Sep 7, 2010

No More Tests This Term =D

I did my last test today. I've been sick since Saturday and had barely eaten for just as long, so my concentration was shot. But hey, at least I did the test right?
Speaking of being sick, what on earth comes up when you have nothing else left in your stomach to throw up? It hurts to throw it up so I'm assuming it isn't good. Bile? Stomach lining? Ouch, I'm going to go and assume that it wasn't my stomach lining.

9/10 (depending on region/timezones) days before Pokemon Black and White come out in Japan. I'm excited for the influx of information we'll get. I predict that Mijumaru will end up more popular than Pokablu (sp? I'm too lazy to google how that's spelled) despite the hoards of people who hated the cute little otter at first. Tsutaaja will remain popular. That's pretty obvious.
I also think I should start saving up my cash if I actually want to buy one of the games D=

I'm going to play Zelda: OoT Masterquest again after the album I'm listening to finishes (Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie, by the way). I'm currently at the entrance to the Fire Temple. Whoop whoop ^_^

Here's some lyrics from Tiny Vessels by Death Cab. Love this song.

I wanted to believe in all the words that I was speaking
As we moved together in the dark
And all the friends that I was telling
All the playful misspellings
And every bite I gave you left a mark

Tiny vessels oozed into your neck
And formed the bruises
That you said you didn't want to fade
But they did, and so did I that day

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