Jul 17, 2011

Music Quiz Thing

1- First 10 songs on shuffle, write a little about each one.

I can't be bothered doing that. I'll write a sentence or something. YEAH.

1. Again Again - Lady GaGa

I didn't even know I had this. I've never actually heard it. Can't be bothered listening right now.

2. Common People - Pulp

I adore this~ BEST. ACCENT. EVER. <--- Sparta voice

3. In the Darkness - Naoko Mitome, Chika Sekigawa

This is from Super Paper Mario. Eh. It's not bad. Not the best track from the game.

4. 5,500 Miles - Presidents of the United States of America

Oh hey another one I haven't actually listened to. I think I downloaded them for the peaches song and never listened to anything else.
I'm listening now. First impressions? It's okay.

5. If Things Were Perfect - Moby

Not the best Moby song. Definitely not.

6. Shoujo - Kawai Kenji

From the Higurashi OST. I like this one. Very cute~

7. Like a Radio - Taku Iwasaki

This one's from Soul Eater. I have too many soundtracks. I'm really not that interested in this song.

8. About a Girl - The Academy Is...

Heh. Pop music, gtfo. I'm too hipster for you. I kinda like this song. Like, a lot♥.

9. Prelude - The Decemberists

As with any prelude to an album (excluding AFI's Prelude 12/21 of course) it's pretty non-memorable. This is a good album, though.

10. Buena's Password - Nintendo Orchestra (?)

Pretty sure this isn't an played by an orchestra, nor should the song be credited as such. Whatever. This song kinda annoys me.

...well, that was a mostly disappointing list.

2- How many bands have you seen live?

Uhh I've only seen two festivals, so no proper concerts. At said festivals I saw Cassette Kids, Yves Klein Blue, Bluejuice, Ben Lee, The Music, The Cairos, The Middle East, Yves Klein Blue (again), Custard and Powderfinger.

3- Which was the best band you’ve seen live?

Yves Klein Blue, definitely. Hence why I saw them twice. Powderfinger had the best stage/set, but Yves Klein Blue was just amazing.

4- Which was the worst band you’ve seen live?

Hm. Bluejuice, I guess... We actually walked away from the stage for lunch when they performed x3

5- Have you ever met someone in a band?

Yes, my guitar teacher. He's hardly famous though.

6- Have you ever been in a band?

Do school bands count?

7- Can you play any instruments?

Alto and baritone saxophone, clarinet, guitar and recorder. I have a keyboard that I sometimes mess around with, but I don't think that counts. I also have a flute that I can play a scale on ^_^

8- Which band would you give anything to see?

Radiohead. Oh my God, Radiohead.

9- Have you got any music hoodies, T-shirts, wristbands etc…?

Yes, plenty of T-shirts.

10- 5 photos of your favourite gig.

That I've seen? But I've only seen two. K uh, Q150, I guess. Have some pictures of Powderfinger and Yves Klein Blue x3

11- Favourite song at this minute?

Hm. According to last.fm, it's the acoustic version of 405 by Deathcab for Cutie. I agree with this.

12- Whats you’re favourite genre of music?

Alternative rock and indie. Whatever the hell indie is.

13- What song has the highest play count on your itunes?

I don't have itunes. The track with the highest play count on my last.fm account is Paranoid Android by Radiohead.

14- What song would you sing on karaoke?

None! If I had to choose though... hm... I can kinda imitate the non-screaming vocals of AFI, sometimes, and I often karaoke to their songs in my bedroom... Can't pick a specific song though. I'd also sing Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic! At The Disco because it's damn fun to sing along to.

15- What song should never be sung on

Er, Canon in D. Seriously, why the hell would you sing over it? It's perfect without vocals.
...Oh! And everything from Zelda. That series is full of amazing soundtracks that would be totally ruined with vocals.

16- Whats your favourite album?

Dunno. I'll narrow it down to my favourite band (ie: Radiohead)... in which case, Hail to the Thief.

17- What would be the best line up for a festival?

Lol, I don't think anyone else would see a festival I'd plan... but anyway. I'd pick.... hm, Radiohead would be the headliners, followed by Placebo, Modest Mouse and Deathcab. I guess I'll throw Muse in there as well because they do really good live shows.

18- Do you get any music magazines?

Very rarely. When I do, they're all JPop ones because I need them to find new music x3

19- Snog, marry, avoid the first 3 artists on shuffle.

Kings of Leon, Daft Punk, Studio Pixel

Ah... well, I'd marry Studio Pixel because, let's face it, the guy that did this soundtrack created the entirety of Cave Story on his own. So he must be amazing. Why wouldn't I marry him? I guess I'll snog Daft Punk. Must be a threesome snog, since they're a duo. I'm okay with that.

Poor Kings of Leon. I'll have to avoid them. Oh well... I'm not that keen on them anyway.

20- 5 photos of your favourite band/artist

RADIOHEAD TIME. I can't pick 5 photos what is this can't I upload them all then again I have like 300 pics of Thom Yorke alone (and quite a few of Jonny Greenwood) and I'm sure you guys don't want to see them all dammit

Who do you think you are, Jesus? Lol jks I'd pray to you Thom~
Lolol I am the worst Christian ever

21- Do you have music posters up in your room?

I have a Muse poster. I don't really have the cash to buy others.

22- Do you have the same musical taste as your friends?

Yes and no. Yes, in that Lainey seems to have a similar taste in music to me, and quite a number of my friends like the music I pick out and show them. That said, if you compared our favourite bands? Heh, no, not at all. My taste is quite different.

23- Have you seen any musicals?

Yes yes yes yes yes. I have seen Cats, Les Mis, Avenue Q, Wicked, Chicago and... um... I think that's it...

24- If you could see any musical what would you see?

Um... Phantom of the Opera.

25- Do you listen to the radio?


26- Whats the worst song ever released?

There are too many to list.

27- Are you listening to any music now?

Yep. 30 Seconds to Mars. I'm about to put Pixies on, though.

Lol scratch that. Now I'm listening to Radiohead. Fangirl mode activated.

28- What was the last song you heard?

Down is the New Up - Radiohead

29- Whats the next gig you’re going to?

No idea. =(

30- Spam tumblr with photos/gifs of all your favourite bands + artists.

Lolol this isn't tumblr. I'll go find some anyway (and probably hotlink them because I am a horrible person. To last.fm!)

...I guess this'll be my top five. I have too many favourites to post them all.


Lol Thom, best dance ever.

The White Stripes




You can't have too many images of a cartoon band guys.

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