Mar 28, 2011

So. Damn. Tired.

I have been telling myself I'll go to bed for the last three hours. But I just can't. Fanfiction and the internet in general is consuming any semblance of rationality, and staying awake until tomorrow (well, today) suddenly seems like a really good idea.
I'll regret this later. For the moment, though, I just can't bring myself to care.

Discovering my new OTP (it's been awhile, so it's nice to get into the 'shipping side of things once again) so late at night was not in my best interests. Oh well. I'll go to bed in a few hours time (hopefully before five so I don't have to explain myself to Dad when he wakes up).

See you all in the morning. Or quite possibly the afternoon. I don't think I'll rise until after midday tomorrow, that's for sure.

Ah, the holidays. How I missed you.

1 comment:

  1. Gahhhh! You are not the only one who is tired.. The beds in this holiday house are terrible!!! It's so difficult to sleep... I basically havn't slept at all the past two nights >.<
