Aug 29, 2010

I'm a Very Bad Influence

(Stolen from this awesome dude)

[] Smoked.
[x] Consumed alcohol.
[] Slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.
[x] Slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.
[x] Kissed someone of the same sex.
[] Had sex.
[x] Had someone in your room other than family.
[x] Watched porn.
[] Bought porn.
[] Tried drugs.


[x] Taken painkillers.
[x] Taken someone else's prescription medicine.
[x] Lied to your parents.
[x] Lied to a friend.
[] Snuck out of the house.
[x] Done something illegal.
[x] Felt hurt.
[x] Hurt someone.
[x] Wished someone to die.
[] Seen someone die.


[] Missed curfew.
[] Stayed out all night.
[] Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself.
[] Been to a therapist.
[] Received a ticket.
[] Been to rehab.
[x] Dyed your hair.
[] Been in an accident.
[] Been to a club.
[] Been to a bar.


[] Been to a wild party.
[] Been to a Mardi Gras parade.
[] Drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night.
[] Had a spring break in Florida.
[x] Sniffed anything.
[x] Wore black nail polish.
[x] Wore arm bands.
[x] Wore t-shirts with band names.
[x] Listened to rap.
[ ] Owned a 50 Cent CD.


[x] Dressed gothic.
[x] Dressed girly.
[x] Dressed punk.
[x] Dressed grunge. (I've gone through many stages xD)
[x] Stolen something. (It was a sparkly thing and I was 8 at the time. ahahaha)
[] Been too drunk to remember anything.
[] Blacked out.
[] Fainted.
[] Had a crush on a neighbor.


[x] Had a crush on a friend.
[x] Been to a concert.
[x] Dry-humped someone; been dry humped.
[x] Been called a slut.
[x] Called someone a slut.
[] Installed speakers in a car.
[x] Broken a mirror.
[] Showered at someone of the opposites sex's house.
[x] Brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush.


[] Considered Ludacris your favorite rapper.
[x] Seen an R-rated movie.
[x] Cruised the mall.
[x] Skipped school.
[x] Had surgery.
[x] Had an injury.
[] Gone to court.
[x] Walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping. (wait, people actually leave tips?)
[x] Caught something on fire.
[x] Lied about your age.


[] Owned/rented an apartment/house.
[] Broke the law in the police's presence.
[] Made out with someone who had a GF/BF
[] Got in trouble with the police. (Nope, got in trouble with security at many shopping malls though)
[x] Talked to a stranger.
[] Hugged a stranger.
[] Kissed a stranger.
[] Rode in the car with a stranger.
[] Been harassed.
[x] Been verbally harassed.


[] Met face-to-face with someone you met online.
[x] Stayed online for 5+ hours straight.
[x] Talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight.
[x] Watched TV for 5 hours straight.
[x] Been to a fair.
[x] Been called a bad influence.
[] Drank and drove.
[x] Prank-called someone.
[x] Laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex.
[x] Laid on a couch with someone of the same sex.
[x] Cheated on a test.


If you have less than 10, write "I'm a goody-goody"
If you have more than 10, write "I'm still a goody-goody"
If you have more than 20, write "I'm average"
If you have more than 30, write "I'm a bad kid"
If you have more than 40, write "I'm a very bad influence"
If you have more than 50, write "I'm a horrible person"
If you have more than 60, write "I should be in jail"
If you have more than 70, write "I should be dead"
If you have more than 80, write "I got a ticket to Hell"

Aug 24, 2010

My Impossible Love Affair (With VG OST's)

I love my video game OST's, or, for those not in the know, original soundtracks. There's something oddly comforting about listening to music from games I absolutely adore, not to mention how nice background tracks actually sound. They're more atmospheric, of course. That's what I love about them. Movie OST's are much the same, but I listen to more VG OST's as I'm more intimately acquainted with video games than I am with movies.
I've managed to find many old and new soundtracks, ranging from the entirety of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl soundtrack (approx. 200 tracks or so) to the older, simpler Yoshi's Story for N64 (there's less than 15 tracks on that one, I believe. I'm too lazy to go count). I've never played the Earthbound games, but I still got my hands on the Mother 3 soundtrack. Anime OST's are also something I like to collect. I'm working on downloading the Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni soundtrack (both the soundtracks from the anime and the visual novel.)

But I simply cannot find the OST of Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City (City Folk for most of you). I can get some of the main tracks, but not the K.K. Slider tracks or the hourly tunes. I can get most of K.K. Slider's live shows, just not the tracks that play in your house (not that I'm as fond of those, but I'd like them regardless). And I can get the hourly tunes condensed into one track, but not separate tracks. Don't bother looking for the tracks that play when it's raining or during winter; they're even more difficult to find. I can get a handful of them off of Youtube, but that's about all.
It doesn't help that one of the users on Youtube had uploaded quite a few of them, but they were taken down due to copyright issues. I understand the whole copyright thing, but I can't get the soundtrack anywhere else. Not even the official soundtrack seems to feature all the songs, so I'm not even able to get them legally. It's not the first time this has happened, but it's one of the most infuriating. I love AC:CF, especially the music. And I would like a copy to listen to while walking/working/suffering from insomnia. That would indeed be a dream come true.

Aug 22, 2010

I'd Travel Half the World to Say 'You Are My Muse'

I got this awesome hat today. Most people would say it isn't awesome because it makes my head look big, but I think it is an awesome hat.

I started playing OoT Masterquest for the first time since my sister broke the disc (I have to use an emulator, unfortunately) and I must say, it'd be easier if I hadn't played the original game. I was thrown off course when I had to go to the top floor first, because that goes against the entirety of the dungeon in the original game. It's fun to try and figure out what to do though.
I'm up to the Forest Temple now. I can only play when I'm not doing school work. Which sucks. By the time I play again I don't remember what I was doing before I saved and I get confused. =_=

Yesterday I went iceskating. I now know that it is nothing like roller skating. The ice is slippery and you slide everywhere. I didn't fall over once, but I did a lot of arm flailing.

I'm listening to Muse at the moment. I don't care for their most recent album, but it's still nice to listen to them again anyway.

Aug 18, 2010

Roleplay Fun

There's a group of people that do Pokemon Roleplays on Facebook. The characters from the PokeSpec and Game universes seem to coexist in the same universe, somehow, but apart from that continuation error it's not bad. Of course, they all go very OoC at times but I digress.
Anywho, Silver was upset about not being loved by Kotone, I believe. (I stop reading from time to time. It gets confusing.) This is what was said by Silver and Bugsy (? Possibly a roleplay for the gym leader, although I'm not certain.)

Bugsy Trap: If you truly love her, you won't give up that easily.
Silver (Pokemon Special): No, but she liikes brighter colors than silver apparently...
Bugsy Trap: Even silver can shine.
Silver (Pokemon Special): And tarnish...
Bugsy Trap: Even bright colors become sepia under the sun.
It's up to you whether you shine or not.

Just thought that it sounded way cool and I should post it.
Alright, I'll go back to lurking on random forums. Ciao~

Aug 11, 2010

New Black 'N White Pokemon

I've been looking over the newest Pokemon that have been revealed for Black and White. This is what I've noted so far.

- Kibago does not look like a dragon type. Error? Or just awesomeness?
- If Mamanbou isn't an evolution of Luvdisc, I will eat my hat.
- Shikijika changes forms depending on the seasons. Does this mean that the Pokemon games will now have seasons?
- This Gen has some epic Psychic types.
- Emonga is the cutest thing I have seen and is Electric/Flying. I am catching one, dang it.

I now use my laptop with the CD drive open because it's annoying me. If the computer starts loading something and struggles/lags a bit, it just starts making noises as if it were trying to read the disc that's in it. o_O

I'm still fangasming over the Ocarina of Time remake. I want it now.
And that is my report for the last few weeks. I haven't done much. Ciao.

Aug 5, 2010

I Am Listening to Techno, Bitchez.

Sorta. Not the disco-y rave techno. No thanks.
So today sucked, but my mother re-introduced me to retail-therapy and I am in a very good mood right now. I got a dress (for the first time in years. My shoulders are too broad for sleeveless tops so I must wear a jacket at all times with the dress. Oh well, I'll deal) which was unusual for me. It's one that Alice wore in the new Alice in Wonderland movie so you can understand why I was absolutely infatuated with it.
We also found a hoodie with the LoZ Triforce symbol on it. I don't see LoZ merchandise anywhere, so I get whatever I can get my hands on. That jumper totally made my day.
Anyway, I got the ROM of Ocarina of Time: Master Quest yesterday. I did have the disc, until my sister bit it. I figure I won't be doing any harm by downloading the ROM, seeing as I do technically own the game (even if it's currently unplayable). As a result, I never actually finished OoT: MQ, so I plan on doing that soon. Once I get a break from assignments, anyway. It might be awhile.

I am going to be rearranging my room soon. I want to have more room. Hopefully enough room for a television. The biggest problem is that I should be getting rid of my huge wardrobe, considering I have that as well as a built-in one. But that means moving all the stuffed toys out and either stuffing them in the shed, dumping them or selling them.
...I don't want to do that. I love my toys. D=

I've been listening to Tegan and Sara recently (obv. not the techno I was talking about before.) and their album The Con is very, very good. I've been addicted to it. It was on repeat for a very long time.