Mar 14, 2011


I now has another follower, who goes to my school =3
I'm hoping only a small group end up knowing about this (I like the idea of blogging to strangers rather than baring my heart to people I actually know) but I'm happy with the people who have read this blog so far. They shall not judge me, nor will they condemn me, for they are my friends through and through etc etc [insert epic speech here].

I am channeling all of my energy (and annoyance at life... and boredom... and hunger... I ate an entire pack of chips by myself today. I am ashamed) into two things. Japanese study and The Sims. I have finally started a Legacy challenge. Multiple legacies, in fact, all in the one area. They'll probably breed (lol, it's like they're my animals or something. This is a Sim in its natural habitat. Watch as it attempts what is known as a Sim mating call to try and grab a female's attention) with each other until the family lines are all mixed up and I will need to bring in new Sims just so there's no incest, but that's all good.
It'll be weird, doing a proper legacy... Usually I give up once my Sims are halfway through their adult life. Maybe I just don't want to see them die of old age. Their lives are a perfect mirror of our own. They have their own drams of course, but their lives are so much simpler and happier. I'm in love with them. I'm in love with their stories.
It's also good for lazy fanfic writers like myself. I get to make up plot lines for them all without needing to write. Win/win situation. Kaching!
[That right there is a reference to a Sims 2 cheat, actually. Get it? I'm funny. Yeah.]

I have Cross Country tomorrow. AKA I get to walk around the school for no apparent reason. I am totes excited. Not.
I'll charge my MP3 player so we can walk in style. STYLE, I TELL YOU.

I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now. I mix of overly-happy and... kinda downcast, oddly enough. Like I want to be annoyed but I just can't. It's a good feeling to have, I suppose. Shows that I have every reason to be happy at this current point in time.

I want to move. One day, I will move to Japan. Not permanently (and not for awhile, with my lack of money, the state of the country, and my poor Japanese language skills) but... I'll live there, at least for a year or two. I'll maybe study there, or perhaps I'll go once I'm able to get a job in either translations, interpretation, or both. I will spend weekends trying out new cuisine. I will learn to eat with chopsticks. Hell, I could even try fugu and see if I get poisoned or not. I'll buy manga and anime, and maybe do cosplay with the other uni students/my workmates. We'll dress up; lolita and visual kei clothing at minimum. I'll watch Japanese television and actually understand it. Well, of course I will... I'll be able to translate it.
I shouldn't hold on to this dream so much. But I do. It's something I would love to do... My dream in life is not to find true love, or find a purpose, or anything like that. My dream in life is to immerse myself in their culture.
Maybe Lainey will join me. We'll become Japanese-Aussies. We'll be smart, beautiful, multicultural and happy. We'll get boys and go on double dates at the sushi-train (I prefer calling it kuru kuru sushi as is sounds so, so much cooler. I love this language).
Yes, that sounds good. That sounds brilliant.
That sounds too good to be true. Still. A girl can dream, right? Right. ツ


    We totes walked in style today, bro.
    Good work on actually creating a legacy. I always gave up after a few plays on a family, because I literally could not stand to see them grow old. D:
    And I approve you your dream, I really do. Having something to hope for and hold on to is so... motivating. Well, not motivating to do much, but motivating to actually get through life. :)

  2. I'm worried that when they do start aging, I'm going to stop playing =( I love them wayy too much. <3
    Thanks =P I agree. I really do doubt it'll happen, but having that hope there seems to help me get through.
