Aug 22, 2010

I'd Travel Half the World to Say 'You Are My Muse'

I got this awesome hat today. Most people would say it isn't awesome because it makes my head look big, but I think it is an awesome hat.

I started playing OoT Masterquest for the first time since my sister broke the disc (I have to use an emulator, unfortunately) and I must say, it'd be easier if I hadn't played the original game. I was thrown off course when I had to go to the top floor first, because that goes against the entirety of the dungeon in the original game. It's fun to try and figure out what to do though.
I'm up to the Forest Temple now. I can only play when I'm not doing school work. Which sucks. By the time I play again I don't remember what I was doing before I saved and I get confused. =_=

Yesterday I went iceskating. I now know that it is nothing like roller skating. The ice is slippery and you slide everywhere. I didn't fall over once, but I did a lot of arm flailing.

I'm listening to Muse at the moment. I don't care for their most recent album, but it's still nice to listen to them again anyway.

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