May 30, 2011

MILESTONE POST (HetaOni Fanart Timez)

Post number 100, people. I am very proud. In celebration of this, this post will basically be a HetaOni fanart dump. 'Cause, you know, you can never have too much HetaOni fanart. (Scroll down for fanartz btw. I like to babble, and I've done quite a bit of babbling before the fanart here)

I'm attempting to get Phantomess to watch HetaOni. It's always awkward to advertise. It's like "yeah so, don't judge until you get to episode 4 or so... I mean, the alien is kinda narm, and the character portraits are bad, and at first it's a bit boring, but... just... stick with it" x3

Also, I FOUND ANOTHER TRACK. For those who downloaded the zip archive of HetaOni tracks from MediaFire, the track titled 'Italy' is actually 'Lost in Hopelessness' by Yusuke Tsutsumi. You can listen to and buy it here. Truthfully, I didn't find this one at all... I found the link on this site while looking up moar fanartz. But, you know, it was found by someone, and that's what matters.
I am one step closer to having all my HetaOni tracks titled correctly.
EDIT: AND ANOTHER ONE. It's so much easier now that I have the ripped MP3's to compare with. In the zip folder there is a track called "Support From the Outside". The original is called 'Sin a Sin' and can be downloaded here.
My Japanese is pretty limited, but I believe the main composers of the site are 中村イネ and オリィヴ. That said, I think you should credit the artist as 'Green Tone' which is the name of the website.
EDIT2: also has some tracks that were used in HetaOni. Now, I'm a bit perplexed by this. There are two tracks in the zip folder that sound almost identical to me. I can't tell the difference at all. Anyway, these would be the tracks titled 'Memories' and 'Somewhere You Want to Be'. They sound very similar to Call which you can find here. The next track... I'm not a hundred percent sure about. LiLAppleX uploaded 'Fairy Taler' as being from HetaOni, however this song doesn't appear to have been included in the zip file... hm. The song does sound familiar to me, though. Regardless, both these tracks should be credited to Windsphere. Also, I didn't technically find these ones myself. All the work was done by LiLAppleX on Youtube.
Okay, I've just gone and raided the rest of LiLAppleX's video's to see what else she's discovered. The track titled 'Magic' in the zip is actually the song 'Eden' which is also composed by Yusuke Tsutsumi. LiLAppleX has also uploaded the song 'Cyber Prisoner' by 'Senses Circuit'. I haven't found the song on that website yet, but I will keep looking. The beginning sounds an awful lot like the song labeled 'Battle 2' in the zip folder, but they aren't identical.

Anyway, moving on, you may now have a heap of fanart. YAY. I haven't made any of these. Most of them I found on DeviantArt and Google images. You should be able to click on the image to see a full size version


"Try saying my name."

"No! Say my full name!"
"...Italia. Italia"
"Yeah. That's right. I'm Italy, too. I don't know everything you remember, but I do plan on carrying at least a little of that burden on my shoulders."

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