Jul 19, 2011

Anime Survey Challenge

I am in love with these quizzes right now.

Pick 5 of your anime (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:
1. Inuyasha

2. Hetalia

3. Death Note

4. Soul Eater

5. Angel Beats!

Who is your favorite character in #2?
South Italy/Romano/Lovino Vargas. Whatever you want to call him.

Who is your least favorite character in #1?
Hm. Jaken. I have never seen a creature so damn annoying in my life.

What’s your favorite episode of #4?
I haven't seen very much, to be honest. Thus far? Uh, probably when Maka is fighting Crona, and ends up 'embracing' the madness the black blood brings. That was pretty epic.

What is your favorite season of #5?
There are only 13 episodes... so... um... 1?

What’s your favorite relationship in #3?
Rofl. L/Light. Fanfics about these two are so much fun to read, so long as you don't depict them as perfectly happy lovers. C'mon, that just doesn't fit.

Who is your anti-relationship in #2?
Why is there such a fanbase for Itacest and Germancest? Guys. They're brothers. It's weird.

How long have you watched #1?
I first watched an episode of Inuyasha 5 years ago.

How did you become interested in #3?
Uh... hm... I'm not really sure. I probably read good things about it somewhere and then looked it up.

Who is your favourite actor in #4?
Todd Haberkorn who voices Death the Kid. I know he's from the dub and all, but that doesn't mean that I don't love the guy and his voice.

Which show do you prefer out of #1, 2 & 5?
You can't make me choose between Inuyasha and Hetalia! I think I prefer Hetalia in general, but if we're only talking about the anime, than Inuyasha wins out easily. Very easily.

Which show have you seen more episodes of, #1 or 3?
Inuyasha. Death Note doesn't have that many episodes to view, really.

If you could be any character from #4 who would you be?
I know that this is standard and boring, but probably Maka. She's strong, she's pretty, she's smart and her partner is Soul. I also see shipping between her and either Soul or Kid, and hell, I'd date either of them, so that's cool with me. xD

How would you kill off your favorite character in #2?
What. I refuse. No. No. No.
...fine. Well, if I had to kill my precious Lovi off, I guess I'd make it pretty awesome. He's affiliated with the mafia, right? I can't remember if that's canon or fanon... anyway, I'd have him doing something with them, idk what (protecting Spain somehow? Yes. The shipper in me likes that idea), and he'd get shot. What's that cliche? Going down in 'a hail of bullets' or something? Yeah. Like that. Kinda like Scarface, maybe? But more epic and with less drugs involved.

Give a random quote from #1
Miroku: I was wondering if you would bare my children?
There are plenty of epic quotes, but that was seriously all I could think of xD

Would a #3/4 crossover work?

Death Note/Soul Eater? Hm... Soul Eater is so much more lighthearted... but I mean, they both have shinigami... sort of... and Kid kinda resembles L... kinda... yeah I don't think it'd work...

Overall, which show has a better cast, #3 or 5?
3. Death Note.

Which has better music, #2 or 4?
Their soundtracks are so different though... I was never all that keen on Soul Eater's soundtrack though... Kid has some epic themes, but... eh... so I guess I'll go with the happy cuteness that is the Hetalia OST.

1 comment:

  1. I agree on the Itacest thing. That's just weird. But I used to say the same thing until Germancest became my OTP. Technically since they're nations they have no family, but I get where you're coming from. :) (Btw also a big Spamano fan XD)
