Jul 24, 2011

Cleanin' Out My Closet

An Eminem reference. Bet you guys weren't expecting that.
I'm not really cleaning out my closet, actually. I'm cleaning out behind my desk. It's almost empty now, so I'll be able to move my desk over a bit and create some more room. I've saved my old school books (as I would love to burn them when I graduate) but most everything else is going.

I found a good 4 or 5 gift cards down there. Feels good. I should go shopping.

It's weird to be cleaning out my room at all, though. Normally I need to be forced to. I have two reasons for cleaning out behind my desk though.

1. The stuff behind my desk is below my window. Unfortunately, every morning there is a lot of condensation on the window from the night before, so I end up with everything behind the desk getting pretty wet and gross. It's a good thing to move all my stuff away from there, I think.
2. I want to eventually clean out my entire room. So much so that I can fit everything into three suitcases at maximum.

This'll take awhile. I'm not moving out for at least a year and a half, but I figure I'll get started. Once the desk is clean, I'll start emptying out the small shelves. Once I deal with that, I'll find my way into the cupboard.

...which is a scary thought. It's full of stuff. And I mean full. It's quite scary. But I'll have to go empty it out eventually.

I want to make my room fit into three suitcases because I'm sick of having all this stuff I won't use. I'm a hoarder, and I'd like to try and contain my hoarding tendencies at least a little bit. It'll make it easier to move out too, of course.
If I can fit everything into three suitcases, then I can literally take everything with me when I study abroad. So, you know... if I decide not to return... heh.
Jokes aside, I do want my room to be emptier.

Suitcase 1 will have clothes in it.
Suitcase 2 will have random junk. ie: my Nintendo figurines, my video games, my posters and my laptop.
Suitcase 3 will have whatever didn't fit into the first 2.

It saddens me to say that I'm not going to worry too much about instruments. The alto sax, which has been my baby for 7 years now, is not the most portable thing I own. I'll try to keep it as long as possible, but I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that I'll continue playing it forever. I won't. The clarinet is easier to take around, and I could fit it into my awesome suitcases, but I've never been as enamored by the clari. Not to the same extent as my love for the saxophone.

I think the biggest reason that I want to fit my life into a few suitcases is because my aunt actually traveled around Europe with one suitcase. No home. Nothing but what was in her bag and the cash she had on hand. Well, she had savings back here in Aus, but she didn't want to depend on that while she traveled. She had no plans. She stayed where she wanted for as long as she wanted, and when she started to feel tired of a place she'd just get up and leave. I love that idea. Just... roaming. Nowhere to go, no obligations... the only issue with that is that she ran out of cash while in Portugal. She ended up getting back to England and getting a job so she could afford to come back here. Even so, I've always adored that about her. She was able to leave everything behind her and just see where her heart took her.

I mentioned this to Dad, and he quoted Janis Joplin. "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose".

Random subject change here. Someone I care about was on MSN yesterday. Drunk. Lainey messaged me telling me that she had no idea what to do, so I spoke to him via the internet. We had some... interesting conversations, actually. It seems that, while his spelling abilities drop significantly when intoxicated, he still manages to say some really intelligent things. And some really, really depressing things.
What do you do when someone you care about seems content enough at school, and yet admits (with the help of alcohol) that he well and truly isn't? He apologised today for everything, and it was awkward after that.

Do I bring it up again? Do I ask him if I can help in anyway? Do I confront him despite how awkward it could be? Or should I save both him and myself the embarrassment and pretend it never happened?

I don't know.

Jul 21, 2011

Why You Shouldn't Care For People

Reasons I shouldn’t drive when angry;

1. I accelerate faster

2. I end up having extremely sucky clutch control

3. I think I end up with tunnel vision. I definitely wasn’t using my peripheral vision.

4. I turn too sharply.

5. I grip the steering wheel slightly too tight, which makes it harder to turn the wheel or hit the indicator.

6. I occasionally get the urge to swerve into the other lane. Just to see how everyone else would react.

Poor ClearlyUnfocused was with me, and after dropping her off my Dad was still in the car, so clearly I wasn’t going to attempt number 6. Doesn’t mean that I didn’t think about it though.


Today has been shit.

The entire week has been, actually.

Nothing unusual. There are three people who are really annoying and/or hurting me, two of which have often annoyed and/or hurt me in the past. The only reason this is different is because;

a. There’s a third person now

b. I’ve felt rather ill, with it getting progressively worse as the day has gone on

c. Unlike most other times, there are many, many things plaguing my mind right now, and I think it’s just… built up a little too much, maybe.

Everything attacked me all at once today, it seems. This really sucks.

Anyway, the start of the day was fine. Mum seemed agitated, but that’s not unusual. There was an awards ceremony and I got a bronze academic award. Not great, but hardly bad. It would’ve been terrible enough for me to get really upset back in primary school, but these days I don’t usually get anything at all. So I’m happy.

My parents didn’t stick around to congratulate me, though. I ended up chilling with Phantomess and her Dad instead. Before that, though, I did look for my ‘rents. I hung back before entering the library where we had morning tea. I then checked the library itself. After that I looked over the carpark only to see that my parents most certainly were not there.

...If that’s not a clear representation of the relationship between my parents and I, then I don’t know what is.

I’m not that proud of my award. I could’ve done better, but I didn’t. I don’t really feel the need to make a big deal of it, nor do I really want to show it off. But I did want my parents to at least say something to me afterwards.

This lack of encouragement was just made all the more obvious when one of my friends (the same bastard I’m usually complaining about) made sure to congratulate the girl next to me, but didn’t say a word to me. Thanks. Fucker.

Sigh. He’s not exactly the most emotionally able. That said… surely he can understand how confused and hurt I am by him? This is the same kid who became one of my best friends only 5 months ago only to pointedly ignore me after. Just because he has never emotionally invested himself into a friendship, doesn’t mean that I haven’t. He may not understand this, but it hurts a lot when he talks to everyone except me. When he offers things to those around me, but not to me. When he says the exact same things he used to say to me to someone else, as if it wasn’t something we’d previously talked about. When someone else sits where I used to sit, and laughs and jokes around with him like we used to while I sit in silence away from him.

Yeah. It fucking hurts. I’ve always found it difficult to explain human emotion. I can’t say where, or why, or how it hurts, only that it does. It’s not the first time I’ve allowed myself to be hurt by a friendship, nor will it be the last, but unfortunately that doesn’t make this any less painful.

This is why I’m scared of becoming attached to people, I think. Because they’ll let you down.

The entire day has been full of mixed emotions. Around midday, Dad texted to congratulate me on my award. I think I almost burst into tears then. I would’ve preferred if he did stick around earlier on, but at least he did say something. Even if it was only over a text message.

As I said, I only broke down today because of a lot of things. The above is from today, but by no means is it the be all and end all of what’s bugging me. I’ve lost friends before. I’ve only kept one friend from primary school, for example. On the other hand, I do have a friend that I had since I was a very, very young child, but I’m not sure what I feel about her. I know how unimportant I am to her. I introduced her to her last boyfriend, and trust me when I say that I was pushed aside for him. So I’m hardly new to losing friends. Even so, I'm terrified about what'll happen to my social group with university. I’ll be going somewhere new, with no previous friends with me. Sure, I had to do the same thing when I started high school, but still.

I knew I was going to a different uni than everyone else. But recently two of my friends have been discussing moving interstate for their tertiary education. Obviously, I will not be following them. Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy for them. I wish I had the ambition to bother looking interstate rather than staying close to home. We need to seize every opportunity that comes our way, because we may never get a second chance. But… you know, it’s just so much more in-your-face now. It’s more obvious that we’re all going to be separated at the end of this year. Perhaps wanting them to go to the same university as me would only be delaying the inevitable.

Honestly, I can’t help but think that maybe it’d be less painful to start cutting ties now. To stop myself from becoming attached. The only person I’ve consistently been able to see in my future is Lainey. Three days ago this was playing on my mind for hours. All through class. As a child I’ve often heard that you need to get used to loss. Ask anyone. You don’t retain the same friends for your whole life.

Perhaps I should stop worrying about my social life and put all my effort into my school work. By doing that, it shouldn’t be such a sharp contrast when I start uni as a friendless nobody. It should be easier. Right?


Ah, but, even so, I can’t bring myself to do that, and perhaps with good reason. When I did eventually break down today during last period, we ended up in a group hug. It was very hot (temperature wise, guys) and squished, but it was also really comforting. And every now and then someone would exclaim “this hurts” or “I think I’m pressing on your shoulder”.

I’ve never had the urge to laugh whilst trying to hide the tears before. It’s an odd feeling. A good feeling, but an odd one all the same. And you know, that did a lot more for me than being pitied or having to explain the situation to them ever could have.

These are the people I care about, and they actually care about me in return. Even if it would be easier to try and cut ties now... I'd rather not. Because, truth be told, I don’t want to lose them.

So… you know, the future is uncertain. And I don’t know where it’ll carry me. Where it’ll carry us. But maybe… maybe this is worth holding on to. At least for now.

Random fact: If you asked me in primary school who I thought would still be one of my closest friends in 5 years time, I would not have answered with Lainey. Hey, maybe this’ll be one of those situations. Maybe the people who keep in contact with me will surprise me greatly. Maybe they won’t. I shouldn’t worry about it, though. Why panic about what the future holds when I’ve got so many good things to hold onto in the present?

...Heh. I can’t possibly end on a positive note. Let me continue with my emo story from earlier. So there’s this other guy. I may have blogged about him before? I don’t know. Anyway, things have been… weird with him. We had… a thing, two years ago, but there have been issues that stopped us getting together. I kinda liked him on and off through last year, but… well, I realised while I was overseas that he really didn’t bother to keep in contact with me. I texted him a few times, and he hardly replied, even when I asked him to at least try to hold a conversation with me. For the entirety of those holidays I had little to no contact with him. Over the course of term one this year, I ended up moving on from him. So yeah, my reasons were basically that we didn’t keep contact and that he didn’t seem to care all that much.

And, oddly enough, he just texted me to ask if I was okay after being upset this afternoon.

God, the irony. I stopped caring because he didn’t text me or contact me, and now he’s messaging me out of the blue specifically to ask if I’m okay? Pfft. If there is a God, he must love messing with me.

Oh, and, before I forget, the third person that's really annoyed me today? She has a habit of hurting people. No joke, she seems to hurt everyone. And look, she’s never done anything to me. She’s definitely done things worthy of my disliking, but I’m pretty sure she’s never intentionally tried to harm me. Maybe I just needed someone else to hate today. Maybe I’m just sick of the crap she pulls on everyone else. I don’t know. But it certainly didn’t help things today. Then again, very little was going to help things today, so perhaps I should turn off the computer, crawl into bed and sleep away everything that’s happened. Yes. That sounds good right now.

If anyone needs me, I'll be the ball-shaped-thing under the covers.

Jul 19, 2011

Anime Survey Challenge

I am in love with these quizzes right now.

Pick 5 of your anime (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:
1. Inuyasha

2. Hetalia

3. Death Note

4. Soul Eater

5. Angel Beats!

Who is your favorite character in #2?
South Italy/Romano/Lovino Vargas. Whatever you want to call him.

Who is your least favorite character in #1?
Hm. Jaken. I have never seen a creature so damn annoying in my life.

What’s your favorite episode of #4?
I haven't seen very much, to be honest. Thus far? Uh, probably when Maka is fighting Crona, and ends up 'embracing' the madness the black blood brings. That was pretty epic.

What is your favorite season of #5?
There are only 13 episodes... so... um... 1?

What’s your favorite relationship in #3?
Rofl. L/Light. Fanfics about these two are so much fun to read, so long as you don't depict them as perfectly happy lovers. C'mon, that just doesn't fit.

Who is your anti-relationship in #2?
Why is there such a fanbase for Itacest and Germancest? Guys. They're brothers. It's weird.

How long have you watched #1?
I first watched an episode of Inuyasha 5 years ago.

How did you become interested in #3?
Uh... hm... I'm not really sure. I probably read good things about it somewhere and then looked it up.

Who is your favourite actor in #4?
Todd Haberkorn who voices Death the Kid. I know he's from the dub and all, but that doesn't mean that I don't love the guy and his voice.

Which show do you prefer out of #1, 2 & 5?
You can't make me choose between Inuyasha and Hetalia! I think I prefer Hetalia in general, but if we're only talking about the anime, than Inuyasha wins out easily. Very easily.

Which show have you seen more episodes of, #1 or 3?
Inuyasha. Death Note doesn't have that many episodes to view, really.

If you could be any character from #4 who would you be?
I know that this is standard and boring, but probably Maka. She's strong, she's pretty, she's smart and her partner is Soul. I also see shipping between her and either Soul or Kid, and hell, I'd date either of them, so that's cool with me. xD

How would you kill off your favorite character in #2?
What. I refuse. No. No. No.
...fine. Well, if I had to kill my precious Lovi off, I guess I'd make it pretty awesome. He's affiliated with the mafia, right? I can't remember if that's canon or fanon... anyway, I'd have him doing something with them, idk what (protecting Spain somehow? Yes. The shipper in me likes that idea), and he'd get shot. What's that cliche? Going down in 'a hail of bullets' or something? Yeah. Like that. Kinda like Scarface, maybe? But more epic and with less drugs involved.

Give a random quote from #1
Miroku: I was wondering if you would bare my children?
There are plenty of epic quotes, but that was seriously all I could think of xD

Would a #3/4 crossover work?

Death Note/Soul Eater? Hm... Soul Eater is so much more lighthearted... but I mean, they both have shinigami... sort of... and Kid kinda resembles L... kinda... yeah I don't think it'd work...

Overall, which show has a better cast, #3 or 5?
3. Death Note.

Which has better music, #2 or 4?
Their soundtracks are so different though... I was never all that keen on Soul Eater's soundtrack though... Kid has some epic themes, but... eh... so I guess I'll go with the happy cuteness that is the Hetalia OST.

Jul 18, 2011

Fandom Quiz Time

Because you can never have too many quizzes (if quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? Hehehe). I shall answer questions on Angel Beats!, Death Note, Inuyasha, Pokemon Adventures/Special, Harry Potter, Zelda and Hetalia. ^^

Fandom: Angel Beats!
Favorite Character: Angel/Kanade.
Least Favorite Character: Ah, Noda, probably.
Most Attractive Character: Iwasawa ♥
Character I Wanna Marry: Hinata~
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Hm. Otonashi. Which is a boring answer, really.
Favorite Pairing: Otonashi/Kanade
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: When Kanade is in hospital and Otonashi regains his memories while lying on her chest♥
Unpopular Opinion: I truly do believe that they didn't meet up again. The scene where it shows Otonashi meeting up with Angel was, in my opinion, something he imagined so he himself could be reincarnated. Sorta like how Hinata helped Yui imagine having a happy life so she could be reborn or whatever.

Fandom: Death Note
Favorite Character: L. Just to be generic.
Least Favorite Character: Near
Most Attractive Character: Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt. ♥
Character I Wanna Marry: Rofl. None of them? I love Matt but that's mostly fanon. L, I guess..?
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Mello. He'd get into some crazy stuff. Never a dull moment.
Favorite Pairing: I like pairing L/Light as a hate pairing, but I think Mello/Matt is the only one I actually ship.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: The one episode with Matt. =/
Unpopular Opinion: I see many redeeming features in Light. Sometimes I think I am the only one who does so.

Fandom: Inuyasha
Favorite Character: Inuyasha. How dull.
Least Favorite Character: Kikyo. Definitely.
Most Attractive Character: Sesshomaru.
Character I Wanna Marry: Hm... I guess I'd go with Inuyasha.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: ...Inuyasha again. Heh. Or Miroku.
Favorite Pairing: InuKag.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Dunno. The one where Kagome is chillin' with the wolves and is wearing the Robe of the Fire Rat, so when Inuyasha is caught in an explosion he's not protected and Kagome is so sure that he's been killed.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think I have an unpopular opinion on this.

Fandom: Pokemon Special.
Favorite Character: Silver
Least Favorite Character: Emerald. I hate him so much.
Most Attractive Character: Green (male) ♥
Character I Wanna Marry: Hm. Sapphire. I'd totally turn lesbian for her.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Red. He'd be very easy to befriend, as would Gold.
Favorite Pairing: Franticshipping (Ruby/Sapphire)
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Like, the entirety of the Ruby/Sapphire arc. I am such a shipper. I also loved the FireRed/LeafGreen arc.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't like Yellow. Everyone seems to, but I really, really don't. I've never liked pairing her with Red, either...

Fandom: Harry Potter Series
Favorite Character: I have way too many. Draco, Sirius, Snape and the twins are all awesome.
Least Favorite Character: Ginny.
Most Attractive Character: Hermione, in the movie. In the books I always envisioned the twins as being adorable.
Character I Wanna Marry: Eh... One of the twins. I don't know which, to be honest... I think I've always felt more affectionate towards George...
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Luna! Definitely.
Favorite Pairing: I don't know... either James/Sirius or Harry/Luna.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: My favourite book was The Half-Blood Prince, but my favourite movie was Prisoner of Azkaban.
Unpopular Opinion: I've never really had an issue with any of the changes the movies made. I can understand why most of the changes were made, so...

Fandom: Zelda series
Favorite Character: Midna.
Least Favorite Character: Princess Ruto. =_=
Most Attractive Character: Princess Zelda. Duh.
Character I Wanna Marry: I have absolutely no idea... Prince Komali, maybe. Who doesn't want a husband who can fly?
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Tetra. How epic would it be to travel with a pirate?
Favorite Pairing: Link/Dark Link. Yeah, so, Dark Link is barely in the games. I still find the whole concept of the great hero finding love with his shadow really intriguing.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Windwaker or Ocarina of Time would be my favourite games. Probably OoT. Manga wise, I liked the Four Swords manga.
Unpopular Opinion: I like cell-shaded Link. I also loved Twilight Princess. Yeah, they're easier than the other games, but the plots and characters are still very deep and fun to get into.

Fandom: Hetalia
Favorite Character: Romano~
Least Favorite Character: Uh... I don't even know... France..? I hardly hate him though.
Most Attractive Character: Spain. DAT ASS~ etc.
Character I Wanna Marry: Spain would be the best husband, hands down. He's so kind and happy and ♥. That said... I kinda love Romano. A lot. I think he can be suave when he wants to (oh, who am I kidding, he represents South Italy, of course he can be suave), but he has a temper and I think I'd need that extra challenge in a relationship to keep from getting bored.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Prussia. Think of all the crazy shit we'd get up to~
Favorite Pairing: Spamano. Not just because Spain and Romano are uber attractive. Of course not.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Guh... uh... I've always loved the strips from when England was raising young!America. I also adore Boss Spain and Chibi!Romano, but that's just for my love of Romano... The Valentines Day strips are cute and very amusing as well.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think this opinion is unpopular, but it's oddly uncommon anyway. I hate seeing England as being all weak and dependent on some stronger country. He was the fucking British Empire. What the hell guys.
Also, I love Mafia!Romano. There's an odd lack of fan stuffs for the mafia side of Italy, actually. This depresses me greatly.

Jul 17, 2011

Music Quiz Thing

1- First 10 songs on shuffle, write a little about each one.

I can't be bothered doing that. I'll write a sentence or something. YEAH.

1. Again Again - Lady GaGa

I didn't even know I had this. I've never actually heard it. Can't be bothered listening right now.

2. Common People - Pulp

I adore this~ BEST. ACCENT. EVER. <--- Sparta voice

3. In the Darkness - Naoko Mitome, Chika Sekigawa

This is from Super Paper Mario. Eh. It's not bad. Not the best track from the game.

4. 5,500 Miles - Presidents of the United States of America

Oh hey another one I haven't actually listened to. I think I downloaded them for the peaches song and never listened to anything else.
I'm listening now. First impressions? It's okay.

5. If Things Were Perfect - Moby

Not the best Moby song. Definitely not.

6. Shoujo - Kawai Kenji

From the Higurashi OST. I like this one. Very cute~

7. Like a Radio - Taku Iwasaki

This one's from Soul Eater. I have too many soundtracks. I'm really not that interested in this song.

8. About a Girl - The Academy Is...

Heh. Pop music, gtfo. I'm too hipster for you. I kinda like this song. Like, a lot♥.

9. Prelude - The Decemberists

As with any prelude to an album (excluding AFI's Prelude 12/21 of course) it's pretty non-memorable. This is a good album, though.

10. Buena's Password - Nintendo Orchestra (?)

Pretty sure this isn't an played by an orchestra, nor should the song be credited as such. Whatever. This song kinda annoys me.

...well, that was a mostly disappointing list.

2- How many bands have you seen live?

Uhh I've only seen two festivals, so no proper concerts. At said festivals I saw Cassette Kids, Yves Klein Blue, Bluejuice, Ben Lee, The Music, The Cairos, The Middle East, Yves Klein Blue (again), Custard and Powderfinger.

3- Which was the best band you’ve seen live?

Yves Klein Blue, definitely. Hence why I saw them twice. Powderfinger had the best stage/set, but Yves Klein Blue was just amazing.

4- Which was the worst band you’ve seen live?

Hm. Bluejuice, I guess... We actually walked away from the stage for lunch when they performed x3

5- Have you ever met someone in a band?

Yes, my guitar teacher. He's hardly famous though.

6- Have you ever been in a band?

Do school bands count?

7- Can you play any instruments?

Alto and baritone saxophone, clarinet, guitar and recorder. I have a keyboard that I sometimes mess around with, but I don't think that counts. I also have a flute that I can play a scale on ^_^

8- Which band would you give anything to see?

Radiohead. Oh my God, Radiohead.

9- Have you got any music hoodies, T-shirts, wristbands etc…?

Yes, plenty of T-shirts.

10- 5 photos of your favourite gig.

That I've seen? But I've only seen two. K uh, Q150, I guess. Have some pictures of Powderfinger and Yves Klein Blue x3

11- Favourite song at this minute?

Hm. According to last.fm, it's the acoustic version of 405 by Deathcab for Cutie. I agree with this.

12- Whats you’re favourite genre of music?

Alternative rock and indie. Whatever the hell indie is.

13- What song has the highest play count on your itunes?

I don't have itunes. The track with the highest play count on my last.fm account is Paranoid Android by Radiohead.

14- What song would you sing on karaoke?

None! If I had to choose though... hm... I can kinda imitate the non-screaming vocals of AFI, sometimes, and I often karaoke to their songs in my bedroom... Can't pick a specific song though. I'd also sing Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic! At The Disco because it's damn fun to sing along to.

15- What song should never be sung on

Er, Canon in D. Seriously, why the hell would you sing over it? It's perfect without vocals.
...Oh! And everything from Zelda. That series is full of amazing soundtracks that would be totally ruined with vocals.

16- Whats your favourite album?

Dunno. I'll narrow it down to my favourite band (ie: Radiohead)... in which case, Hail to the Thief.

17- What would be the best line up for a festival?

Lol, I don't think anyone else would see a festival I'd plan... but anyway. I'd pick.... hm, Radiohead would be the headliners, followed by Placebo, Modest Mouse and Deathcab. I guess I'll throw Muse in there as well because they do really good live shows.

18- Do you get any music magazines?

Very rarely. When I do, they're all JPop ones because I need them to find new music x3

19- Snog, marry, avoid the first 3 artists on shuffle.

Kings of Leon, Daft Punk, Studio Pixel

Ah... well, I'd marry Studio Pixel because, let's face it, the guy that did this soundtrack created the entirety of Cave Story on his own. So he must be amazing. Why wouldn't I marry him? I guess I'll snog Daft Punk. Must be a threesome snog, since they're a duo. I'm okay with that.

Poor Kings of Leon. I'll have to avoid them. Oh well... I'm not that keen on them anyway.

20- 5 photos of your favourite band/artist

RADIOHEAD TIME. I can't pick 5 photos what is this can't I upload them all then again I have like 300 pics of Thom Yorke alone (and quite a few of Jonny Greenwood) and I'm sure you guys don't want to see them all dammit

Who do you think you are, Jesus? Lol jks I'd pray to you Thom~
Lolol I am the worst Christian ever

21- Do you have music posters up in your room?

I have a Muse poster. I don't really have the cash to buy others.

22- Do you have the same musical taste as your friends?

Yes and no. Yes, in that Lainey seems to have a similar taste in music to me, and quite a number of my friends like the music I pick out and show them. That said, if you compared our favourite bands? Heh, no, not at all. My taste is quite different.

23- Have you seen any musicals?

Yes yes yes yes yes. I have seen Cats, Les Mis, Avenue Q, Wicked, Chicago and... um... I think that's it...

24- If you could see any musical what would you see?

Um... Phantom of the Opera.

25- Do you listen to the radio?


26- Whats the worst song ever released?

There are too many to list.

27- Are you listening to any music now?

Yep. 30 Seconds to Mars. I'm about to put Pixies on, though.

Lol scratch that. Now I'm listening to Radiohead. Fangirl mode activated.

28- What was the last song you heard?

Down is the New Up - Radiohead

29- Whats the next gig you’re going to?

No idea. =(

30- Spam tumblr with photos/gifs of all your favourite bands + artists.

Lolol this isn't tumblr. I'll go find some anyway (and probably hotlink them because I am a horrible person. To last.fm!)

...I guess this'll be my top five. I have too many favourites to post them all.


Lol Thom, best dance ever.

The White Stripes




You can't have too many images of a cartoon band guys.

Jul 15, 2011


I totally typed up a blog about my language choices ages ago, but it turned into a list of why I adore certain countries and that kinda wasn't my intention x3

Yesterday a bunch of us went to the University of Queensland to check out the campus and their courses. My decision? St. Lucia is a beautiful campus. It's huge and the buildings are magnificent. Their courses, on the other hand? Well, they're quite good as well, but, unfortunately for me, they don't offer quite what I'm looking for.

More research is needed, I guess, so I can find out what place offers the greatest course. I'm currently still aiming for Griffith university (Nathan campus, as it has the best courses for languages). At Griffith I can do a Bachelor of Arts in Language and Applied Linguistics, specialising in Japanese and Italian. That's enough to get me into translations for both languages. If I were to go to UQ I could do a BA in both Japanese and Italian, but I'd have to go a step further and do a Masters in Translation and Interpretation for one of the two. I'd much prefer not having to do a Masters degree, to be honest.

I love learning Japanese, and I adore the media from Japan (hence why I'd translate it, of course). That said, I absolutely adore Italy. I have more of a passion for Italy than I do for Japan. My love of Japan really does centre around their anime/manga/movie industries and the language, rather than the country, their history or the people. For that reason, even though I'm more set on translating Japanese, I'd prefer to go study abroad for a while in Italy.

At UQ one of the speakers mentioned that you really need a few languages to get into these fields, not just two. Especially if you're doing a European language, because a lot of Europeans have 2, 3 or even 4 languages under their belts. Fluently. I only know one, and it's the only language I've ever spoken my entire life. I've only ever been required to know one. Australia is mostly monolingual, so it's never been compulsory for me to learn another language. For a country that attempts to define itself as multicultural, we really aren't...

Aaanyway. I'm really looking forward to uni now. Really. One guy learnt Japanese and German, and actually studied in Germany for awhile. While there, he got to learn Old Norse and translate documents from Old Norse into German. Why? Why not, I guess... Rule of cool, or something. I think that's damn awesome. Studying overseas really does sound epic, and I'm looking forward to it. I'd love to go study in Italy. There's so much history to study and architecture to admire and gorgeous landscapes to gaze at and delicious food to try and a beautiful language to listen to and oh my God the entire place would give me a brain aneurysm.

Ahem. Moving on. I have a lot of languages I want to learn. My list is as follows:

1. Sicilian
2. Japanese
3. Standard Italian
4. German
5. Spanish
6. Macedonian
7. Russian
8. Latin
9. Greek

I cannot actually think of a tenth language that I actually care about enough. =(
Truly, only the first 5 or 6 are really ones I'd like to learn. The last 3 are also epic, but not to the same extent. You know, Romance languages are my favourite. They sound amazing. Funnily enough, only 4 made it onto the list (with Latin being a dead language and all). Also, I don't care if Sicilian is just an Italian dialect, it's freaking epic and is practically it's own language. I adore it. Sicily is very underrated. I love the south kthx.

I really hope I'm not disappointed by university life. I'm looking forward to it. A lot. And I'm really looking forward to just plain immersing myself in the languages. I'm just looking forward to the future, I suppose. It's nice to have ambition for once =P

Jul 11, 2011

Rambling is a Funny Word

You know what I hate? When you go to input a password, and the computer is like THIS PASSWORD IS TOO SHORT/WEAK/ETC and tells me to change it. It's like, dude, it's my security, I don't give a damn, GIVE ME MY BLOODY PASSWORD. ASDFGHJKL

I also hate when the school computers tell you to change your password every few weeks and won't let you repeat one. My last password was ILikeCake. The one before that was qwertyuiop and before that I had asdfghjkl. The one before that was ComputerPW4. Before that came ComputerPW3, ComputerPW2 and ComputerPW.

Dad's password was FridgeMagnet before he changed it.

I just got a new computer. Well, it's not really new. It's a collection of old things put together to make a working computer. Sort of like patchwork or something. There's all sorts of stuff in there. Anyway, the wallpaper rotates between a bunch of images. These images are all bright and, no joke, full of rainbows, love hearts, little animals and household appliances with big grins. I got this computer from my dad. This is weird. I need to go find a new wallpaper.

In Rome, it's illegal to keep a fish in a fish bowl. Really. I can't help but imagine this in the Hetalia universe... Spain was probably chillin' with Romano, and was like "Roma~" and Romano was probably like "shut up bastard, go do my paperwork or something, make yourself useful" and then Spain would've been all "okay" because he's a nice guy like that. And while working he was probably thinking about how sad and lonely fish look when in fish bowls and then he went and made fish bowls illegal in Rome. It totally sounds like something Spain would do =3

I just rambled at Dad for about 10 minutes. I mustn't have made much sense, because he interrupted me to say "I'm glad you go back to school tomorrow. You need to learn something so that your brain starts working again". Ouch.

I've been listening to Megaherz recently, and someone on Twitter told me to look up Oomph! because they are similar. I told Dad about this. This is what Dad has to say about all German industrial metal:

Me: [...]and then I looked up this other metal band-
Dad: Language?
Me: German.
Dad: Oh! So it all sounds like Rammstein?
Me: ... =_=

Pretty sure Rammstein is only popular because their lyrics are so horrifying. Brb Wikipedia-ing

"In addition, the songs "Amerika", "Stirb nicht vor mir//Don't Die Before I Do," and "Pussy" contain lyrics in English. The song "Moskau" ("Moscow") contains a chorus in Russian, and they sing some of their own songs entirely in Russian (including but not only Pussy, and the Russian song штиль). "Te quiero puta!" is entirely in Spanish. Oliver Riedel commented that, "German language suits heavy metal music. French might be the language of love, but German is the language of anger.""

Whoooo languages. My family mostly speak the language of anger. I think that is awesome. Also, lol, French is the language of love. Yeah, well, y'all know my opinion on that.
Speaking of which, I've heard some damn fine French metal, so you know....

I am so guilty of this. I also have the tendency to fill up my desktop completely and then think "whoops, I can't see my wallpaper anymore". My solution? Highlight everything, create a folder called Desktop and move everything into said folder. This is great, except I end up filling my desktop again and have to create another desktop folder. I have a folder on my desktop called 'desktop'. Inside of that folder is another folder called 'desktop'. Inside that is another folder called 'desktop'. I don't know how far this goes. I should count that one day.

Anyway. It gets really bad when you do open up these 'desktop' folders, because a lot of them are full of files that I have titled by slamming my keyboard. I didn't realise that this was a bad idea until I went to find an assignment only to discover that I had a good 30 word documents with titles like "awenfahngf asdkngfasd" and "okijergrgtre08jgnrt".

It's pretty cool when I go to title something with "dfihydsfsdgfe" and it's like "you already have a document titled dfihydsfsdgfe". That's only happened once to me so far, though. I also name all the blocks in my Sims game by whacking the keyboard, so in the town of "vc" I have houses named "fsd" "t" "324" and "t43g".

Heh. Reading that was great fun because 'words' like "dfihydsfsdgfe" are read as gibberish in my mind. I actually pronounce something in my head (usually something random that probably sounds nothing like the word I'm trying to read). I don't know why that interests me.

There's some carbon tax being implemented here in Australia. I didn't care much until I heard that it's going to affect costs of airline tickets (which should've been obvious but I fail at life so shut the hell up). Aw assballs. This has ruined my day. I mean, yeah, it's only an extra $3, but still. That $3 could make or break a holiday, you know!

I'm thinking about getting a Tumblr account. I don't really know how it works, but I keep finding hilarious images on there so... Plus I kinda use Tumblr for shipping goodness. You know when you find a page full of random stuff about your favourite ship? And you react by grinning and hugging whatever's nearby?

Yeah. Yeah, it's sorta like that.

I've been doing that all day while browsing Tumblr. All day. It's friggin' awesome. ♥

I've noticed that everyone seems to like Earl Grey tea. Except me. I'll go to someone's place and it's like "would you like some tea" and I say yes, and then they say "sugar, milk, honey, anything?" and I always say "No, thank you" and then they go ahead and make it. That's great. So far so good, yeah? But I've noticed that, even if they have a vast range of different types of tea in their cupboard (My Grandma has something like 6 or 7), they always assume that I'll want Earl Grey. No one ever asks. They just go "oh, yeah, everyone likes that one".
Goddamn it.

By the way, if you ever say tea cup in a British accent (one of the posh accents, I mean), I will never take you seriously ever again. Just so you all know.

Oh! So if you bite both ends of a Tim Tam and dip one end into your tea/coffee/hot beverage and suck the other, like a straw, you end up melting the middle of it (yes, that should be obvious, but really, who actually thinks I'm going to use my Tim Tam as a straw!???) and it is amazing. It just... I don't know, but something about melted Tim Tam is so damn good. Om nom nom.

You know how the Bad Touch Trio/Bad Friends Trio/Prussia, Spain and France are depicted in fanworks? I don't know how to explain it, but there's just this degree of crazy idiotic absolutely insane awesome to everything they do. They're always shown as really comfortable with each other and doing stupid stuff to each other that you should probably get slapped for and I dunno, it's just epic, and I want friends just like that k thanks ^_^

Yes. Super-Obama is featuring in my dreams tonight guize.

Jul 10, 2011

La Bella Lingua

A few days ago I started writing about the top languages that I wanted to learn (I will post that eventually, by the way). Most of you probably know that, at uni, I'll be studying Japanese and Italian, and after uni I might have a go at German (there's no way in hell I'll ever be fluent at all three of course, but it'd be nice to know some basic German on the side, right?) or Macedonian. Truthfully, Sicilian would probably be my ultimate favourite, but where the hell would I learn that?
Usually I fangirl over Japanese because it's different to English, it's very rounded and pretty sounding, their writing system is a lot more creative than the Roman alphabet could ever be and... well, anime and manga is originally written in Japanese, so it must be good. I adore Japan, and I really, really love the language. Unfortunately, it's just me. My family are... well, they're accepting of it, but they aren't fans of the country at all, and most of my friends are into other languages and cultures. Not that that's bad; it's always good to be an individual. It just makes it hard to truly fangirl when you don't have anyone to fangirl with. I can fangirl at them, but that's hardly the same.

Anyway. As I outlined in my language blog post that I have not posted yet (whoops), my great grandmother, who knew seven languages or something, loved Italian the most. I found out a few days ago that her daughter, my grandmother, loves traveling around Italy. I don't know where Italy is in comparison to all the other countries she seems to love, but it's definitely somewhere near the top of her favourites list.

I started to see a trend here, so I pestered my aunts on the other side of my family to see their opinions. As it turns out, they love Italy even more. One of them told me that Italy was her absolute favourite place, especially Sicily. Which is brilliant because it really seems that Sicily doesn't get the love it deserves (neither does the language, but that's a rant for another time).
I told her that I wanted to go to Italy and Spain at some point. She replied with "Spain is brilliant. It was this atmosphere that you have to love. But Italy will always be my favourite. It's beautiful. It has such amazing landscapes, and it has this really extensive history you just end up immersed in. The language is really pretty, too."

...well then.

I'm easily influenced, so I've started to look up more on the country and the language. I've always adored Italian. Pfft, they say France is the country of l'amour, but it's got nothing on how romantic Italian can sound. As I said earlier, I love Japan. My interest in Japanese culture will always top my interest in Italian culture. But when it comes to the languages, Italian may actually come up on top. It's more melodic and bright sounding, and the consonants are just so much sharper and more crisp.

Er, I'll stop fangirling over that now. I spent awhile looking at different places in Italy (Rome is gorgeous and Venice is so one-in-a-kind, but I still love the entirety of Sicily~) and then started looking up a heap of words. Why not add some Italian to my vocabulary, right? I like to think of it as getting a head start on my uni stuff. Yeah. That's my excuse.

Anyway, today I have decided that andiamo is one of my favourite words. It means let's go, basically, but to me it sounds a bit more urgent. It's a very pretty word. It just rolls off the tongue so easily. I dunno, I just like it a lot. Is it bad that I first heard the word through Hetalia?
I've also learnt that Italians use the term che cavolo as something similar to "what the hell". Thing is, it literally translates to what cabbage. So next time something weird and befuddling happens, make sure to exclaim what the cabbage?!?, alright? ^_^

Ti amo, hai capito? ♥ I absolutely adore how this sounds. Heh.
Italiano; la bella lingua indeed.

Jul 8, 2011

89 Truths


1. Last beverage: Tea. With bits of Tim Tam floating in it, rofl.
2. Last phone call: Dad, I think. Before that? I don't actually remember.
3. Last text message: Clearly Unfocused
4. Last song you listened to: I currently have 405 (Acoustic) by Death Cab for Cutie on repeat. <3
5. Last time you cried: Hm... dunno, actually.


6. Dated someone: Obviously.
7. Been cheated on: I don't think so. I hope not.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Yes. I don't regret it now though. I'm pretty neutral about the whole thing.
9. Lost someone special: Indeed
10. Been depressed: Who hasn't?
11. Been so drunk you threw up
: Nope.


12. Black (it totally counts, k guys)

13. Red

14. Green


15. Made a new friend?: Yep.
16. Fallen out of love?: Ah, I suppose?
17. Laughed until you cried? With my friends, it's not hard to do this.
18. Met someone who changed you? Hm... not this year, no, I don't think so.
19. Found out who your true friends were? Not this year, no.
20. Found out someone was talking about you? Yes, but this happens quite often. I do a lot of stupid things so this doesn't surprise me ^_^
21. Kissed anyone on your fb friend's list?: No


22. How many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life
: All of them bar maybe three, and I know them via other people that I do know in real life.
3. Do you have any pets: 3 goldfish, 2 budgies.
25. What time did you wake up today: 8:30am
26. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping. My sleeping schedule is oddly sound at the moment.
27. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Schoolies week.
28. Last time you saw your Mother: A few hours ago.
29. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: One..? I don't know...
30. What are you listening to right now:
405 (Acoustic version) by Death Cab for Cutie
31. Have you ever talked to some one named Tom: Yep
32. What's getting on your nerves right now: Nothing. I am feeling very serene.
33. Most visited web page: Today? Pixiv. All time? Eh... Google?
34. Nicknames: None, really. Online I go by GoJo. My wife calls me "dear wife", believe it or not. One of my closest friends used to call me Cl.
36. Zodiac Sign: Cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius.
37. He or She: She. Usually.
38. Elementary? I like to refrain from posting too many of my details online, so... My primary school was a public school and hasn't really got a good rep, just so you know ^^
39. Middle School? -
40 High School? Is a private school and is, unfortunately, pretty dull and safe. Oh well.
41. Hair Color? Brown. Dark, can be lighter under certain lights... maybe it's just a boring, middle shade...
42. Long or short? My hair? Shortish? It's kinda middle-length now.
43. Height? 167cm, I think
44. Do you have crush on someone? Indeed. He's a total bastard. Really. x3
45. What do you like about yourself? Um. The fact that I currently have 8 instruments in my room. Only 2 are double up instruments (the electric and acoustic guitars).
46. Piercings? Standard ear piercings. One day I will have a nose piercing.
48. Righty or lefty? Right handed. On the rare occasion that I play sports, I am left footed.
49. First surgery: Can't remember if I had surgery on my eye or not when I was 3. If I didn't, then I guess... 3 years ago? I had a mole removed from my throat. It bled like a bitch ^_^
50. First piercing: Ears. My right ear, I think...
51. First best friend: Rebekah. I've known her pretty much since her birth, which is pretty cool.
52. First sport you joined: Soccer


53. Eating: Nothing
54. Drinking: Nothing
55. I'm about to: Go to bed
57. Waiting for: Nothing, really.
58. Want kids? Hm. Sometimes. I've mostly conceded that I don't want kids unless my possible future spouse does.
59. Want to get married? Uh. No. Not really. If I find the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with, sure, but it's not exactly a goal of mine or anything.
60. Career? None. I am a student. I want to work in Translating and Interpreting stuff one day. Hopefully for Nintendo EU.


61. Lips or eyes? Eyes. Easy.
62. Hugs or kisses? Eh. Depends on your relationship with whoever it is. I don't really want to kiss my friends (sorry guys) but hugging a boyfriend could be a little too chaste... xD
63. Shorter or taller: On me? I like being short. For friends, I don't care. For possible boyfriends, I like taller.
64. Older or Younger?: Don't care. As long as their age is pretty close to mine.
65. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous, though romance can go a long way in certain situations.
66. Nice stomach or nice arms? Eh? Arms I guess... I don't really care either way.
67. Sensitive or loud?: Can't you have both? Loud, because being always sensitive would get boring. Still, I'd hate for someone to be loud all the time. Like with romance, sensitivity can go a long way...
68. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
69. Trouble maker or hesitant: Lolol trouble maker <3


70. Kissed a stranger: No
71. Drank hard liquor: Yes, but very, very little. Like, a sip from a glass that I regretted immediately. Bleh.
72. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope. I break and lose many sunglasses though.
73. Sex on first date: Lol no.
74. Broken someone's heart: Apparently so.
75. Had your own heart broken: Mmm. Hasn't everyone?
76. Turned someone down: Yep.
77. Cried when someone died: Yep.
78. Fallen for a friend: Yes. Quite often. Goddammit.


79. Yourself: Not... really...
80. Miracles: I suppose. Not necessarily in a biblical sense.
81. Love at first sight: Ah, not really, no. Lust at first sight, on the other hand...
82. Santa Clause: Didn't he actually exist? Saint Nick?
83. Kiss on the first night: Um... yeah. I think it's fine, depending on how long you've known the person and all.


84. Had more than one bf/gf at one time: Lolol in grade 3. That's an interesting story.
85. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Truthfully, no. I'm enjoying my own company right now.
86. Did you sing today? Heh, yes.
87. If you could go back in time, how far would you go and why? I wouldn't go back. I just want school to be over. Then again, I'd like to revisit primary school... I miss the simplicity of it all, and I really miss my old friends.
88. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? No idea. Too many good days and none of them really 'stood out' so...
89. Are you afraid of falling in love? No, no, that part's fine. It's when I act on those feelings that I start to feel afraid.

[Stolen from Tenuto Tuo who stole from Miss Invisible who stole from Sarahmay]