Mar 19, 2011


I now have Pokemon Black. I decided to document everything that has happened thus far, like a diary. =3
I totally ship myself with Cheren, though I think he and Bianca have a thing. =(


I have two best friends, apparently. Cheren and Bianca. They are like polar opposites; She is over the top, impolite and surprisingly simple. He is more resigned, uses larger words and actually knows stuff. I like him quite a lot. Bianca..? Yeah, not so much. I could do without her.

Today, we get to pick our first Pokémon. WE SO EXCITED

Professor Juniper had kindly delivered the Pokemon to my house, and Bianca announced that I get first pick for that reason alone.

~Gotta make my mind up, which ‘mon should I take?~

It wasn’t hard to pick, actually. I’ve known for awhile that the water started would be my choice. I almost always do pick water, and this time around has been no exception. My choice is Oshawott, the saddest, most adorable otter you will ever see. He’s not the most popular character, but I think he suits me perfectly. I have already fallen in love with him.

Bianca picked next. Cheren was, at first, rather annoyed, but he let it slide as she left his favourite for last, anyway. The more Cheren speaks, the more I like him. Everything Bianca says annoys me. Bianca asked me to a Pokémon battle almost immediately after she picked Tepig. Cheren told her that it’s a bad idea, seeing as we’d be battling in my bedroom, but she brushed him off and told us that it’ll be fine, because “these little ones are weak”.

What a bitch. My baby is not weak. Just inexperienced. Her lack of faith in her Pokémon is depressing. As expected, Oshawott absolutely owned her Tepig. I think that’s because, unlike her, I believe in my Pokémon. Ha.

Once we’d returned our Pokémon to their Poké Balls, I finally looked around my room. Oh my God, it was completely ruined. Cheren got angry at her… sort of. I’m not sure if he was defending me or just being upset because he wants to fight with her. BST, much? I soon decided that he didn’t truly care about my room and was just giving Bianca some attention, because he offered to fight me next. I could hardly say no; my room was already completely trashed, anyway.

Cheren’s Snivy is much faster, but Oshawott came out on top once again and is officially on Lv. 6. Not bad, not bad.

Cheren left so he could apologise to my mum for destroying my room, and Bianca followed afterwards. I definitely prefer Cheren. In fact, I rather like him. It’s sad that there seems to be some BST between him and Bianca. I’d totes date him.

A quick look around showed that my Wii was perfectly alright. Hell, it wasn’t even scratched. There were foot prints on the walls, though I’m not sure how they got there. My PC was also alright and the TV proved to be okay as well. Gotta love indestructible electronics.

I walked downstairs after this. Cheren was talking to my mum.

Cheren: I’m very sorry about all the trouble, ma’am

Me: omg he said ma’am. Southern accent, perhaps? Omg I love southern accents.

Bianca: Um… We can help clean up

Me: Bitch, whatever

Mum offered to clean my room for me (I like my mother already!) and I grabbed my cross-transceiver from her. I’m… not sure what that is yet, but I guess I’ll find out [EDIT: duh, it's a phone. I fail at lyfe guize]. I checked the trash can before I left, but there was nothing in it. Damn.

I checked the sign outside. I live in ‘Nuvema Town’. Cool, cool. It’s Autumn, so the flora are in subdued shades of green and brown. Autumn and winter are, of course, my favourite seasons, so I’m glad I get to start in one of them.

I went to Bianca’s house to find her Dad screaming “No, no, a thousand times no!” O_O

Bianca noticed I was there and told me “it’s fine, I’ll meet you outside the lab, OK?” and left. Oh dear. Her Dad then told me that she knows nothing about the world, so she couldn’t possibly go on a journey.

What is this? Ten year olds have been going on Pokémon journeys for years. I’m pretty sure Bianca is much older than ten as well. Huh. Well, Bianca’s mother was understanding at least. Not that I care about Bianca or anything.

Their trash can was also empty, so I left and travelled to Cheren’s house.

Cheren’s Dad is awesome. Just sayin’. He was kind and friendly, so I assume I’ve been to their place quite often. Their house was neat, and Cheren’s bedroom was full of books. Like some sort of mini-library. He actually has what looks like a reading corner. I love this kid.

Their trash cans were empty as well. No freebies here.

Once we met Professor Juniper, she asked if I’d liked to nickname my Pokémon. Normally I would, but I need to get used to their actual names, so I decided not to.

Bianca didn’t know what a Pokédex was, so we had to sit through a boring explanation. Damn. After that she said we should complete the Pokédex. Awesome. That’s totally different from all the other Pokemon titles.

Before leaving, I checked the trash can. Nothing. What is wrong with these people?

My mother was waiting for us outside.

Mum: She asked you to complete the Pokédex? Wow! I can’t believe it. Well, actually I can, I already knew she was going to ask.

I really do like my mother.

We did this dorky thing, right. Bianca said “we should take our first steps into the world together!” so we all stood in a line as we left Nuvema Town. I got to stand in the middle because I am special. We took our first steps at the same time ^^

The Professor showed us how to catch Pokémon. When she finished, she turned toward us. Across the screen leaves were soaring through a gust of wind, perhaps symbolising our own travels that were soon to come. We were given some Poké Balls as a gift and were then told to leave for Accumula Town. Cheren told me that Pokémon would jump out in tall grass, to be careful, and that he would meet me in Accumula Town. Ha Bianca, you ain’t getting’ none of this, he’s mine I tell you. I don’t see him saying bye to you.

She said she was looking forward to shopping for Poké Balls. Yay. Shopping. She annoys me so much. She challenged us to see who could catch the most Pokémon.

And then they left together. I guess that’s why he didn’t say bye to her. They were leaving me behind. Damn. It hurts, but I guess they do seem to like each other. I’ll live. Oshawott and I don’t need those bitches. This would be our journey and no boy would stop us from being the greatest team. I AM STRONG. I AM WOMAN. ETC.


  1. This made me lol so hard.

    Also I am so jelly, I want Pokemon Black >=(

  2. Will you be doing more of these? They're hilarious :)
    Actually, I can't help but feel kinda bad for Bianca, even though she's kinda annoying. Towards the end she acts a little depressed that she'll never be as strong as you or Cheren.

  3. Oh, hello, Anonymous.
    Heh, thank you. =)
    I dunno if I'll continue this. It was kind of annoying, as I had to pause the game every few moments to type. Still, it was fun thinking of things to comment on xD
    If inspiration comes to me, then I'll write another entry.

    Aw, poor Bianca. I still dislike her thus far, but she isn't quite as bad as I made her out to be in this post. I might warm up to her more later.
