Oct 14, 2010

Ramblings and Fanfiction and Run-on Sentences

So there's something deeply satisfying about stories that seem to have no proper structure. My favourite few fanfictions at the moment seem to be lacking in periods and commas, and the characters are all but mentally unstable.
The lack of punctuation stops me from pausing mid-sentence, causing me to rush through every word. I can register the word as I read it, but not the meaning as I'm too busy trying to keep up with myself. You can't slow down. Not without adding in a comma or two.
The words just speed through your mind and you catch glimpses of the main story, but you never quite understand the whole. It's broken and beautiful and kind of reminds me of poetry, although it's certainly not written in a poetic form.
Or maybe I'm as crazy as the characters that are portrayed in said fics. Who knows? Certainly not me.

Anyway, after a particularly boring spare during school yesterday, I ended up with a prompt list (with inspiration from a dictionary and friends) for my next fanfics. Originally this was going to be a listfic where I write short drabbles for each word, but I think I can write a page or two for each prompt in this case.
This is also my excuse to use large words and hopefully learn them. Nothing pleases me more than using a word in front of my English teacher and then having to explain its definition because he has no idea.

This is my prompt list + drabbles for now. Hopefully I'll be able to improve it before I actually upload this to fanfiction.net. Note that this is a Death Note fanfic, pairing LxLight together (with Misa thrown in because nothing is better than a love triangle)

- Alcohol: He chastised the younger boy for drinking so much, but part of him found his slurred words endearing.
- Bare: It didn’t matter in the long run, because you can bare your fangs at the world for as long as you’d like but the people won’t roll over for you and they certainly won’t wait.
- Catastrophe: To see the disaster that is Light Yagami is quite horrifying. To see the disaster as is unfolds is complicated and horrible and amazingly beautiful.
- Cloak: He could tell that the boy he was looking at was not Light Yagami. His mask was skin tight and well crafted, so much so that even his father could barely tell. But L could hardly blame him without being some sort of hypocrite. “We both cloaked ourselves in shadow, did we not?”
- Delusion: He smiled and told me ‘It’s ok, you can help me. We’ll create a perfect world, you and I,” and I wanted nothing more than to slap him.
- Experimenting: He gasped at the hands on his back and the tongue against his throat and kept repeating this is wrong this is wrong this is so wrong but that certainly didn’t stop him from responding with just as much fervour as his partner.
- Fallible: Despite what he may want to believe, he is just as human as myself. We’re all liable to make mistakes, and he is no exception. Even so, I’m at least 85% certain that choosing to stay with me was not a mistake on his part.
- Guilt: He pulled at his clothes and pressed himself against the other boy with the knowledge of his death weighing heavy on his shoulders.
- Hallucination: They collapsed in a tangle of limbs and flesh and heat and it took a good few seconds for him to realise that it was just a dream.
- Ideologies: He lingered on the childhood books lying in his drawer as if they’d somehow hold an answer for him. What’s worth more, perfection or friendship? Justice or love?
- Jactitations: “You’ve live in a well made web of lies, Light-kun. If you weren’t so good at it, I’d tell you that you had set yourself up for a massive fall.”
- Kerosene: “We’ll go out in flames, you and I, whether metaphorically or literally. As long as we get to cause a scene.”
- Lucid: His parents named him perfectly, as he seemed to glow with a confidence and pride that was instantly attractive.
- Lucifugous: It was a sad irony that many women seem to adore vampires, and yet most of said women would stay well away from Ryuuzaki. The similarities were astonishing, considering his pale skin, dark empty stare, ability to never sleep and the obvious distaste he had for any and all sunlight.
- Macabre: “If the time ever comes, I’ll tear you limb from limb. I’ll watch the blood leave your broken body, smash your skull against the hardest surface I can find… and it will be beautiful.’’
- Mussitate: The awkwardness in the air was palpable as I explained the situation to Light’s father, and it took a great effort to stop myself from grinning as Light mouthed things to me that he would never say out loud with his father in the room.
- Nympholepsy: Part of me hated him. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to ravage him. I wanted him gone for tainting Kira’s perfect image. But there was another part of me that wanted nothing more than to have him as mine, all mine because he was different and perfect and oh-so attractive in ways that I will never consciously understand.
- Obdurate: Even when he asked, I refused to tell him my life story. He seemed emotionally repressed to me, and he was certainly not the type of person to show sympathy to another.
- Pallid: He looked sickly pale. Deliciously pale. I couldn’t help but think of how easily those exquisite bruises would appear on his skin if I were to accidentally nudge him a little too hard.
- Quaint: I told her how his little quirks interested me, how his actions were refreshingly different, and she just gave me a pretty little frown and told me how she didn’t understand at all, because a normal person wouldn’t find him endearing. Not at all.
- Refined: There’s something satisfying about seeing a normally flawless person break down. It’s reassuring for those who don’t live a lie of perfection.
- Selfish: Seeing the name and the suicide note (Kira, kill me was hardly an appropriate phrase to be written on the bathroom wall) was both severely gratifying and proof of a harsh reality that I’d crafted all on my own with pure ignorance toward the repercussions.
- Serum: The external wounds slowly stopped bleeding as he slept, and for once I didn’t feel annoyed at the reddish liquid that stained the sheets under him.
- Tableau: “If I were to have you killed without the authorities getting a look-in, I’d be more inclined to have you impaled, or perhaps I’d bludgeon you with some kind of blunt object, in a dark empty room of mirrors and flashing lights. It would be stunning, in a morbid sort of way.”
- Ulterior: Every touch felt like being burned and every glance stung like daggers, because there was always a chance that this was just a part of his plan. One of us had to die if the other was to win, and that reason alone was enough to eradicate all possible trust.
- Vain: She was pretty and she hid herself behind her apparent stupidity, but she was smarter than that and she certainly was not as vain as one would think.
- Wanton: Kira was a murderer who claimed to have reason and rhyme to all he did, but his reasoning was nothing more than an excuse for his actions.
- Xenobiotic: My father thought he was a bad influence. I thought he was right. Unfortunately for him, I found the detective addictive in a way that can’t be healthy.
- Yield: He felt his wrists pinned against his back and the teeth grazing across his stomach, and he couldn’t resist, he couldn’t run away, not anymore.
- Zephyr: “The summer wind is warm and inviting, but I’d much rather stay here with you.”

Ivory is the most amazing word. I have an addiction to it and I must use it somehow.
I seem to use 'beautiful' a lot, so I had to keep finding synonyms to use instead.
Wanton makes me think of food.
This changes between first and third person depending on what sounded better.
I feel ashamed for referencing vampires in this. Damn Twilight for tainting the once-breathtaking imagery that the word 'vampire' used to conjure up.
As I went on, the words I chose started to have more and more to do with blood and bodies and gore in general.

Anyway, I'm very much into Death Note at the moment. I've watched the anime up to episode 33 or so (I've kinda lost interest since episode 25... but the first 25 episodes are awesome) and I'm going through the manga as well. It's a really good plot, with some excellent characters. You should go watch. =D

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