Nov 8, 2011

Good Fandom. Best Friend.

I've been into Homestuck (as you can tell from the title here) and Harry Potter recently, but ended up getting into the Hetalia Halloween event anyway. I joined late, but didn't miss too much, and spent the last 4 or 5 days refreshing for updates.

After all the bitching and hate towards Hetalia, I had forgotten how amazing the fandom really could be. Everyone is just so excited over this event and I expect them to remain so over the next few days. It all feels pretty positive. And after a few people complained over the USUK hints, the LJ comm had this huge lovefest. Someone would name a ship and people would come to talk about it and why they loved it.

There was little hate, and the comments that were hate-filled were primarily ignored. It was brilliant. There weren't many shipping wars or anything (I saw some complaints on Tumblr, but they were few and far between) and everything was really jovial and lighthearted. And accepting. I like to think that we managed to really sidestep the "all hetafags are assholes" theory that I keep seeing around the 'net.

I mustered up the courage to post on LJ, and ended up talking to a few people on there. It was pretty sweet.

So yeah, I'm feeling pretty positive. The whole event was really good. The newest appearance, India, is looking damn fine. Prussia was epic, and Romano... wow, ahahaha. It was nice to see him acting a little more affectionate towards Spain as well. Moreso than usual, I believe.

The UKUS shipper in me is also rejoicing. It did not escape my notice that Batman and Robin are one of the most ambiguously gay superhero pairs out there, and that America specifically searched out England to dress up with him. Come on, that's just... maybe I'm looking too far into it, but damn I ship them so hard right now.

I'm going to be in a very Hetalia-oriented frame of mind for the next few days.