May 30, 2011

MILESTONE POST (HetaOni Fanart Timez)

Post number 100, people. I am very proud. In celebration of this, this post will basically be a HetaOni fanart dump. 'Cause, you know, you can never have too much HetaOni fanart. (Scroll down for fanartz btw. I like to babble, and I've done quite a bit of babbling before the fanart here)

I'm attempting to get Phantomess to watch HetaOni. It's always awkward to advertise. It's like "yeah so, don't judge until you get to episode 4 or so... I mean, the alien is kinda narm, and the character portraits are bad, and at first it's a bit boring, but... just... stick with it" x3

Also, I FOUND ANOTHER TRACK. For those who downloaded the zip archive of HetaOni tracks from MediaFire, the track titled 'Italy' is actually 'Lost in Hopelessness' by Yusuke Tsutsumi. You can listen to and buy it here. Truthfully, I didn't find this one at all... I found the link on this site while looking up moar fanartz. But, you know, it was found by someone, and that's what matters.
I am one step closer to having all my HetaOni tracks titled correctly.
EDIT: AND ANOTHER ONE. It's so much easier now that I have the ripped MP3's to compare with. In the zip folder there is a track called "Support From the Outside". The original is called 'Sin a Sin' and can be downloaded here.
My Japanese is pretty limited, but I believe the main composers of the site are 中村イネ and オリィヴ. That said, I think you should credit the artist as 'Green Tone' which is the name of the website.
EDIT2: also has some tracks that were used in HetaOni. Now, I'm a bit perplexed by this. There are two tracks in the zip folder that sound almost identical to me. I can't tell the difference at all. Anyway, these would be the tracks titled 'Memories' and 'Somewhere You Want to Be'. They sound very similar to Call which you can find here. The next track... I'm not a hundred percent sure about. LiLAppleX uploaded 'Fairy Taler' as being from HetaOni, however this song doesn't appear to have been included in the zip file... hm. The song does sound familiar to me, though. Regardless, both these tracks should be credited to Windsphere. Also, I didn't technically find these ones myself. All the work was done by LiLAppleX on Youtube.
Okay, I've just gone and raided the rest of LiLAppleX's video's to see what else she's discovered. The track titled 'Magic' in the zip is actually the song 'Eden' which is also composed by Yusuke Tsutsumi. LiLAppleX has also uploaded the song 'Cyber Prisoner' by 'Senses Circuit'. I haven't found the song on that website yet, but I will keep looking. The beginning sounds an awful lot like the song labeled 'Battle 2' in the zip folder, but they aren't identical.

Anyway, moving on, you may now have a heap of fanart. YAY. I haven't made any of these. Most of them I found on DeviantArt and Google images. You should be able to click on the image to see a full size version


"Try saying my name."

"No! Say my full name!"
"...Italia. Italia"
"Yeah. That's right. I'm Italy, too. I don't know everything you remember, but I do plan on carrying at least a little of that burden on my shoulders."

May 29, 2011

HetaOni OST

I am really excited.
After so long, it seems we're able to download the HetaOni soundtrack.

LilAppleX on Youtube has uploaded a few tracks, if anyone else wants to go listen.
Also, A very nice soul from the HetaOni Facebook page has uploaded the OST in two parts on MediaFire. Looks like everyone decided to upload the OST on the 15th of this month O_O
Expect the next couple of posts to be unintelligible babble about HetaOni, guys.

There's a bit of confusion as to what the titles are. Chances are, a lot of the titles will be wrong as the tracks have been ripped from the Youtube videos and named after the various scenes they played in.

I'd been looking for these songs on the sites that the HetaOni creator credited, but... well, there's a lot of sites, most of them not in English, and there were a lot of tracks to sift through... and I kinda failed at finding them.

Also, just as proof that my searching was not completely for naught, if you download the OST from MediaFire there's a track that's titled 'Family'. The original version is by Presence of Music and is found here. Scroll down for the track called 'Vanity' ^_^ I'll continue searching for the other tracks because I like to have the correct artists labeled in my library, and also because the ripped tracks occasionally have sound effects over the top of them.

I was going to go to bed an hour ago, but ended up downloading these tracks and looking up HetaOni fanart. Whoops. I can't help it though. I've been wanting this soundtrack for ages. ♥

This series is full of clock and number motifs. And blood, obv. What do you expect from a horror RPG?

I think I'm way too excited about this. But, like, it's HetaOni!!! You cannot blame me for this. The songs used are some of the saddest and most bittersweet tracks I have ever heard. Depending on the song, you don't know whether to smile slightly or just burst into tears. Maybe both? (Unless you're listening to one of the actual horror tracks. Then you'll probably just want to hide under a blanket ^_^)

My entire week has improved ever so slightly because of this.

Good Enough

I have 1082 words for my English and it only comes in at 6 minutes long.
It was supposed to be 7 minutes, minimum. Oh well. Maybe I'll pretend to trip over half way through and spend a ridiculously long amount of time trying to get back up again to continue speaking.

I have this chronic fear of public speaking. If an assignment is meant to be 5 minutes long, I'll write it out to be around 6 minutes long because I know I'll panic on the day. And then on the day I'll only just make it over 5 minutes. I rush so I can get off stage quicker, I guess. I don't know if I expect people to laugh or to try and trip me or what, but something makes me panic every time.

Yeah, I kinda expect something like this to happen

Back in Primary school I was the vice captain of my grade. I had to speak every week on assembly, and I had no issue whatsoever. What happened? Oh well. My 12 year old self is crying at my failness, but that's okay.

I don't want to work anymore. My brain is fried. I just want to start memorising so I can go read/watch Hetalia and Higurashi (I do like anime that start with H, it would seem). I need to revise my favourite characters list for Hetalia. So here we go.

Hetalia faves:
1. Romano
2. England
3. Spain.
4. Denmark (for the hat, pretty much)
5. America
I have a love/hate thing for North Italy. I sometimes adore him, but sometimes I think "oh Italy, you don't deserve everything you've got =_="

Also, Higurashi faves:
1. Rena
2. Keiichi
3. Rika
4. Hanyuu
5. Shion
I don't like Mion much. And Satoshi is cute, but... I don't like his personality. So shoot me.

I really love gif images right now. Here, have another one.
Is it weird that I could watch America doing backflips all day? Here's a larger version if you're into that ♥


It's kinda like "Hay, you speak at 200 - 300 words a minute so you'll need like, over 1,500 words to make the time limit in your assignment that's due tomorrow and you have 600 words now so you better work on it OH WAIT IS THAT A LOLCAT?"

Lol school work. I QUIT.

Gtfo internets. You aren't helping me here.

May 28, 2011

Procrastinating Again

I have an English assignment to do. I need to speak for 7 minutes next week. I have only 500 words. I don't think I'll reach the time limit with that

...Well, I could just pause a lot...

I could keep writing, but instead of doing that I've been playing Grand Theft Auto, looking up Portal, studying Japanese, analysing lyrics, helping other people with their English and basically doing anything that isn't my English.

Well, at least I'm using my mind in some way, rather than just watching TV or something. Analysing lyrics is actually quite fun. I've gone through a lot of different styles of music today. Here's a portion of what I've listened to.

So, what befalls the flawless?

The Leaving Song Part II by AFI. This was the first AFI song I listened to, actually. It's good when I'm in an angry and/or depressed mood but don't want to listen to sad music. Definitely listen to it the entire way through guys.

And let this music into your heart, sweet love

Tuesday by Raphael Gualazzi. No, this is not a response to Rebecca Black's Friday. I've been listening to this guy after hearing the track Madness of Love in Eurovision. He's pretty epic. And he sings some songs in Italian. I love Italian ♥

And I know you won't deceive me like the rest, and there's nothing you need to explain

Blue Veins by The Raconteurs. I wish I could find lyric videos for both this song and the last one I posted =_= but anyway. I don't have much to say about this song. Just... listen to it. Please.

I've managed to relate all of these to my own life. I need to stop doing that. Pretty sure none of these songs were written about me.

Here, have a Harry Potter gif.

May 27, 2011

Things to do in Grand Theft Auto III

Title is self-explanatory.

- Drive a taxi around for quick cash
- Drop your taxi passengers off, get paid for it, then run over said passenger and steal the rest of their money as well
- Crash into police cars/beat up an officer and see how long you can run from them for.
- Get 4 badges/stars against you so that the police start tailing you with helicopters
- Then go to Don Salvatore's place (before you make the Mafia your enemies, ofc) because the police won't drive up to his house
- Get a grenade launcher (use the 'gunsgunsguns' cheat on PC if needed) and shoot down the helicopters from there
- Drive a car onto the train tracks and wait.
- Snipe people from the train tracks
- Stand in the tunnel between Liberty City and Staunton Island and randomly fire your flamethrower at cars.
- Find the ramps all over the place and attempt to flip your car over them
- Conduct drive by shootings. Just for fun.
- Do this while listening to Double Clef FM. Nothing like firearms and opera, Y/Y?
- Try to fight a group of Triads with only your fists. Chances are, you won't do very well.
- Jump onto the roof of a car and let them drive you around.
- Pretend the sidewalk is the road.
- Snipe people from anywhere. Really. It's very fun.
- If the police follow you and get out of their car, you can steal it and do police missions ^^
- Or just type "giveusatank" and do police missions with that.
- Or, use your new tank to drive around the place. You're not quite invincible with it, but you're pretty close, so you can do almost anything.
- Hell, being a wide-open sandbox styled game, you can do whatever you want. Yes please.
- Investigate the areas that are difficult to get to with a car. Like the cliffs near Salvatore's place or the boat dock.
- Actually play the game properly and do missions. Yay. x3

I really like this game. I mean, I haven't finished it yet, but so far it's very entertaining. I'm kinda sad that I'm no longer with the Mafia though... They were pretty cool for awhile there. Liberty City is kinda annoying to drive through now, with both the Mafia and the Triads trying to kill me off, but I guess that's okay. I'm not going to complain about Staunton Island. ^^

May 26, 2011

Reading Through Old Posts

I was reading through my old blog posts. On the 22nd of August, I mentioned buying a new hat.
I still wear that hat every day, guys. Best hat ever.

I also read through a few Gorillaz posts. I haven't blogged about that band for ages. I have kind of lost track of the story line again. A quick check shows Russel and Noodle getting to Plastic Island, Russel throwing that stupid whale that's freaking 2D out so much and 2D has now made his own little album with no more than an iPad.
...Storyline wise, that's not much, really. C'mon, guys, update some more. I'm desperate here =/ (not that I'm complaining about the album. New music is always good)

Also; Hetaoni. It's been awhile since the last update. Granted, the creator is temporarily on hiatus, but... that doesn't stop me from checking the Hetalia LJ every morning, just in case 17 part 2 comes out. You can't leave us on such a cliffhanger O_O

I still believe that Holy Roman Empire will turn out to be Germany, in the end. The fact that Italy is still conscious (how else would he meet up with HRE, eh? Don't tell me they're dead and have met up again in some sort of afterlife. Come on, why would that mansion be in the afterlife? That's not cool) kinda hints at Italy still being alive... though if his heart has stopped... that doesn't really make sense... O_O I can't believe he's dead, though. No way.

England is an idiot, but maybe... if he lost his eyesight to make up for his lack of magic power, perhaps, after gaining some powers back, he'll also regain his eyesight?

Spain and Romano can't be left in the other timeline. That's... really sucky and unfair for them. Noooo Romano~ if anyone needs to get out alive, it must be him. Because I'm biased like that.

Also, Russia, what the hell are you doing I don't even- Canada the spy will figure you out. Just you want and see.

This series made me a Franada shipper. I never even liked that ship before.'s word of the day is clinquant.

clinquant \KLING-kunt\, adjective:

1. Glittering with gold or silver; tinseled.

1. Tinsel; imitation gold leaf.

Yeah, their word of the day sounds like "cling-cunt". Brilliant. ♥

I'm Not Doing This During Class. Definitely Not.

I am confused.
I’m writing this in my spare period at school. And I am very confused.
I’m putting off my school work to muse over my life, because I am doubleplusconfused.
I am so confused that I’m not taking words from 1984 and changing them for my own purposes. I do not have any real reasoning behind this. Pretend that links back to me being confused, kthx.

Well, now that I think about it, I’m not that confused. I have theories behind why certain things are happening, and I don’t think I’m too far off (though I’m sure I’m not a hundred percent correct. I can’t be right. I mean... that doesn’t even... I’m not going to think about that). I can comprehend what’s going on, so much so that I’m formulating my own little ideas about this all. So clearly I am not confused.
But... well, that word seems to suit my thoughts better than any other. Yeah, I get what’s going on. But there’s still some factor that’s utterly... perplexing... and I’m not quite sure what it is that makes things perplexing, nor can I explain this any better. I just can’t. I’m going to blame the English language and say there just aren’t enough words to describe this. I like insulting the English language though, and I have a feeling that there aren’t any languages that could describe this situation efficiently enough.

I won’t go into detail. No one wants to know about my social life. Just know that I completely understand everything that’s going on, and yet I still manage to be completely and utterly confused. Maybe... Maybe I understand what's going on, and I get the theory behind it, but on an emotional level my brain just goes whaaaat. Yeah. Yeah, maybe.

You know, the English language has so many synonyms, and yet we still aren’t specific enough in some areas. In Japanese, the words watashi, watakushi, atashi, ore and boku all translate best to I. They are different, but it’s close to impossible to show that in our language. Fail to us.

I should go do some work now. So much stuff is due... I can’t focus though. Gotta hate being unable to focus. I suppose, at the least, I could go make some notes or something. Ciao.

May 25, 2011

Sickness and Pacman

The two things in my title are, as far as I know, unrelated.

I am sick again. My muscles in my shoulders are hurting. A lot. If I crane my neck too far or roll my shoulders back it really starts to throb. I've been slouching all night because of it.
Also, I has an upset stomach and a sore throat. And I get to play mah alto sax in front of a crowd tomorrow. YAY
The whole shoulder thing was not helped by playing tennis. That's not a codeword for something. We really did play tennis. I was active. This is a strange and unusual occurrence, but I am not joking around with you guys. I would not lie about something as serious as this.

Okay, I didn't need to share that. I just wanted an excuse to blog so I could upload this gif.

May 24, 2011

I Be Changing

Changing my sleeping patterns, anyway. Less than a year ago I would go to bed around midnight on school nights, and maybe 2 am on weekends. School days I'd wake up 15 minutes before going to school (around 7:30-7:45) and on weekends I'd wake up around 10:30 to 11.

I've started going to bed at 8:30.
Well, not quite. I have been playing DS in bed at 8:30. That way, when I do feel tired, I can switch the DS off and sleep immediately. That way I don't end up suffering from mah insomnia so much.

To counter my insomnia, I've started waking up around 4 - 5 am. It makes me more tired come nighttime. I'm more productive in the mornings anyway, so that's okay. I always charge my laptop battery after school so I can used my laptop in the morning. Going to sleep playing Pokemon and waking up to Higurashi seems like a good deal to me.

I like the idea of siestas. I was reading up on Italy, read about siestas and thought "hey, I like this idea".
An afternoon nap is really, really good for you, actually. And I think I'd benefit from it, because God knows how lazy I am by the afternoon. Thing is, it'd be a bit weird if I turned around in class at 1pm and said "sorry guys, gotta siesta" and went to sleep.

Guess I'll have to wait 'till the holidays for my daily nap, then, eh? Uni will be good too. Even if I have class during the afternoon, I'd still have more time to sleep, right?

Also, I love RPG music. It's so... um, atmospheric and, depending on the track, can be upbeat and violent or slow and sad. I really adore it. I've been downloading a bunch of independent RPG OST composer's stuff. It's not pro. It's not used in any 'real' RPG's. But it's just as emotional (if not more so) as a lot of OST's I've listened to.
I'm a dork. It's okay. I'm proud of this.

It's 8:40. Wayy past bedtime. x3 I shall be leaving. Goodnight ^^

May 22, 2011

100 Random Facts About Me

Demisemiquavergirl has updated her blog with 100 random facts. I've decided to do the same, because there are some things that I could totes share but didn't because they didn't really fit in the 'things I can/can't do' post.

一. I work a lot better under pressure.
二. I have no self-control. I'm spontaneous and find it difficult to set myself to one task.
三. I'm downloading the entire discography of Plastic Tree currently <3
四. I was going to do my draft for Bio today, but got distracted by a Hetalia update.
五. You can't blame me for this. Himaruya-sensei updated with matador Spain and bull!Romano. The cuteness is suffocating.
六. I will eat any seafood. I've eaten baby octopus and entire prawns (including the heads. nom).
七. I won't eat other weird things though. I had chicken hearts once. I won't do that again.
八. I obsess over things easily. Currently I'm into countries (Japan and Italy specifically)
九. I keep forgetting to charge my phone.
十. I was always cool with being single. Until grade 9.
十一. I think this is why I am currently crushing on the worst guy. We'd never get anywhere. I don't have to fear becoming dependent on him, because... well, there's no way I'd ever depend on him anyway.
十二. I think, relationship wise, I'm both a sadist and a masochist (specifically relationship wise. I don't know what I'm into sexually. I've never had a chance to find out x3) because I'm pretty cruel to both friends and guys I like, and I befriend those that are cool being mean to me.
十三. I chew everything. I don't really care about this and have never felt the urge to break the habit.
十四. I'm pretty sexist. Against my own gender. Whoops.
十五. I'm wanting to cosplay as a bunch of male characters. I don't want to be a guy... but at the same time, I can't help but wonder if there's some subconscious reasoning behind this.
十六. I don't like torrenting.
十七. I don't like coffee.
十八. I don't like alcohol. Bite me.
十九. I really dislike sappy, sweet petnames. I had a bad experience with one in year 6 (I think?) and I haven't been able to stomach them since.
二十. I know I'll give up playing instruments when I'm out of school. I'm oddly okay with this.
二十一. I don't want to get married or be in a serious relationship, because I don't think I'll find a guy who wants to travel as much as I do, and I don't want to feel tied down. I also don't want to become codependent.
二十二. Oddly enough, I kinda want a friend-with-benefits situation when I'm older. Someone I'm not tied to, but who I can come home to when I get back in the country. And they won't be tied to me, obviously.
二十三. If I'm not interested in something, I won't do it. This causes all kinds of issues with school assignments.
二十四. I refuse to have kids. I used to want them, but... I don't think I'd be a good parent. Plus I don't want to get married, nor do I want to stay too long in one country, and that would cause issues.
二十五. I adore my Mum. But her mood swings and almost constant anger are horrible to live with. I think this links to me not wanting to have kids. Dad says I'll be different, and I won't end up just like her, but how can he be sure of this? How can I be sure? I can't, and I don't want to have children grow up with me if I do end up the same way.
二十六. I have a short attention span. I don't want to settle into one house because I know I'll get bored of the area.
二十七. I don't place much emphasis on sex. I really am okay if I die a virgin.
二十八. I don't place much emphasis on religion. I believe in a God, but I don't really know the specifics of this and as such, I can't put myself into any set religion.
二十九. I really don't seem to care much for looks. I'm not sure why. I mean, I know who I think is hot, but I really don't consider it when I talk to someone.
三十. On the other hand, I've never liked people who are too overweight or too underweight.
三十一. I purposefully starve myself of sleep when assignments are due/if I want to do something creative. My brain works best when I feel like collapsing, it seems.
三十二. I also starve myself from sleep if I'm feeling emotionally drained. This makes me feel worse, but... actually, I can't think of a positive for this.
三十三. I used to read books so much. I don't anymore. I don't watch television ever.
三十四. When I'm angry my vocabulary seems to expand. I have no explanation for this.
三十五. I like writing in short, fractured sentences. This used to annoy my English teachers to no end.
三十六. I like reading fractured narratives as well. And jumping from one topic or time to another. Literature shouldn't be too easy to read, now, should it?
三十七. I keep trying to figure out why I think the way I do, but I fail epicly at it. This is why I am not doing psychology, I suppose :3
三十八. With languages, I'm cool with figuring out the grammar. I love the theory behind Japanese, for example. I suck at memorising words though.
三十九. I rarely say the word ass because I don't know how to pronounce it. 'Ass' sounds too American, 'arse' sounds weird and faux-posh.
四十. I love the word 'faux'.
四十一. I save thousands of images (mostly fanart, rofl) only to never look at it again.
四十二. Except the stuff I save on my MP3 player. In the morning I like to browse through the images to help wake myself up.
四十三. Playing guitar was a great idea to me until I tried to play chords. I can't strum to save my life.
四十四. Teacher's shouldn't trust me. I know they do, though, and I've used that to bend the rules to my advantage many times.
四十五. I adore the word 'boku' in Japanese. But it's a way for males to refer to themselves. Boku wa sounds a lot more melodic than watashi wa. Ore wa also sounds cool, but that's usually used by guys as well... I'm the wrong gender here, people.
四十六. I didn't care much for Spain until I looked up La Tomatina.
四十七. I find it really interesting that they call it la tomatina rather than el tomatina.
四十八. I learned the verb 'to read' in Japanese (yomimasu) by linking it to the lead singer of Nightmare/Naitomea, Yomi.
四十九. My hands are always cold.
五十. I used to tan really, really easily. Thanks to many years indoors, I just burn these days.
五十一. My skin dries out really easily, as do my lips. =/
五十二. I bite my nails, hands and my lips.
五十三. I scribble over things when bored in class. I rarely draw though.
五十四. The only thing I really, really love about my looks is my eyes.
五十五. One of my friends pointed out that anime guys often look very feminine. You know, I crush on effeminate guys a lot. Should this worry me?
五十六. I use Twitter more than Facebook because not very many people know me on there.
五十七. When I made this blog last year, only one person knew about it and no one else was going to find out. Ahahahaha yeah.
五十八. I once swallowed an earring.
五十九. I can swallow tablets without water and without trying.
六十. I just thought I could totes practice counting and am now retyping all these numbers in kanji.
六十一. That took a lot longer than it should have.
六十に。Coolest full stop ever, amirite?
六十三. My keyboard doesn't recognise 'kyuu' as 9, so I have to type 'ku'. This confuses me.
六十四. Having to count in Japanese is making this much more difficult than it should be.
六十五. For those that can only count in English (ie: most of you, including me. Rofl) we're up to 65.
六十六. I don't hate boybands as much as I should. This is embarrassing to admit.
六十七. I adore my late great-grandfather.
六十八. I despise .rar files and wish everything could be downloaded as .zip.
六十九。Windows keeps telling me three different kanji for ku, though I'm sure I'm using the right one. Damn it, 9, why are you such a hard number to use?
七十. I love non-pop vocals. I've grown a hatred for the generic vocals heard on the radio, though I still like some pop music.
七十一. This is why I'm listening to Plastic Tree, I think. His vocals are kinda soft, a little bit higher and immature than most and there's something... off about them. I love it.
七十二. Same thing with Thom Yorke, but not only with his (amazing) vocals. His dancing is so weird. It's not dancing. He's just spazzing out. I wish more people accepted this as dancing.
七十三. I was a kind of racist child when I was... I dunno, 6? Not intentionally. I was just... weirded out by those who look different to me. I'm glad this is no longer the case. I befriended quite a few darker-skinned kids, learned that they were the same as me and now days I don't really notice the difference.
七十四. I'm all for equality. I love other races and cultures (at least, have done for the last 10 years or so. Damn my 6 year-old-self). We can learn so much from other countries, and they can learn from us. The thing I love about Australia is that I can go to the city and choose between American, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Italian, Greek and Mexican cuisine for dinner. Actually, we probably have even more different types of food near my place.
七十五. At the same time, I don't want us to mix so much so that we end up losing cultures. I don't want us to have a shared language, even if that'd make things easier.
七十六. Music is our shared language. YAY. That sounds lame, but I think it's true.
七十七. I can be very childish. I still play with toys and stuffed animals, sometimes. I don't want to let go of my childhood, to be honest.
七十八。I'm one of those people who suffers a lot from nostalgia. I often get this longing for something I had as a child and I end up feeling really saddened when I remember that it won't be the same as I remember it, even if I could get my hands on it again.
七十九. I have a thing for guitar players.
八十. I cannot wait until I can read full novels in Japanese. I can't wait until I can truly immerse myself in Japanese culture, full stop. And once I have started reading and playing games in Japanese, I'll probably feel the same way towards Italian.
八十一. I've only kept one friend from primary school. I miss my other friends quite a lot but, despite us all expressing interest in meeting up, we never have. I'm so worried the same thing will happen after high school.
八十二. My first country!love was England. I've lost interest though because there aren't enough differences between it and Australia for me to remain intrigued.
八十三. I'm still the kid who asks why every five seconds. I just do it in my head. I keep questioning things and I struggle to find answers. It's frustrating but... what can I do? I can also ask why in Japanese now. This is probably not a good thing. なんで?
八十四. I love the red string of fate story. You know, despite not wanting a 'real' relationship and also being kinda skeptical, I think I'm a bit of a romantic under all that. That said, I still don't want anyone serenading me.
八十五. I find sadness to be a really deep emotion, more so than happiness could ever be. I actually feel more content when I feel lost or somewhat depressed. It also helps creatively.
八十六. You know the cartoon band Gorillaz? I adore 2D. So much. He's adorable. He suffers a lot, but still manages to sing and write the most beautiful music. Yeah, he's a cartoon. I still feel for him as if he were real :3
八十七. I love the cold. I want to live somewhere where I can wear a coat, scarf and gloves and settle in with a nice cup of tea. Sorry Australia, but your heat is suffocating me.
八十八. This will sound very bad, but Habbo Hotel kinda helped shape who I am. The most obvious way is via my music taste. The first non 'mainstream' band I listened to, Radiohead, was suggested to me by one of my closest friends on there. That band is still, to this day, my favourite.
八十九. I stopped playing Pokemon after Pokemon Gold. I did get Pokemon HeartGold and it's just as good. I have Pokemon Black but I haven't really gotten into it. Nothing will ever beat generation two. I have too many memories linked to it and I really do think Johto had the greatest Pokemon, best gym leaders and coolest map of all the regions.
九十. I couldn't get the kanji for this number (90) to work without typing 9 and 10 separately. I think this one might be wrong, then?
九十一. I do kinda worry about my weight. I want to be thinner. I'd hate to be anorexic, but still. I walk every night, I've cut down what I eat dramatically, and yet I'm not that much skinnier. Sigh.
九十二. "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all". What a lie. I wish I'd never loved. Once you've been in a relationship, you can't help but want to be in another. I guess this is an expansion on point 10/十.
九十三. I talk to my Dad about a lot of stuff. He's the closest thing I have to a role model, I guess.
九十四. I think I have this fear of becoming co-dependent, actually. I mean, more than I already am.
九十五. Depending on the day, I can be claustrophobic. Also depending on the day I can have a fear of the dark.
九十六. I don't like overly bright colours.
九十七. I don't like overly bright people. At least, not all of the time.
九十八. I'm not mathematically minded. Maths doesn't come easily to me at all.
九十九. I could've been so much more with English, I think. I don't know why I stopped trying.
百. I don't try hard enough when it comes to friendships.

This turned out much more depressing than it was supposed to. Must be because of this assignment :3

May 21, 2011

The Weirdest Thing I Have Ever Seen

I decided to watch this anime movie tonight. It is called 'Perfect Blue' and is apparently quite similar to Black Swan. Not that I'd know, seeing as I haven't watched Black Swan, but anyway.

I'll attempt to give a synopsis. But man, it's not going to make much sense.

Mima is a pop artist. She ends up being encouraged to become an actress as there's little money in her band. This causes some controversy amongst her fans, especially with one particular stalker. You can tell by the way the camera kept zooming in on him, which was totally not foreshadowing. Nope. Definitely not. Mima's manager, Rumi, is also pretty upset by this, especially when it's revealed that Mima is going to be in this sexually-fueled murder mystery show where she gets to act out a rape scene. Mima goes ahead with it, Rumi and crazed-stalker guy (whose name is actually Me-Mania, but we'll stick with 'crazed-stalker') are annoyed and the world goes on.
Even before she acts out the rape, she ends up with angry 'traitor' faxes and finds out someone has been documenting her life online. Rumi helps her set up a computer and Mima reads the blog entries by whoever her stalker is. These entries end up being so similar to Mima's life that she becomes paranoid. Understandably.

She ends up pretty traumatised after the faux rape-scene and, I think she starts to struggle with distinguishing between imagination and reality. I'm not really sure. This is where the story line gets confusing. There are a series of murders within the industry that Mima is a part of. She starts hallucinating about herself. No, really. She talks to herself and starts to believe that this imaginary Mima is the true one. She also starts to doubt her own innocence with the murders. She seems to remember killing them... but then it appears that she dreamt that... and other times she'll get confused between the on-set murders she 'commits' as an actress and the real murders that she may or may not be a part of. At one point, a doctor explains that she is suffering from multiple personality disorder and that she has taken on the persona of her dead sister, Mima, to help deal with the trauma of her death and her own rape. (At this I was like what, that happened for real?)
Of course, it then tricks things up and makes it look like that could have been filmed for her TV show.... or was it?
No, no, I think it was. Anyway.

Her crazed-stalker attempts to rape her. For real this time. She fights him off and knocks him unconscious but, when she tries to show Rumi his body, it's gone. Later it's shown that he was killed through some other incident. Later, while in her room, she stares out the window and thinks "this isn't my room". Hallucinated Mima comes in and says "no. This is Mima's room"
But wait, in the reflection of the mirror, Mima looks strangely like Rumi wearing a Mima costume...

Later, after an epic fight and some more weirdness (including falling off a balcony, getting stabbed, fighting Rumi off, having her fall onto some glass and start bleeding massively before walking onto the road and almost getting hit by a truck) the scene cuts out and leads to a hospital. Rumi is given some flowers. Mima talks to a doctor, Rumi looks in the mirror and see's Mima. Mima heads to the car, looks in the rear-vision mirror and says 'No, I'm real' and the credits role.

I cut a lot out of that, but I think I shared enough of the confusion there.

What I've gathered is that Mima had doubts and the line between reality and her acting became blurred, but I don't think she was insane. The hallucinations were Rumi the entire time. Rumi is the one with a disorder.
Mima definitely had doubts though. There was a good half hour of epic scenes, only for her to wake up and have another epic scene, only for her to wake up again and then go through her day with more epicness, and then wake up again...
It felt like watching Inception all over again.
I think Rumi was the chessmaster behind all this. OK, I don't think it. I know it. Moving on.

This film is very confusing. Also, there is chest nudity. YAY BOOBS. (Does this make Rumi the chestmaster? *rimshot*)

Really though, I had to read wikipedia to get that much of the story line. I was very lost at the end. I needed to blog about this to get my thoughts straight. I think I get the plot now.

May 20, 2011

100 Things I Can't Do

1. Crack my knuckles. At least, not very well.
2. Drink milk
3. Eat too much sugar
4. Eat too much of anything. My stomach can be rather irritable
5. Smell flowers
6. Spray too much aerosol. Deodorants suck
7. Actually, I fail with my sense of smell in general. Yay hayfever
8. Stay on topic
9. Admit I'm completely wrong
10. Dance
11. Drink alcohol
12. Sing in tune
13. Sing an entire octave
14. Play guitar chords
15. Play any multiplayer game. I tend to kill my teammates. I am a solo gamer.
16. Continue a conversation without going off on a tangent
17. Continue an overly serious conversation for long
18. Continue an overly jovial conversation for too long.
19. Continue any conversation for too long. I like to mix things up quite often
20. Get organised
21. Be anything but spontaneous.
22. Figure out how to stop blogger from crashing my Firefox (I am using IE. Oh, woe is me...)
23. Get over the number '4'. Blame my Japanese studies for that.
24. Get over the number '23'. Blame my ex-boyfriend for that.
25. Get over the number '42'. Blame my father for that.
26. Get over the number '69'. Blame my friends for that.
27. Do the splits
28. Happily eat chocolate icecream.
29. Take corny, romantic situations seriously
30. Take any romance seriously. My love life is doomed~
31. Sit still. I must fidget.
32. Spell. I love my spellchecker
33. Paint
34. Draw
35. Do anything arty.
36. Remain focused when working on assignments
37. Remain focused when working on anything at all
38. Hell, I can't even remain focused when playing games O_O
39. Wake up on time
40. Go to bed on time
41. Sleep. Not easily, anyway.
42. Drink too much water. It's too sloshy and watery (duh) and ugh. It just makes me feel ill
43. Recite multiplication tables. I never actually learnt them...
44. Have cold showers
45. Wear makeup comfortably.
46. Wear makeup well.
47. Eat with chopsticks. Not yet, anyway.
48. Drive without having at least one panic attack per driving lesson
49. Facebook for hours. I used to be able to. Oh well.
50. Stand the smell of dogs. It's the only thing I hate about them.
51. Keep my own secrets (even though I am able to keep everyone elses...)
52. Fly an aeroplane :3
53. Or an airplane. Yeah they are totally different (not)
54. Roll my r's
55. Pronounce my r's properly
56. Pronounce my l's properly.
57. Actually, my tongue is pretty useless.
58. Watch normal television without feeling kinda bored.
59. Keep up my obsessions. I move from obsession-to-obsession very quickly.
60. Stop shipping everyone and everything.
61. Grow plants of any kind
62. Save cash
63. Figure out whether I'm ending these fact things with fullstops or not.
64. Remain interested in one thing for an extended period, whether that be work or free time.
65. Wear dresses comfortably
66. Wear heels comfortably
67. Speak in front of an audience
68. Run for an extended period of time
69. Eh, I can't really run at all, to be honest.
70. Write neatly. I physically can't. I have a stack of handwriting guides in my room and they never helped.
71. Stop overthinking. I overthink everything
72. Stop feeling guilty over irrelevant things. This tends to link back to the last point.
73. Remember when to use apostrophe s.
74. I can't really open up too much. I like to downplay everything that happens instead.
75. Finish the difficult ending of Cave Story
76. Afford a 3DS. That's not really a big deal, I guess...
77. Sleep on my back.
78. Sleep while listening to music
79. Play board games (I must have the most awful luck)
80. Memorise a list. At least, I can't do this very well.
81. Remember anything from Maths after each term. I need to relearn everything for each test.
82. Make these lists. I have to stop and think for ages before making a new point.
83. Stay in one tense. I'll go from present to past and back again in the one paragraph.
84. Be very imaginative. I like to repeat myself instead.
85. I can remember quotes, but I can never remember who said them
86. Maintain friendships on Animal Crossing =(
87. Continue a story. The amount of fanfics I have started and never finished is astonishing.
88. Stay in canon. I have my own headcanon when it comes to fandoms and I much prefer it.
89. See in the rain. I just end up blinking too much.
90. Rap. Lol.
91. Anything on my own. I don't have the confidence. I need my posse around me when in public.
92. Whistle
93. Defend myself. I think I have some strength behind my muscles, but when I panic I just kinda flail my arms a lot.
94. Read slowly. Don't ask me to read in class. You'll regret it.
95. Get my thoughts straight before speaking. I stutter and screw up very often.
96. Debate. I just end up yelling.
97. Dive.
98. Ignore anyone. I fail at it.
99. Eat spicy foods. Even mildly spicy
100. Stop chewing everything :3

May 19, 2011

100 Things I Can Do

(Naturally, this will be followed up with 100 things I can't do)

1. Bend my back past 90 degrees and hold it there ^^
2. Watch nothing but anime all day and still feel accomplished
3. Eat an icecream cone without the use of my teeth (it's too cold. I break the cone with my tongue)
4. Digest supposedly non-edible substances (ie: plastic, paper, fabric, wood etc)
5. Yes, I mean digest. I have not ever found plastic or paper in my waste. Not that I've checked very thoroughly
6. Eat salt straight from the bottle. Lots of it.
7. Eat vegemite with a spoon
8. Relate any and all world news to Hetalia characters.
9. Build a split-level home on the Sims.
10. Build a (damn good) island home on the Sims.
11. Almost drive a car. Yeah.
12. Type the alphabet in under 3 seconds, according to Facebook.
13. Recite random quotes from T.S.Elliot, Winston Churchill and Douglas Adams.
14. Drink 12 cups of tea before midday and not need the bathroom until 4pm.
15. Sleep for 15 hours straight regardless of the sleep I've had before
16. Be awake for around 45 hours without falling asleep (I haven't tried to beat that yet...)
17. Drink an energy drink and not act any more energised
18. Start a 1000 word English assignment at 5am the day it's due and still get an A-
19. Start a Biology assignment 3 days before it's due and only get an A-
20. Start a Maths assignment a week before it's due and only get a B. =(
21. Recite Japanese Hiragana perfectly (not that that'll get me anywhere in Japan)
22. Get permission from teachers to hit other students (I still have permission to hit two students at this point in time)
23. Flirt with girls and not feel awkward
24. Flirt with a few guys and not feel awkward
25. There's one guy I can outright feel-up and not feel awkward
26. Feeling-up... amongst other things. Best guy-friend ever right thur
27. Wear jumpers in summer. I mean, real summer. Australian summer.
28. Memorise lyrics after hearing a song 5 times or so (depending on the song of course)
29. Take over a week to memorise the same length of school work.
30. Wear my sunglasses at night and kind-of sorta see
31. Eat nothing one day and three full meals the next, and not feel any better or worse off because of it.
32. If I try hard enough, I can bend over backwards and reach the floor.
33. If I don't try hard enough, I'll overbalance.
34. Still recall the names and episode numbers of my favourite Code Lyoko episodes.
35. Still recall the first fanfic I read and exact plot details
36. Give you a bunch of random Simpsons facts, despite not watching the show in years.
37. Tell you every song on every Radiohead album in order of tracklisting and when each album was released.
38. I could probably tell you the b-sides as well, actually.
39. Add Thom Yorke's solo album to that.
40. Play through Zelda: OoT from memory
41. Tell you every song from said game from memory.
42. Tell you about how tough I am and then lose a fight spectacularly.
43. Have the water in the shower so hot that I end up with light burns.
44. This happens almost every night in winter, actually.
45. Legit burns. Like, my skin ends up raw, red and overheated for the next couple of hours
46. Crack eight of my toes.
47. Crack what sounds like every bone in my left wrist.
48. Repeatedly.
49. Crack the bones between my hip and my thigh just by shifting my weight.
50. Continue defending myself long after realising how wrong I am.
51. Hit a guy and not worry too much about their physical health due to my actions
52. Chew around my nails until they bleed and not actually notice until I taste blood.
53. Tell people the above fact is an accomplishment to be proud of.
54. Wake up at 6am and not drink any fluids until 5pm
55. Suffer from massive headaches due to the above.
56. Walk for a few hours at a pace and not feel tired (on a flat surface)
57. Walk for 20 minutes at a pace if it's hilly.
58. Trick myself into believing that blogging is productive.
59. Bluff my way through tests if I 'forgot' to study
60. Lie, if it's something small.
61. Lie, if it's something really, really important.
62. Giggle uncontrollably if I try to lie about something in the middle of facts 60 & 61.
63. Like multiple guys at once.
64. Move on from one guy to the next over the course of a few days.
65. Or, if I'm really unlucky, end up liking the same guy for years.
66. Cross my eyes
67. Burp the alphabet. I think. I haven't tried for awhile because I always feel sick afterward.
68. Fake being sick
69. Find something sexual about everything, regardless of context. Hehe, 69.
70. Relate every statement back to 'ya mum' or 'your face'
71. Contradict both myself and the other person in an argument
72. Confuse the hell out of someone in an argument
73. Convince someone that the weather is a relevant factor in an argument.
74. I don't know if that last one is true, but I reckon I could do it.
75. Convince people I'm lesbian accidentally. I'm not, by the way.
76. Laugh in serious situations, especially if laughing would be considered offensive.
77. Not open something with my hands, but manage to pry it open with my teeth/jaw
78. Have total disregard for being on time
79. Have no concept of time in general
80. Brave any and every rollercoaster
81. Brave any and every rollercoaster just after eating (and not throw up)
82. Discuss bugs/sex/violence/gore at the dinner table and continue eating.
83. Sit in rather awkward ways for no apparent reason (it's comfortable for me, at least)
84. Curl up in similar awkward positions if it helps me retain body heat in winter
85. Sometimes I'll try to get into awkward positions for fun.
86. Sometimes I'll try to get into small spaces for fun.
87. Sometimes I'll try to climb into hard-to-reach places for fun.
88. Speak to my own limbs and not feel crazy.
89. Convince myself that the above point is okay because I do not imagine my limbs speaking back to me
90. Fall asleep without a teddy bear (though it's very lonely)
91. Watch sad movies and just feel bored
92. Watch happy movies and end up really saddened by the ending.
93. Invent stories for random members of the public.
94. Pretend each member of the public is a part of an organisation out to get me.
95. Interview myself for no apparent reason
96. Walk around the house speaking to someone despite no one actually being there.
97. Do this without needing to imagine an imaginary friend
98. Have total apathy for school and not end up failing ^^
99. Sleep on a broken bed, but struggle to sleep on a comfortable one
100. Write a list of 100 things I can do instead of sleeping like a normal person.

May 16, 2011

"But worry not, I emerged triumphant in the end. If by triumphant you mean shirtless"

The title is an awesome quote from an epic Hetalia fanfic. No, it's not as dirty as the quote makes it seem.

K, I've decided what course I'm doing for uni. I'm definite on it, now. Naturally, it involves Japanese. I'm also wanting to learn Italian. 'Cuz Italian is cool.
I wasn't into learning languages until last year. Oh, how things change. Don't get me wrong, I've loved Japanese culture for a few years now. I love their games. I love their television. I love their music. I just never felt the need to learn the language. Then, after watching Death Note, I discovered the band ナイトメア。Or Naitomea. Which is really just the Japanese approximation of the word nightmare. Gotta love all the ways of reading Japanese katakana.
Anyway, I was listening to them and absolutely adoring Yomi's vocals. He is very emotional with his singing. So I looked up a translation of the lyrics. But... it wasn't the same. I mean, the translations made sense and all, but it's not quite like hearing it for yourself. I realised then that I wanted to hear the song in its mothertongue. I didn't want a translation. I wanted to hear how it was written, the way it was supposed to be heard. I wanted to understand the vocalists intent rather than just read a translation that lacked the kind of emotion you could hear in the song itself.

That, my friends, is why I decided to learn Japanese. To listen to one band. Is this sad? Possibly. But it's kinda maybe changed my life (insert more corny phrases here). I mean, I ended up really loving the language. I soon came to appreciate the differences between English and Japanese; how rounded the language sounds in comparison, how simple it is grammatically, how complex the formalities are and just how different it is. And once you start really researching it, you can see how the culture is reflected in the language as well. It's interesting. It's fun. I've developed a love for the language, the history behind it, the country itself, the people, everything. Really, the language barrier is pretty bad. You miss out on so, so much by speaking only one language.

So I decided, hey, I may as well use this to my advantage. What can I do with Japanese? Well, I love video games and anime. Could I... I don't know... translate them?

Yes. Yes, I most certainly could.

It was only recently I decided I should do Italian. I watched the film The Bicycle Thief earlier this year and decided that this language sounded really, really cool. I ended up looking up plenty of languages, just to see how they all sound. I came back to Italian in the end though. Screw what everyone else says, French isn't the language of love. Italian is. It's beautiful, mmkay? I could talk for hours about what that language does to me. I adore it. Oh hay, you speak Italian? Excuse me while I take off my clothes.
I guess I'm also learning it so I can go to Italy and sample the pizza and pasta there. Viva Italia! :3

This has all lead to me looking up countries in general. I started watching Hetalia when I got an interest in countries, and that certainly jump-started things. I ended up learning some (slightly modified. Yeah, slightly...) world history through humour. Trust me, that's the best way to learn ^^. After watching each episode I'd look up the references. I started reading the webcomic as well. Eventually I started just outright looking up the countries online regardless of whether Hetalia had touched on said country and its history. I'm slowly but surely gaining knowledge on all sorts of world cultures, languages and history, for no reason other than my own interest.

Random fact: I've always hated flags, you know? They seem pointless and... I don't know why I dislike them. I just do. These days I do enjoy looking up the flags of each country and learning about what they represent, though.
And to think, all this random culture-immersion-stuff came from me listening to one band. xD

In conclusion, I am now going to study Japanese and Italian. And I have completely faith in myself with this. I'll get through, because I'm studying things that I enjoy. I will emerge triumphant in my language studies. Hopefully I will emerge with my shirt still firmly placed over my torso, though.

You know, watching Eurovision this year isn't really linked with all that. My good friend Tuo is very much in love with the show, and I am very glad I followed his lead. It also helps that the Hetalia fandom also appreciates this show. That said... I'm mostly watching now for the unintentional double entendre's that I kept hearing. Israel's entry for Eurovision this year was one of the more obvious ones. Honestly, the lyrics can be taken in a rather... awkward way.

♪Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers
And it's making me high and fly
I know where to go and I'm coming now

See what I mean? I don't know how to take that. That last line... good lord, woman, keep it in your pants please. ^^

May 15, 2011

Eurovision 2011

I was watching the 2nd semi-final with mah peeps yesterday. 'Twas much more hilarious watching with them :3 That said, I haven't seen the final yet (I wanted to wake up early but forgot to set my alarm. Whoops~) and it doesn't air in Aus until 7:30 tonight. So I suppose now is a good time to recap over my favourites from this year and my picks to win. And post a song lyric or two that I like ♪

Everyone keeps reporting on the winner so I already know about that, but I'm going to pretend I don't. Alright. ~REVIEW TIME~

First Semi-Finals

This year Anna Rossinelli represents Switzerland with the song In Love for Awhile.
It is the cutest song and it very catchy. I love Anna's voice, and she's very cute ^^ This song kinda maybe makes me want to stand in a field and start spinning in circles.
I love everything about you. Oh, I couldn't do without you. Whenever you're near me, all my days are on the bright side~
The instruments used are epic and fit the song well. I simply adore it. I love ukulele so it gets points for that, too ;)

Iceland is represented by Sjonni's Friends who sing Coming Home. I love the trumpets :3 The entire song is kinda Michael Buble-ish, actually. Not that that's a bad thing. I rather like it. The performers all wear vests as well which makes them infinitely more attractive =P
I can't wait for tomorrow, to say the things I want to say, your smile will always lead my way~

Paradise Oskar is absolutely adorable. His song Da Da Dum (inventive name, amirite?) is very nature-based. Paradise seems to be a bit of an environmentalist. It's nice to hear a song not based on love though. The song tells the story of a boy called Peter who goes out to save the planet alone because no one else will listen to him and help out. Poor Peter~
Peter is smart, he knows each European country by heart. He likes to sit under an apple tree on his yard, and wait for an apple to fall~

Heh, what's a favourites list without some corny love ballad? I remember when I first heard Running Scared, I thought "They're going to do well. I kinda hope they don't but, it's the type of song that's likely to win". I do like it though. The couple singing it are called Ell and Niki... I'm not sure which one is the guy, because I thought those were both girls names... Anyway, the guy's face weirds me out. I feel bad saying that.
Oh what I wouldn't give away, to be your shelter and keep you safe...

Um, yeah, it's Turkey. 'Nuff said. Turkey is always awesome. Y
üksek Sadakat sings Live it Up this year. His vocals are heaps cool. The guitar is epic. During the performance they had a contortionist in a cage (comments about the only woman on stage being caged up aside, it was quite cool). She grew wings at the end of it. The entirety of the song makes me want to headbang. It's epic. It's about life being beautiful and that you should relax. And it's set to totally epic rock 'n' roll. I shouldn't let a song affect me so much, but my opinion of this country just skyrocketed. Oh, you're from Turkey? Excuse my while I take my clothes off.
So let your colours shine right next to mine. Hey~ it's time to live it up. My friend, put the record on. Sing it loud and let it out, life is beautiful

Second Semi-Final
This one was surprisingly difficult to organise. I liked most of the songs in this section.

This is my favourite to win. I adore this song. The lead singer of A Friend in London has a really cool voice. His vocals are kinda maybe epic. And his hair is cool. Kinda similar to Jedward's except less gay-looking (I don't mean gay as in 'bad', I mean gay as in 'looks like they want to sleep with their own gender' btw). I'm kinda maybe in love with them. The song New Tomorrow is, as you can tell from the title, about change and how we aren't living to our full potential etc etc. It's actually quite complimentary as well, though. Thank you whoever-wrote-the-lyrics, I am a diamond and/or pearl, aren't I? This song makes me so happy :3 It's got everything you need for a catchy pop song. A cute intro, cool verses, an epic easy-to-sing chorus, a sing-along bridge, a bit of the lead-singer showing off, a fade-out outro and a dash of abso-freaking-lutely awesome. Yeah bitches.
I can't really pinpoint the exact reason as to why I love this song so much. I just do. I'm in love with the lead singer (
Tim Schou, if you wanted to know) and I'm in love with his voice. According to his Facebook page, he knows English, German and Danish. Gotta love being multi-lingual. :3
Here, have two excerpts from the song lyrics. Two excerpts of awesome~
Did we forget how to live, to dream, and what it all means? It's like we don't care.
Come on girls, come on boys. It's your future, it's your choice. And your weapon is your voice. Let's make a new tomorrow, today. ♥

I've had this song on repeat like all day. No instruments. All human voices. Witloof bay has three guys (one of which is a champion beatboxer) and two chicks, all of which have epic vocals. The song With Love is, believe it or not, about love. Actually, the main message I got out of it is that love is one of the most powerful driving forces we have, and if you're going to do something, you need to put your all into it. Especially all of your love. It's got jazz influences and it kinda makes you want to dance. Every single member sings with emotion and you can hear it so clearly. They all have some pretty epic vocal ranges as well. It's refreshing to hear such epic talent.
In my mind, in my body, in my soul, I'm doing everything and I'm doing it all with love~

I can't type in, uhm, Bulgarian (I assume it's Bulgarian?) as my keyboard doesn't really support those characters. So we'll just go with this. Poli Genova sings a song called Na Inat and I swear I've heard it somewhere before. Deja vu much. She's damn hot guys, btw, and if I wasn't totes straight I'd tap that. Just sayin'. I think the title means 'no matter what'. I'm reading a dodgy looking translation though so who knows. The song is very epic and powerful. Even without looking at a translation you can kinda tell she's singing about defiance and emotional strength.
I adore the song, really, but I have to admit that I keep giggling at the lyrics my brain tries to make up instead of taking the song seriously. I thought she was singing 'standing on a sea of men' for ages. Oh dear.
I'd post my favourite lyrics, but... yeah that could be difficult :3

F.Y.R. Macedonia
Vlatko Ilievski does this song, which is either called Русинка or Rusinka depending on how good you are at reading... wait, what language do they speak in Macedonia?
Er, anyway. There's a bit of English at the beginning. Something about inviting skin and snow. Sounds kinda sensual. The rest of the song is... er, I don't know :3 The best part is just under 2 minutes into the song, when a piano accordion (?) comes in. It's weird how much I adore that instrument. I really want to sing along with this, but I can't. I should learn how to. <3 I love this guys voice. I love this song. A lot.

I enjoy playing this as a response to Denmark's song. You know, 'change the world' vs 'I can't change the world alone'. It sounds like an argument. A happy sounding argument. ^^
Hotel FM sing Change. It's kinda like a 'We can change the world but you guys have gotta group together with me to do it' and I kinda like the lyrics better than any of the other entries this year.
I haven't much to say. I just like this one. Moving on.
I need you all everybody, start dreaming of it, take a step that's gonna make a difference and change the world~

Mika Newton sounds a lot like Deltra Goodrem. Her song Angel has quite a bit of failed English, but that's more endearing than anything. Also, she is so, so cute. Like, adorable. It should be a crime to look as good as her.
There was a sand artist on stage with her, so you know it's cool.
Baby I love you, and you..?

This song is kinda maybe epic. Getter Jaani is epic on stage and her dress was adorable. her song reminds me of Panic! and... oddly enough, the musical Chicago. I have no idea why. The lyrics of Rockefeller Street are kinda trippy and detail a really, really cool and Tim Burton-ish world, if you ask me. Tim Burton mixed with... burlesque and carnivalish stuff? Yeah. I don't know what I'm talking about. Is that obvious? I'm too lazy to keep writing so just go listen to the song. It's worth it :3
1273, down the Rockefeller Street. Life is marching on, do you feel that? 1273, down the Rockefeller Street, everything is more than surreal.

I can't really comment on the final yet, but I shall once I watch it. I'm looking forward to it. So far I really like Spain and Germany's songs, though France is doing pretty epicly too. ^^

May 14, 2011


I have no idea what I'm going to do once high school is over.

Well, that's not true. I want to do languages. I want to learn Japanese. I want to be able to speak it fluently one day, and I'd like to do Italian at an intermediate level by the time I'm out of uni. I want to do a course that will help me get a job in translating and interpreting from Japanese into English. One day, I'll possibly translate from Italian into English as well. Maybe more languages. I also wouldn't mind doing linguistics.

No, a better way of phrasing that would be this; I have no idea what specific course I'm going to do once I'm finished with high school.

As you can see, I've listed a lot of stuff that I want to do, and there isn't one course that will cater to all of it. Therein lies the problem (lays the problem? Word tells me that it should be lays but I've always said lies because, well, that looks correct to me. Hm). I'm tentatively looking at one course currently. I've always questioned the validity of a BA degree but it's the only thing that truly fits what I'm wanting to do. So I'm currently aiming for a Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Applied Linguistics. I'll be specialising in Japanese, of course. Thing is, this isn't offered at my university of choice. It's offered at another good uni, but... well, I want to go to the same place as my friends.

Even if we grow apart (I really, really hope we don't), I still want to at least start at the same place with them. We'll have different classes, but I'll feel a little more confident just knowing they're at the same place as me.
Honestly, it was hard enough starting at high school on my own. I don't want to do that again.

Course and friend-placement issues aside, I am really looking forward to uni. I love learning Japanese, so I have a good feeling about studying it in a class. Perhaps I won't feel so bored during lessons. I might actually try for a change. I also think linguistics will be good because, with Japanese at least, one of my favourite things to study has been the grammar and syntax of the language. It's completely backwards in comparison to English. It's interesting. I also find conversations in Japanese to be a lot more efficient at getting the point across than in English. Well, excluding the pleasantries that you just can't get enough of when it comes to Japan, but I digress.

There's little I can do with language study here in Australia, but I figure that, if I'm not doing something I find interesting and fun, then there's no point in doing it. I refuse to do something I hate just because there may be plenty of career opportunities. I need to do something I enjoy. That something comes in the form of languages, for me.

I've heard the stories of university life. I assume college isn't that different, so I can throw those stories in there as well. But I'm trying to not go in with too many preconceptions. I don't want to end up disappointed, right? Even so, I'm holding onto the hope that the student body will be a lot happier and easier to get along with than those I've dealt with in high school. I'm also hoping that I'll get to socialise more. I'm hardly a social butterfly. If there's an event, I'll want to be in the centre of it... but I do get sick of it after awhile. I find myself wanting to leave parties early because I also need my alone time. So I doubt I'll be involved in huge gatherings every weekend. But I still want to go to some things. I want to go out to music concerts and see different performances. I want to actually have fun.

Yeah, I think I am getting my hopes too high still. But I can't help it. I'm looking forward to this all a little too much, I think. But you know, I like having something to look forward to. Even if that something is as nerdy as furthering your education.