May 22, 2011

100 Random Facts About Me

Demisemiquavergirl has updated her blog with 100 random facts. I've decided to do the same, because there are some things that I could totes share but didn't because they didn't really fit in the 'things I can/can't do' post.

一. I work a lot better under pressure.
二. I have no self-control. I'm spontaneous and find it difficult to set myself to one task.
三. I'm downloading the entire discography of Plastic Tree currently <3
四. I was going to do my draft for Bio today, but got distracted by a Hetalia update.
五. You can't blame me for this. Himaruya-sensei updated with matador Spain and bull!Romano. The cuteness is suffocating.
六. I will eat any seafood. I've eaten baby octopus and entire prawns (including the heads. nom).
七. I won't eat other weird things though. I had chicken hearts once. I won't do that again.
八. I obsess over things easily. Currently I'm into countries (Japan and Italy specifically)
九. I keep forgetting to charge my phone.
十. I was always cool with being single. Until grade 9.
十一. I think this is why I am currently crushing on the worst guy. We'd never get anywhere. I don't have to fear becoming dependent on him, because... well, there's no way I'd ever depend on him anyway.
十二. I think, relationship wise, I'm both a sadist and a masochist (specifically relationship wise. I don't know what I'm into sexually. I've never had a chance to find out x3) because I'm pretty cruel to both friends and guys I like, and I befriend those that are cool being mean to me.
十三. I chew everything. I don't really care about this and have never felt the urge to break the habit.
十四. I'm pretty sexist. Against my own gender. Whoops.
十五. I'm wanting to cosplay as a bunch of male characters. I don't want to be a guy... but at the same time, I can't help but wonder if there's some subconscious reasoning behind this.
十六. I don't like torrenting.
十七. I don't like coffee.
十八. I don't like alcohol. Bite me.
十九. I really dislike sappy, sweet petnames. I had a bad experience with one in year 6 (I think?) and I haven't been able to stomach them since.
二十. I know I'll give up playing instruments when I'm out of school. I'm oddly okay with this.
二十一. I don't want to get married or be in a serious relationship, because I don't think I'll find a guy who wants to travel as much as I do, and I don't want to feel tied down. I also don't want to become codependent.
二十二. Oddly enough, I kinda want a friend-with-benefits situation when I'm older. Someone I'm not tied to, but who I can come home to when I get back in the country. And they won't be tied to me, obviously.
二十三. If I'm not interested in something, I won't do it. This causes all kinds of issues with school assignments.
二十四. I refuse to have kids. I used to want them, but... I don't think I'd be a good parent. Plus I don't want to get married, nor do I want to stay too long in one country, and that would cause issues.
二十五. I adore my Mum. But her mood swings and almost constant anger are horrible to live with. I think this links to me not wanting to have kids. Dad says I'll be different, and I won't end up just like her, but how can he be sure of this? How can I be sure? I can't, and I don't want to have children grow up with me if I do end up the same way.
二十六. I have a short attention span. I don't want to settle into one house because I know I'll get bored of the area.
二十七. I don't place much emphasis on sex. I really am okay if I die a virgin.
二十八. I don't place much emphasis on religion. I believe in a God, but I don't really know the specifics of this and as such, I can't put myself into any set religion.
二十九. I really don't seem to care much for looks. I'm not sure why. I mean, I know who I think is hot, but I really don't consider it when I talk to someone.
三十. On the other hand, I've never liked people who are too overweight or too underweight.
三十一. I purposefully starve myself of sleep when assignments are due/if I want to do something creative. My brain works best when I feel like collapsing, it seems.
三十二. I also starve myself from sleep if I'm feeling emotionally drained. This makes me feel worse, but... actually, I can't think of a positive for this.
三十三. I used to read books so much. I don't anymore. I don't watch television ever.
三十四. When I'm angry my vocabulary seems to expand. I have no explanation for this.
三十五. I like writing in short, fractured sentences. This used to annoy my English teachers to no end.
三十六. I like reading fractured narratives as well. And jumping from one topic or time to another. Literature shouldn't be too easy to read, now, should it?
三十七. I keep trying to figure out why I think the way I do, but I fail epicly at it. This is why I am not doing psychology, I suppose :3
三十八. With languages, I'm cool with figuring out the grammar. I love the theory behind Japanese, for example. I suck at memorising words though.
三十九. I rarely say the word ass because I don't know how to pronounce it. 'Ass' sounds too American, 'arse' sounds weird and faux-posh.
四十. I love the word 'faux'.
四十一. I save thousands of images (mostly fanart, rofl) only to never look at it again.
四十二. Except the stuff I save on my MP3 player. In the morning I like to browse through the images to help wake myself up.
四十三. Playing guitar was a great idea to me until I tried to play chords. I can't strum to save my life.
四十四. Teacher's shouldn't trust me. I know they do, though, and I've used that to bend the rules to my advantage many times.
四十五. I adore the word 'boku' in Japanese. But it's a way for males to refer to themselves. Boku wa sounds a lot more melodic than watashi wa. Ore wa also sounds cool, but that's usually used by guys as well... I'm the wrong gender here, people.
四十六. I didn't care much for Spain until I looked up La Tomatina.
四十七. I find it really interesting that they call it la tomatina rather than el tomatina.
四十八. I learned the verb 'to read' in Japanese (yomimasu) by linking it to the lead singer of Nightmare/Naitomea, Yomi.
四十九. My hands are always cold.
五十. I used to tan really, really easily. Thanks to many years indoors, I just burn these days.
五十一. My skin dries out really easily, as do my lips. =/
五十二. I bite my nails, hands and my lips.
五十三. I scribble over things when bored in class. I rarely draw though.
五十四. The only thing I really, really love about my looks is my eyes.
五十五. One of my friends pointed out that anime guys often look very feminine. You know, I crush on effeminate guys a lot. Should this worry me?
五十六. I use Twitter more than Facebook because not very many people know me on there.
五十七. When I made this blog last year, only one person knew about it and no one else was going to find out. Ahahahaha yeah.
五十八. I once swallowed an earring.
五十九. I can swallow tablets without water and without trying.
六十. I just thought I could totes practice counting and am now retyping all these numbers in kanji.
六十一. That took a lot longer than it should have.
六十に。Coolest full stop ever, amirite?
六十三. My keyboard doesn't recognise 'kyuu' as 9, so I have to type 'ku'. This confuses me.
六十四. Having to count in Japanese is making this much more difficult than it should be.
六十五. For those that can only count in English (ie: most of you, including me. Rofl) we're up to 65.
六十六. I don't hate boybands as much as I should. This is embarrassing to admit.
六十七. I adore my late great-grandfather.
六十八. I despise .rar files and wish everything could be downloaded as .zip.
六十九。Windows keeps telling me three different kanji for ku, though I'm sure I'm using the right one. Damn it, 9, why are you such a hard number to use?
七十. I love non-pop vocals. I've grown a hatred for the generic vocals heard on the radio, though I still like some pop music.
七十一. This is why I'm listening to Plastic Tree, I think. His vocals are kinda soft, a little bit higher and immature than most and there's something... off about them. I love it.
七十二. Same thing with Thom Yorke, but not only with his (amazing) vocals. His dancing is so weird. It's not dancing. He's just spazzing out. I wish more people accepted this as dancing.
七十三. I was a kind of racist child when I was... I dunno, 6? Not intentionally. I was just... weirded out by those who look different to me. I'm glad this is no longer the case. I befriended quite a few darker-skinned kids, learned that they were the same as me and now days I don't really notice the difference.
七十四. I'm all for equality. I love other races and cultures (at least, have done for the last 10 years or so. Damn my 6 year-old-self). We can learn so much from other countries, and they can learn from us. The thing I love about Australia is that I can go to the city and choose between American, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Italian, Greek and Mexican cuisine for dinner. Actually, we probably have even more different types of food near my place.
七十五. At the same time, I don't want us to mix so much so that we end up losing cultures. I don't want us to have a shared language, even if that'd make things easier.
七十六. Music is our shared language. YAY. That sounds lame, but I think it's true.
七十七. I can be very childish. I still play with toys and stuffed animals, sometimes. I don't want to let go of my childhood, to be honest.
七十八。I'm one of those people who suffers a lot from nostalgia. I often get this longing for something I had as a child and I end up feeling really saddened when I remember that it won't be the same as I remember it, even if I could get my hands on it again.
七十九. I have a thing for guitar players.
八十. I cannot wait until I can read full novels in Japanese. I can't wait until I can truly immerse myself in Japanese culture, full stop. And once I have started reading and playing games in Japanese, I'll probably feel the same way towards Italian.
八十一. I've only kept one friend from primary school. I miss my other friends quite a lot but, despite us all expressing interest in meeting up, we never have. I'm so worried the same thing will happen after high school.
八十二. My first country!love was England. I've lost interest though because there aren't enough differences between it and Australia for me to remain intrigued.
八十三. I'm still the kid who asks why every five seconds. I just do it in my head. I keep questioning things and I struggle to find answers. It's frustrating but... what can I do? I can also ask why in Japanese now. This is probably not a good thing. なんで?
八十四. I love the red string of fate story. You know, despite not wanting a 'real' relationship and also being kinda skeptical, I think I'm a bit of a romantic under all that. That said, I still don't want anyone serenading me.
八十五. I find sadness to be a really deep emotion, more so than happiness could ever be. I actually feel more content when I feel lost or somewhat depressed. It also helps creatively.
八十六. You know the cartoon band Gorillaz? I adore 2D. So much. He's adorable. He suffers a lot, but still manages to sing and write the most beautiful music. Yeah, he's a cartoon. I still feel for him as if he were real :3
八十七. I love the cold. I want to live somewhere where I can wear a coat, scarf and gloves and settle in with a nice cup of tea. Sorry Australia, but your heat is suffocating me.
八十八. This will sound very bad, but Habbo Hotel kinda helped shape who I am. The most obvious way is via my music taste. The first non 'mainstream' band I listened to, Radiohead, was suggested to me by one of my closest friends on there. That band is still, to this day, my favourite.
八十九. I stopped playing Pokemon after Pokemon Gold. I did get Pokemon HeartGold and it's just as good. I have Pokemon Black but I haven't really gotten into it. Nothing will ever beat generation two. I have too many memories linked to it and I really do think Johto had the greatest Pokemon, best gym leaders and coolest map of all the regions.
九十. I couldn't get the kanji for this number (90) to work without typing 9 and 10 separately. I think this one might be wrong, then?
九十一. I do kinda worry about my weight. I want to be thinner. I'd hate to be anorexic, but still. I walk every night, I've cut down what I eat dramatically, and yet I'm not that much skinnier. Sigh.
九十二. "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all". What a lie. I wish I'd never loved. Once you've been in a relationship, you can't help but want to be in another. I guess this is an expansion on point 10/十.
九十三. I talk to my Dad about a lot of stuff. He's the closest thing I have to a role model, I guess.
九十四. I think I have this fear of becoming co-dependent, actually. I mean, more than I already am.
九十五. Depending on the day, I can be claustrophobic. Also depending on the day I can have a fear of the dark.
九十六. I don't like overly bright colours.
九十七. I don't like overly bright people. At least, not all of the time.
九十八. I'm not mathematically minded. Maths doesn't come easily to me at all.
九十九. I could've been so much more with English, I think. I don't know why I stopped trying.
百. I don't try hard enough when it comes to friendships.

This turned out much more depressing than it was supposed to. Must be because of this assignment :3


  1. Another epic list, bro :3
    & ZOMG AT THE .rar FILES THING. THEY IRK ME SO MUCH! .zip FTW. Ehehe. I sound so nerdburgery xP

  2. Hehehe, as did I when I put that in the list, rofl. Oh .rar files, I don't even get why people use you. O_O
