Aug 2, 2011

Brutal Honesty Hour

I stole this from Tumblr. So, you know, the questions aren't all supposed to be answered in a list like this, but whatever. I feel like answering random mundane questions about myself because I am very self-centred like that. WHOOO.

A - If I'm in love and a description who I love
No, actually. I don't think I like anyone right now. At least, no one that isn't a fictional character.
B - Who was the last person who I talked with on the phone.
My Mum. I am awesome and social like that.
C - What, if anything, am I afraid of
Ohh, okay, fears. Mirrors, especially at night. Windows at night as well. I'm okay in the dark otherwise, so long as I can't see any windows or mirrors. Oh God, I hate mirrors.
I also hate spiders. But I think everyone does.
D - If I have prefer boys or girls and what do I find attractive
I prefer boys, but I certainly don't rule girls out. Uh, physically... I don't care all that much, so long as the person isn't obese. Mentally... I like a good sense of humour and the ability to type in punctuated English. Having an interest in fandom is also a plus.
E - How many piercings do I have
I have 2. I plan to have a third by the end of the year, as long as I don't chicken out.
F - Give me options, like 'Do you prefer it hot or cold?'
Right, well, this isn't Tumblr, so I guess I'll give myself options
Hot or Cold: Cold, as a general rule.
Nintendo or Sony: Pfft, I kinda asked myself this just to be all NINTENDO FTW. Moving on.
Salt or Sugar: Salt.
Day or Night: Night.
Tumblr or Facebook or Twitter or LJ: Too many ors, not enough commas. Anyway, uh, Tumblr.
G - The last person I said 'I love you' to.
Probably one of my friends.
H - The last person I hugged.
Um... Tenuto Tuo, I think ^_^
I - The last time I felt jealous, and why.
Pfft, today. Why? Just a... discussion some friends were having about someone I used to like. Awkwardsauce. Not that I like him anymore, just... yeah...
J - How old I am.
K - What is my full name.
L - If I have siblings.
Yes, a sister. I technically have two brothers but neither survived very long after birth...
M - If I forgive people
Yes. And no. Depends on the person, what they did wrong and how sorry they are about it.
N - How do I treat my friends.
I think I treat them pretty badly, but most people tell me I treat my friends alright, so...
O - If I like my school.
Yes. Well, no, I don't, but I think I hate it less than the other schools in the area, so...
P - What kind of music I like.
Indie, rock, prog. rock, grunge, punk, experimental... I guess pop as well. I like a lot of styles...
Q - What was the last party I went to, and when will the next one be.
I don't know... Probably a family one... Next one... uh... there's one this Saturday...
R - 10 Things I'm curious about
Uh, um, damn, okay. Let me think.
1. A lot of world history. Too much to learn, too little time.
2. How we first started to develop languages (and why most other animals have not done the same).
3. How the human mind truly works.
4. How the rest of the world views my country and language.
5. What the colours we can't see look like.
6. What could be terrible enough to cause me to snap completely.
7. What causes people to procrastinate.
8. Why some things are considered boring and others are not (what makes them boring?)
9. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?
10. What all my possible futures could be if I make different decisions from this point onwards.
S - Favorite band/movie/TV show.
Band: Radiohead
Movie: Uh... The Lion King lol
TV Show: ...none?
T - 5 things I love unconditionally.
Things? Not people? How can you love a thing conditionally? It's a thing.
Whatever. Here are 5 things/people I love a lot.
1. Many of my relatives (not all, awkwardly enough)
2. Music. I will always adore music.
3. Internet communities. I don't even need to be an active member. It's awesome enough to browse them.
4. A few of my friends.
5. The Nintendo 64.
U - Favorite actor/actress.
Er... My favourite VA in Japanese is Noriaki Sugiyama and my (current) favourite English VA is Todd Haberkorn... I don't really have a favourite proper actor/actress...
V - 3 big dreams
To work for Nintendo ♥♥♥
Live in Venice for a number of years and not feel the desperate need to use a car
Be a VA for something. Anything.
X - If I've done something I regretted a lot.
Yes. And no. There are things I wish went differently, but I wouldn't change most of them. I am who I am because of what's happened, right?
W - An idol.
Koji Kondo♥
Y - If I like my town and why.
I suppose. It's not exactly high end (lol who am I kidding, I don't live in a good area) but... well, I know it rather well, and I've always lived here, so... I do like this place, yeah.
Z - Ask any questions you want.
Lol wut this isn't Tumblr.

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