about the whole thing.
9. Lost someone special: Indeed
10. Been depressed: Who hasn't?
11. Been so drunk you threw up
: Nope.


12. Black (it totally counts, k guys)

13. Red

14. Green


15. Made a new friend?: Yep.
16. Fallen out of love?: Ah, I suppose?
17. Laughed until you cried? With my friends, it's not hard to do this.
18. Met someone who changed you? Hm... not this year, no, I don't think so.
19. Found out who your true friends were? Not this year, no.
20. Found out someone was talking about you? Yes, but this happens quite often. I do a lot of stupid things so this doesn't surprise me ^_^
21. Kissed anyone on your fb friend's list?: No


22. How many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life
: All of them bar maybe three, and I know them via other people that I do know in real life.
3. Do you have any pets: 3 goldfish, 2 budgies.
25. What time did you wake up today: 8:30am
26. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping. My sleeping schedule is oddly sound at the moment.
27. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Schoolies week.
28. Last time you saw your Mother: A few hours ago.
29. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: One..? I don't know...
30. What are you listening to right now:
405 (Acoustic version) by Death Cab for Cutie
31. Have you ever talked to some one named Tom: Yep
32. What's getting on your nerves right now: Nothing. I am feeling very serene.
33. Most visited web page: Today? Pixiv. All time? Eh... Google?
34. Nicknames: None, really. Online I go by GoJo. My wife calls me "dear wife", believe it or not. One of my closest friends used to call me Cl.
36. Zodiac Sign: Cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius.
37. He or She: She. Usually.
38. Elementary? I like to refrain from posting too many of my details online, so... My primary school was a public school and hasn't really got a good rep, just so you know ^^
39. Middle School? -
40 High School? Is a private school and is, unfortunately, pretty dull and safe. Oh well.
41. Hair Color? Brown. Dark, can be lighter under certain lights... maybe it's just a boring, middle shade...
42. Long or short? My hair? Shortish? It's kinda middle-length now.
43. Height? 167cm, I think
44. Do you have crush on someone? Indeed. He's a total bastard. Really. x3
45. What do you like about yourself? Um. The fact that I currently have 8 instruments in my room. Only 2 are double up instruments (the electric and acoustic guitars).
46. Piercings? Standard ear piercings. One day I will have a nose piercing.
48. Righty or lefty? Right handed. On the rare occasion that I play sports, I am left footed.
49. First surgery: Can't remember if I had surgery on my eye or not when I was 3. If I didn't, then I guess... 3 years ago? I had a mole removed from my throat. It bled like a bitch ^_^
50. First piercing: Ears. My right ear, I think...
51. First best friend: Rebekah. I've known her pretty much since her birth, which is pretty cool.
52. First sport you joined: Soccer


53. Eating: Nothing
54. Drinking: Nothing
55. I'm about to: Go to bed
57. Waiting for: Nothing, really.
58. Want kids? Hm. Sometimes. I've mostly conceded that I don't want kids unless my possible future spouse does.
59. Want to get married? Uh. No. Not really. If I find the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with, sure, but it's not exactly a goal of mine or anything.
60. Career? None. I am a student. I want to work in Translating and Interpreting stuff one day. Hopefully for Nintendo EU.


61. Lips or eyes? Eyes. Easy.
62. Hugs or kisses? Eh. Depends on your relationship with whoever it is. I don't really want to kiss my friends (sorry guys) but hugging a boyfriend could be a little too chaste... xD
63. Shorter or taller: On me? I like being short. For friends, I don't care. For possible boyfriends, I like taller.
64. Older or Younger?: Don't care. As long as their age is pretty close to mine.
65. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous, though romance can go a long way in certain situations.
66. Nice stomach or nice arms? Eh? Arms I guess... I don't really care either way.
67. Sensitive or loud?: Can't you have both? Loud, because being always sensitive would get boring. Still, I'd hate for someone to be loud all the time. Like with romance, sensitivity can go a long way...
68. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
69. Trouble maker or hesitant: Lolol trouble maker <3


70. Kissed a stranger: No
71. Drank hard liquor: Yes, but very, very little. Like, a sip from a glass that I regretted immediately. Bleh.
72. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope. I break and lose many sunglasses though.
73. Sex on first date: Lol no.
74. Broken someone's heart: Apparently so.
75. Had your own heart broken: Mmm. Hasn't everyone?
76. Turned someone down: Yep.
77. Cried when someone died: Yep.
78. Fallen for a friend: Yes. Quite often. Goddammit.


79. Yourself: Not... really...
80. Miracles: I suppose. Not necessarily in a biblical sense.
81. Love at first sight: Ah, not really, no. Lust at first sight, on the other hand...
82. Santa Clause: Didn't he actually exist? Saint Nick?
83. Kiss on the first night: Um... yeah. I think it's fine, depending on how long you've known the person and all.


84. Had more than one bf/gf at one time: Lolol in grade 3. That's an interesting story.
85. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Truthfully, no. I'm enjoying my own company right now.
86. Did you sing today? Heh, yes.
87. If you could go back in time, how far would you go and why? I wouldn't go back. I just want school to be over. Then again, I'd like to revisit primary school... I miss the simplicity of it all, and I really miss my old friends.
88. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? No idea. Too many good days and none of them really 'stood out' so...
89. Are you afraid of falling in love? No, no, that part's fine. It's when I act on those feelings that I start to feel afraid.

[Stolen from Tenuto Tuo who stole from Miss Invisible who stole from Sarahmay]

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